Patakha, 5
A 5 pitch Multi-pitch route. Pitch 1 - 5.8 4 Quick draws required. Initally we tried to save bolts by having a Tree anchor, later on for convenience Kamal added a bolted anchor. Pitch 2 - 5.7 3 Quick draws required. Relatively easy climbing. Pitch 3 - 5.9 2 Quick draws required. The Patakha pitch of the route, tiny holds you need to lookout for. Pitch 4 - 5.5 2 Quick draws required. Easy juggy climb up throug a water line. The anchor station is on a wide enough ledge to sit and enjoy the sunset over the lake. Pitch 5 - 5.5 1 Quick draw required. Scramble up to a Tree anchor. Top out has a bouldery scramble to which 2 bolts have been added for safety. Climber can climb it on lead and body belay his partner once he climbs up. Only recommend it if you climb atleast 6A boulders.
Added by Yash Parikh
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