UNLOCK Ekoberget Premium

UNLOCK Ekoberget Premium
With Ekoberget Premium you get:

- 65 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
- 13 high quality topo images
- 1 sectors with extra details
- Unlimited access to all the other 4134 Premium crags around the world
- Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
The area is access sensitive!
Going by car:
Take road 222 east from Stockholm, and turn off towards Skevik (signposted). Follow the road 950 meters and take the first left onto Värmdövägen. After 1.85 km turn left onto Graningevägen (directly after a Football field on the right). Follow the road approximately 300 meters and park on a small dirt road 70 meters before the bridge, on the left side. It is very important to park well aside so that any tractor can pass on that same dirt road. This is a private road, but the landowner has given us permission to park here.
Going with public transport:
Take bus to Kihls gård. From the bus stop there is a fifteen minute walk to the crag.
Plan your trip: https://sl.se/en/
The path to the cliff enters the forest 50 meters after the bridge at the nature reserve sign. Follow the path through the forest and follow the path to the right down around the cliff. Paths that divide to the left leads up to the top of the crag, quite high above the routes.