
2 sport 41 trad 2 boulder

Access info missing

Crag is missing access information, so remember that climbing is not always permitted. When parking, remember to leave unobstructed way for local habitants and agricultural machinery. Do not litter or make unnecessarily loud noises when at the cliff. Making fire is allowed only with a permit! Read more

We like Lover's Leap

bouldered here before... some really fun stuff!
Lover's Leap lives to its reputation as one of the most historical and incredible climbing sites! Royal Robbins has numerous comments on the routes of Lover's Leap,as some of the best routes in the world. The wall ranges from a height of 300ft walls to over 800ft sections. The wall is located directly off of the Hwy, which allows for convenience an ease of access. The routes range from difficulty of 5.6 to 5.12, but most of the routes are in the 5.7 to 5.9 range. World class climbers have pulled down at Lover's Leap, and understandably so! Once you reach the top of this magnificent wall, the descent to the bottom of the wall takes a maximum of ten minutes, following a nice switch-backing trail. You can do a mulitpitch route, and be set up to do another one in literally ten minutes, unique to many big walls in the world! Do to its popularity however, the wall is continuously covered with climbers, some of which who take a long time on routes, which leads to lines like an amusement park near some of the classic routes. Trad gear is a main necessity to climb Lover's Leap, but there are some single pitch bolted routes which are amazing! Lover's is also frequented by soloers who love the simplicity and security of the high, easy routes. Lover's Leap is a great way to spend an entire day climbing on beautiful surroundings and amazing and unique rock. Park at a nearby campground and follow an obvious trail to the wall. Parking cost $5 a day, a small price for a phenomenal climbing wall!
Some easy to moderate trad climbs. Good place to get a feel for trad climbing. Or maybe some soloing...

Activities on this crag