
470 boulder

The area is access sensitive

The approach is between a couple of minutes (250 meters) and for the farthest problems (like Hibernatus) around 10-15 minutes (800 meters, but the rest is uphill). There are literally hundreds of boul... Read more

We like Dame Jouanne

Didin´t climb so much, but the routes I climbed was great!
The Mauve circuit looks like a proper adventure! Definately coming back to try!
Excellent crag, loads of rock but not too many lines. What there is is stunning.

Activities on this crag

Dame Jouanne

The area is access sensitive!

The approach is between a couple of minutes (250 meters) and for the farthest problems (like Hibernatus) around 10-15 minutes (800 meters, but the rest is uphill).

There are literally hundreds of boulders and it takes a little time getting orientated.

Please note that the areas which are FENCED are OUT OF BOUNDS. In other words, access is denied, it's forbidden to climb on the boulders.