No special access issues

There are three ways to access San Michel crags. Please view the maps in the photo section of this topo and a registered map.

1.) Park on Topaz Way near 17 Topaz Way in San Michel and walk through the gate into the mountains (the gate might be closed) and following the well worn, but steep, trail to these coordinates: -34.097094, 18.397096. This option will take you 30 min.

2.) Park inside the main Silvermine gate near the Silvermine Dam or near the security gate and hike the trail to these coordinates: -34.097094, 18.397096. This option will take you 60 min and is generally flattish.

3.) Park at the bottom of Ou Kaapse Weg near Silvermine road and walk the Ou Wa Pad road passed the Ou Wa Pad boulders to take a left turn onto the trail that leads to Spitskop. This option will take you 45 min.

Please keep the area free from waste.

If you develop additional problems, please contact me at so that I can update the guide.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email