No special access issues
Directions (with car): Park at, for example, Hästholmsvägen or Båtklubbsgatan (parking zone 3). Walk down towards the wharf/playground and walk around the cliff at the southern end. There is a stairca... Read more
We like Kanalklippan
Viktor Kamb
Väldigt underskattad klippa som faktiskt bjuder på både fin klippkvalitet och rätt långa bra leder!
Nils Winell
Okay - this is not a fantastic crag. But it is very local when you live/stay in Stockholm City, with several really enjoyable routes. And since most of the routes are in the 6-register, it is a perfect climb-for-fun-and-finish-with-a-beer-crag :). Especially in the evening sun°!
Emmi Rautkylä
Funny to be climbing when tourists cheer for you and take photos from the bypassing boats :) Near by cafe has a toilet, which is a great plus!