Pullonkaulailmiö, 6C
Added by
Otto Saikkonen
Grade opinions
Start R. small crimp L. big slouper
Ascents from public tick lists

Jussi Kettunen
Red point
Highly recomended. Nice moves and little dyno to the top. Good top out, a bit high though.

Jouni Rantanen
Red point
nice season ending route. sit start possible also . darkness comes so early, prevented sitstart to this. The project to left is really cool and tricky, and so close... (far?) . btw lads, no need to marks projects... in the topo IMO.

Niko Kaukojärvi
Red point

Public to-do list entries

Keväästä koittaan :)

Eka muuvi tehty 03.2015.

Looks awesome! Didn't dare try it as it was getting dark when I got there and I didn't want to risk making it to the sketchy looking topout without beeing able to see any holds and without a spotter