
3 sport 73 trad

Climbing has been limited

The County Administrative Board recommends no climbing in this area between February-August due to nesting birds. The area Påskklippan is still ok to visit during the entire year. Thank you for your... Read more

We like Korpberget

Om man lyckas navigera sig genom trollskogen, undvika att ramla ner för de många fallna blocken och ha vädret i behåll finns det mycket att här förkovra sig i. Går med viss dödsrisk att sätta topprep på de finaste lederna ovanifrån.
A real gem in the tradclimbing necklace that is the area of Kinda. Amazingly, still a few FAs are up for grabs, but not for long... :-)
Good crack climbing on granite with large crystals. Some long routes around 30 meters, which is rare around here.

Activities on this crag


Climbing has been limited!

The County Administrative Board recommends no climbing in this area between February-August due to nesting birds. The area Påskklippan is still ok to visit during the entire year.

Thank you for your understanding.