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Thumb Wars, 8A
Added by James Squire
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Video beta
Barnaby crushing it
Peter Sharpe almost 4 years ago.

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Peter Sharpe
Peter Sharpe
Red point
James Squire
Red point
Finally!! After so long of trying, it went after 30mins in todays session :-) Was getting really close but then cut my finger on the righthand thumb catch so didnt have many goes left - but pulled it out the bag just 2 goes after that! So pysched, techniqally my 2nd 8a but this felt much harder than 'Boy Racer'. This is by far one of the hardest thing ive ever climbed! Cheers Pete for telling my about this line and for the beta :-) Update: used a heel which makes it abit easier - probably more like 7c+/8a.