
Old-school paradise, home to over 600 routes of all grades (3 - 9a). Usually vertical, fingery climbing with overhanging sections, many challenging problems and also multipitch routes (0 - 120 meters). God knew such crazy climbing must be surrounded by a beautiful scenery and so he created a big river - the Meuse - and the Freyr Castle.

Freyr is alive and kicking thanks to the Club Alpin Belge (CAB). Please ensure to be member of a Belgian alpine club (CAB, KBF; or if you live outside Belgium, other UIAA member federations). For the NKBV (Netherlands), a special "klimjaarkaart" is required.

There is a bivac field (3€) and a hut (5€) with a heater, dry-toilet and water. For more information about the facilities or the climbing in Freyr, please contact the guardian.

☎️ +32499/90. 51. 87

📙Excellent paper guidebook (2014, Ruben Beckers & Marc Bott) can be bought online.


Freyr's fauna and flora had a significant role in the development of modern sport climbing.

4 fictive “periods” can be distinguished:

👑 The pioneers: Xavier de Grunne and the Belgian King (!) Albert I opened the first line in 1930, a 45 meter dihedral. After them, many others came to explore the high walls of Freyr, first as a training for climbing in the Dolomites and on expeditions, but soon it became a game by itself.

🌕 Claude Barbier and the “yellow pointing”. Barbier was among the first in Europe to focus on “free climbing”. He painted the pitons yellow to indicate the sections that could be climbed free. That way Freyr became an international destination among climbers who wanted to discover the (for that time) high level in free climbing - that was of course still with pitons, rope around the waist and mountain shoes.

🔩 In the 70’s and 80’s “sport climbing” replaced the traditional “free climbing” (the same, but with safe gear on solid equipment) and so the level exploded. Arnould ‘t Kint opened mythical routes that were among the hardest in the world at the time. For example: 13 Boulevard du vol in 1981 (world’s third 8a) and Shingen 8b+ in 1987. And everything with style: sexy pants and long hairs.

🧗‍♂️ In the early 2000’s the young Nico Favresse arrived at the Freyr University. He freed many unsolved projects and opened the last king lines of the spot. Also his timid friend Sean Villanueva graduated there with his first highlines and learned to play the flute very well.

Routes on Freyr
640 sport 7 trad 132 Likes
Premium topo by Thebestbelgianlimestone
Tim De Mazière
from Europe
David Leduc
from Namur

Climbing has been limited!

The crags of "Freyr" are located on private property. The Club Alpin Belge rents the property and is responsible for the crags, the access, and the forest. This is also a Natura 2000 protected environment, so respect the place and it's rules to avoid any issues.

🇧🇪Belgian climbers have to be member of the Club Alpin Belge (CAB) or Klim- en Bergsportfederatie (KBF) to climb on the Belgian rocks.
🇳🇱 Dutch (NKBV) climbers need to buy a special "klimjaarkaart".
🌍 International occasional climbers must be a member of an official climbing federation or alpine club. The access is controlled by the CAB.
☎️ For information about climbing or sleeping facilities in the Freyr area, contact 0499.90.51.87.

🚗 30min from Namur
Driving on the E411 highway (from Namur or Luxembourg) take the exit 20 (Dinant / Philipville). Follow the N97 direction SE. After 5.7 km, take the exit for "Beauraing/Anseremme/Dinant". The exit comes quite sudden and is not well indicated, so keep your eyes open.
At the exit, take a right turn (downhill) and follow the road until you reach the river Meuse.
Take a left turn and drive through the village of Anseremme (🛒 You pass a supermarket on the right, which is open on sunday mornings too).
Drive over a narrow bridge at the confluence of the Lesse and Meuse and follow the road uphill.
When the road levels out, a parking apears on your right - across from 4 buildings.

The approaches to different sectors start att different places. All the trails can be found on the cragmap. Reaching the sectors will take 5-20 minutes of walking downhill.
It is easy to switch sectors throughout the day.