Tod eines Handlungsreisenden thumbnail
Dachlverschneidung thumbnail
Reifeprüfung thumbnail
Ramallah thumbnail
Thor's Hammer thumbnail
Kamin thumbnail
Kaminkehrer thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Freundschaftsturm
Weg nach Asgard thumbnail
Prinz Valium thumbnail
SChlaffmat thumbnail
Fat Wreck thumbnail
Kleines Intermezzo thumbnail
Kleines Intermezzo
6c+ Partially bolted at Freundschaftsturm
Talseite thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Freundschaftsturm
Lonespome Wolf thumbnail
Fürther Kante thumbnail
Männerballett thumbnail
? thumbnail
? Sport at Freundschaftsturm

Climbing has been limited!

⛔️ 🦅
On this crag climbing is prohibited from 1.February until 15. of July because of breeding birds.

The crag with it's two close by sectors is located in the Wiesent-valley between "Streitberg" and "Muggendorf"
Either drive up the Wiesent-vally approaching from West via Ebermannstadt. A big parking is on your left at the mainroad few hundred meters behind "Streitberg". Or approaching from East, follow signs towards Behringersmühle/Gößweinstein and drive down the Wiesent-valley. The big parking is to your right abour 2 km behind "Muggendorf"

Walk up the forest road and turn left onto the hiking trail after a few meters. That trail leads in 2 minutes to "Matterhornwand". If you stay in front of the wall, turn right and go ahead the walking trail, passing "Freundschaftsturm" to your left after further one minute. Then turn left and walk up the stairs leading through a cave, here are the first routes. The rest is on the other side of the cave.