
Yearly top 10 averages
6C+ 0 0 0
6C 1 0 1
6B+ 0 0 0
6B 2 0 2
6A+ 10 1 9
6A 12 3 9
5+ 15 3 12
5 14 2 12
4+ 2 1 1
4 5 2 3
3+ 0 0 0
3 1 1 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
6A+ Boulder at Ostaš
Gym like holds.
6a+ Ostaš Boulder 2020-08-14
6A Boulder at Ostaš
One scary left hold grab if short but otherwise perfect holds and perfect feet.
6a Ostaš Boulder 2020-08-14
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Ostaš
Crimpy the way up. Maybe not so great for tapes fingers. 😌
6c Ostaš Boulder 2020-08-13
Red point
Red point
Test otcovstvi
6A+ Boulder at Ostaš
Second go using Lili’s beta.
6a+ Ostaš Boulder 2020-08-11
Red point
Red point
U stromu
6A+ Boulder at Ostaš
Morpho reverse. Unless as a tall person you have open hips. 🐸
6a+ Ostaš Boulder 2020-08-11
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Koivusaari
Little bit scary if you’re small. But it’s possible.
5+ Koivusaari Boulder 2019-10-13
Red point
Red point
Ihan Kiva
5+ Boulder at Fallbacka
The only nice thing at this sector to “warm up” on.
5+ Fallbacka Boulder 2019-09-22
Red point
Red point
Kiva helppo
4+ Boulder at Haukilahti
Extra moves to the good hold if you’re short.
4+ Haukilahti Boulder 2019-09-17
Red point
Red point
Luu ulkona
5 Boulder at Haukilahti
Non existent foot holds and terrible holds around. So otherwise really fun to do.
5 Haukilahti Boulder 2019-09-17
Red point
Red point
Virtual Insanity, ss
6B Boulder at Vuohimäki
🐳 kind of top out.
6b Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-09-14
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Vuohimäki
Slippery landing. Okay topout.
5 Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-09-14
Red point
Red point
Topon täytettä, ss
5 Boulder at Vuohimäki
Not the best for soft baby hands.
5 Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-09-14
Red point
Red point
Dynaaminen kampeaminen sloupperiin, sse
6A Boulder at Vuohimäki
Small little nipple foothold essential for short climbers.
6a Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-09-14
Pygmipoikkarin kasvukäyrä, cs
5 Boulder at Vuohimäki
Great sloper training.
5 Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-09-14
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Lintukallio
Great ride up. Beautiful holds galore.
5 Lintukallio Boulder 2019-09-10
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Lintukallio
Good foot placement is key for the top out.
5+ Lintukallio Boulder 2019-09-10
Red point
Red point
Kantti kiepsautus
6A+ Boulder at Svanstrominkuja
Really great jug hidden. When you find it, se on siinä.
6a+ Svanstrominkuja Boulder 2019-09-04
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Fallbacka
The mantle is harder than the top out.
5+ Fallbacka Boulder 2019-09-02
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Pihlajisto
Annoying pistol squat but the reward is wonderful holds.
5 (5+) Pihlajisto Boulder 2019-08-13
6A+ Boulder at Pihlajisto
Beautiful mantle, inescapable if you’re short.
6a+ Pihlajisto Boulder 2019-08-13
Red point
Red point
Kantti Katti
6A Boulder at Ankkalampi
Surprisingly nice to climb even though you have to smear.
6a Ankkalampi Boulder 2019-08-12
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Lappnor
Tiny bit tough left crimp but otherwise a lovely ride up.
6a Lappnor Boulder 2019-08-10
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Lappnor
Only hard part is the start. Don’t give up!
6a+ Lappnor Boulder 2019-08-10
Red point
Red point
Westbound travelling stone in pocket
6A Boulder at Fallbacka
More moves if you’re short. But not impossible.
5 (6a) Fallbacka Boulder 2019-07-31
Red point
Red point
Tontti Tutuksi
6A+ Boulder at Fallbacka
A bit sketchy flake I suggest to do it ASAP before hold breaks.
6a+ Fallbacka Boulder 2019-07-31
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Fallbacka
Perfect friction hold. Climbs easier than it looks.
6a+ Fallbacka Boulder 2019-07-24
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Fallbacka
A little flaky.
