
46 sport 29 trad 1 boulder

No special access issues

Kävely parkkipaikalta Kiasmalle vie 2 minuuttia. Kalliolle johtava polku alkaa 20m parkkipaikalta mäkeen päin. 200m matka vie suoraan Kiasma-sektorille. Halsvuoressa ei ole toistaiseksi access-ongelmi... Read more

We like Halsvuori

Nice fine-grained granite...actually not as common to see crags so planar and gently-overhanging like that where I'm from (California). Interesting features...looks like great movement. Unfortunately, no one around to catch me- I'll be back with a minitraxion I guess...
Gotta visit here some more. Very nice indeed.
A broken cliff line with some fantastic routes spread along its length. Some are very long by Finnish standards.

Activities on this crag