Brazzers thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Brazzers
Professor Sprut thumbnail
Professor Sprut
7C Boulder at Brazzers
Professor Prut thumbnail
Professor Prut
8A Boulder at Brazzers
Pissmaur thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Brazzers
Klegg thumbnail
5 Boulder at Brazzers
Kålorm thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Brazzers
Spyflue thumbnail
6A Boulder at Brazzers
Lemmenår thumbnail
6C Boulder at Brazzers
Kongro thumbnail
8b Sport at Brazzers

The area is access sensitive!

PARKING: There are two parkings. "Parking 1", where the trash bins are is the best parking. Park close to each other, use as little space as possible, and make sure that a truck has space to pick up the trash at any point. However, if there too many cars here, (use your brain) you can park at "Parking 2". The second parking is located in a bend and is potentially dangerous. Coming from Lauvsnes one would have to cross the road which is really dangerous. So turn around and come from the other direction to park. When exiting the parking have someone standing outside the car to check for incoming cars, or roll down the window and listen for the sound of approaching cars if alone.

SHITTING: Allways dig a hole when taking a shit. Make it impossible for others to find your shit and toilet paper.

SOUND: Don't scream or bring music to the crag as the cabbins are close by.

ACCESS: Walk through the gate which is mostly closed and follow the dirt road by the cabins until you find a small trail on your right hand side with a small sign saying "Kongensfjellet". Follow this trail for a few minutes until you see the boulders on your left hand side.