
Yearly top 10 averages
7C 0 0 0
7B+ 2 0 2
7B 2 0 2
7A+ 1 1 0
7A 0 0 0
6C+ 1 0 1
6C 0 0 0
6B+ 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
7B+ Boulder at Newlin Creek
4th go, I like this one the movement is straightforward. Top doesn't seem as hard if you're short, since you can scrunch and leap!
7b+ Newlin Creek Boulder 2023-10-18
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Heaven's Gate
Fun climb, all the hard moves are the first 6 and then it's v4 after that, just scary height...
7b+ Heaven's Gate Boulder 2023-10-08
Red point
Red point
Flo Storm 
7B Boulder at Heaven's Gate
Not a big fan of contrived boulders but the movement is very cool! Some beta for short people who can't do the span check to the left side:
7b Heaven's Gate Boulder 2023-10-06
Red point
Red point
Tojo Risen
7A+ Boulder at Newlin Creek
7a+ Newlin Creek Boulder 2022-11-06
Pineapple Express
6C+ Boulder at Newlin Creek
Was very happy to do this second try after getting confused on the top out - my first boulder I ever sent outside. Quality movement and good holds.
6c+ Newlin Creek Boulder 2022-10-09
Red point
Red point
Alarm Clock Awakening
7B Boulder at Newlin Creek
Contrived but I think it's a very pretty boulder. I think it is a little soft but overall a good climb.
7b Newlin Creek Boulder 2022-10-09
Red point
Red point