6a Fallbacka Boulder 2019-07-24
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Fallbacka
Wonderful top out. No feet though.
5+ Fallbacka Boulder 2019-07-21
Plot Twist
6A Boulder at Fallbacka
2nd hold uglier than it looks. The rest of the route is perfect.
6a Fallbacka Boulder 2019-07-21
Red point
Red point
3 Boulder at Kasavuori
Good warmup for disappointment on the rest of the routes.
3 Kasavuori Boulder 2019-07-18
Move your ass
5+ Boulder at Kasavuori
Little tough in hot weather, but all you need is one good right pull.
5+ Kasavuori Boulder 2019-07-18
Red point
Red point
Pikku pungerrus
5+ Boulder at Eestari
Great all around. Aim for the good left hand and you’ll send easily.
5+ Eestari Boulder 2019-07-18
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Mellunmäki boulders
Tiny bit sharp for the skin.
5+ Mellunmäki boulders Boulder 2019-07-04
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Mellunmäki boulders
Fun little ride. Great holds.
5+ Mellunmäki boulders Boulder 2019-07-04
6A+ Boulder at Mellunmäki boulders
Cutest little pinch ever.
6a+ Mellunmäki boulders Boulder 2019-07-04
Red point
Red point
Vincent Vega
6A Boulder at Mellunmäki boulders
Frog your way up.
6a Mellunmäki boulders Boulder 2019-07-04
4 Boulder at Myllypuro
4 Myllypuro Boulder 2019-06-29
5 Boulder at Myllypuro
Great high heel hook.
5 Myllypuro Boulder 2019-06-29
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Myllypuro
Only scary for top out.
6a Myllypuro Boulder 2019-06-29
Red point
Red point
Selvä Peli
5 Boulder at Ankkalampi
Indoor hold quality.
5 Ankkalampi Boulder 2019-06-24
Red point
Red point
Goblin´s furrow
6B Boulder at Ankkalampi
excellent for the short.
6b Ankkalampi Boulder 2019-06-24
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Taivaskallio
Mini dyno for short people.
6a Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-06-23
Red point
Red point
Karhea laatta
4 Boulder at Taivaskallio
4 Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-06-23
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Taivaskallio
5 Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-06-23
Pata Kattilaa Soimaa
5+ Boulder at Riistavuori
Criss cross but gym quality holds.
5+ Riistavuori Boulder 2019-06-18
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Riistavuori
Secret arêtes but still valid. Excellent feet.
5+ Riistavuori Boulder 2019-06-18
Red point
Red point
4 Boulder at Taivaskallio
4 Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-06-08
Stig Carpelan
5+ Boulder at Munkkiniemi
Feet are so good I almost thought it was indoors.
5+ Munkkiniemi Boulder 2019-06-05
Red point
Red point
Barnvagn mafia
5+ Boulder at Munkkiniemi
5+ Munkkiniemi Boulder 2019-06-05
Red point
Red point
L'U.S.I. droite
5 Boulder at Éléphant
5 Éléphant Boulder 2019-05-26
Red point
Red point
Helppo vasen
5 Boulder at Meilahti
5 Meilahti Boulder 2019-05-21
Red point
Red point
4 Boulder at Taivaskallio
4 Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-05-21
Red point
Red point
Työntökulma traverse
6A+ Boulder at Taivaskallio
5% easier if you are short since you can match on solid undercling near the end of the route.
6a+ Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-05-21
Red point
Red point
Tiskin alla
5 Boulder at Vuohimäki
5 Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-05-18
We're just here for the Craic, ss
5 Boulder at Vuohimäki
5 Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
Treenitoppaus tasaiselle, e
6A Boulder at Vuohimäki
Good for the ego.
6a Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-05-18
Antin kantti, ss
4+ Boulder at Vuohimäki
4+ Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-05-18
Lokinsiipi T.E.S.L.A.
5 Boulder at Vuohimäki
5 Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
Antin suora, ss
5+ Boulder at Vuohimäki
5+ Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
Antin vuoro, ss
6A Boulder at Vuohimäki
6a Vuohimäki Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Haukilahti
5 Haukilahti Boulder 2019-05-17
Red point
Red point
4 Boulder at Taivaskallio
Big relief on top with hold from dyno.
4 Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-05-13
Red point
Red point