
A rather large area with som small or medium sized crags with both bolted and naturally protected routes.

A vertical or a bit slabby crag 10-20 m high. The routes are on the cruxy side. All routes are naturally protected and none is equipped with lower-off.
The crag is facing southwest and gets sun from around 1 p.p. The routes dry rather slowly.

A small crag upp to 15 m high. The crag is one side of pretty narrow gully.
The crag is facing south and dries relatively quick.
All routes but one are bolted and all routes are equipped with lower-offs.

A sector with seven naturally protected routes and one bolted line.
The crag is facing south but some routes are shaded but trees.
None of the routes is equipped with a lower-off.

A pretty large sector consisting of some small subsectors of different high and quality.
The crag is facing south but some routes dry slowly.
All routes are naturally protected and none is equipped with a lower-off.


Kortedala was mostly developed in the middle of 1990's while almost all routes at the other sectors were first climbed in the middle of 2010's.