Loma de la Tejeria
El Cañon
El Farallón
Aben Razin thumbnail
Aben Razin
8A Boulder at Aben Razin
Calypso thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Calypso
Sol todos dias thumbnail
Sol todos dias
7A+ Boulder at Muro del Sol
Arbustos en el camino thumbnail
Romos del sol thumbnail
Romos del sol
6A Boulder at Muro del Sol
Pero yo... thumbnail
Pero yo...
4 Boulder at Muro del Sol
Peru tú thumbnail
Peru tú
6B Boulder at Muro del Sol
El Punter thumbnail
El Punter
6C Boulder at Calypso
El Cortapichas thumbnail
El Cortapichas
7A+ Boulder at Chicharroneti
Chicharroneti thumbnail
Gigante Verde thumbnail
Gigante Verde
6C+ Boulder at Gigante verde
Brinca Sabinas thumbnail
Brinca Sabinas
7B Boulder at Calypso
Variante delirante thumbnail
Variante delirante
6B Boulder at Calypso
Delirante thumbnail
6C Boulder at Calypso
Sueño de fotografo thumbnail
Fototipico thumbnail
Abducción thumbnail
La Zahora thumbnail
La Zahora
7A+ Boulder at Zahora
No hay mañana thumbnail
No hay mañana
6A Boulder at Zahora
TEJ-BLOQUE 4-D thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Chicharroneti
TEJ-BLOQUE 4-E thumbnail
Deep web thumbnail
Deep web
6A Boulder at Chicharroneti
Lagartija Nick thumbnail
Pequeño hermano thumbnail
TEJ-BLOQUE 7-B thumbnail
TEJ-BLOQUE 7-C thumbnail
TEJ BLOQUE 7-D thumbnail
Romos de playa thumbnail
Placa para ti thumbnail
Placa para ti
6A Boulder at Muro del Sol
Techimadre thumbnail
6B Boulder at Muro del Sol
Córnea vitalicea thumbnail
Córnea vitalicea
6B Boulder at Furaco
Furaco thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Furaco
Occhi di bue thumbnail
Occhi di bue
6B Boulder at Furaco
Sputnik thumbnail
Hedera helix thumbnail
Hedera helix
7C Boulder at Hedera Helix
Camino a la Horca thumbnail
Camino a la Horca
7A+ Boulder at Horca
Dret a botar thumbnail
Dret a botar
8A Boulder at Juan Palomo
Juan Palomo thumbnail
Juan Palomo
7A Boulder at Juan Palomo
Black lips thumbnail
Black lips
6C+ Boulder at Llanero Solitario
Cañonero thumbnail
Excentro thumbnail
Llanero Solitario thumbnail
Facilmente thumbnail
Baila Morena thumbnail
Baila Morena
8A+ Boulder at Aben Razin
Aben Razin stand thumbnail
Aben Razin stand
7B+ Boulder at Aben Razin
Talladero bar thumbnail
Black lips higher assis thumbnail
Noche vieja thumbnail
Marqués de Valdevecar thumbnail
Malamente thumbnail
7B Boulder at Malamento
Mañana me voy sit thumbnail
Final Feliz thumbnail
Final Feliz
8A+ Boulder at Malamento
Mañana me voy thumbnail
Mañana me voy
7A Boulder at Malamento
Tragamoscas thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Hedera Helix
Acequia thumbnail
6B Boulder at Horca
Sagutxu Fernández thumbnail
Sagutxu Fernández
7C+ Boulder at Sagutxu
112 thumbnail
7C Boulder at 112
Muten Röshi thumbnail
Muten Röshi
8A Boulder at Muten Röshi
Terra thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Muten Röshi
Minikarma thumbnail
6C Boulder at Karma
Palpón thumbnail
6B Boulder at Karma
Pumuki thumbnail
7B Boulder at Pumuki
Terra madre thumbnail
Terra madre
? Boulder at Muten Röshi
Soda king thumbnail
Soda king
? Boulder at Soda king
Bubble Queen thumbnail
Bubble Queen
? Boulder at Soda king
Seduction thumbnail
? Boulder at Seduction
Aver Palmer stand thumbnail
Aver Palmer thumbnail
Aver Palmer
8A Boulder at Aben Razin
Santo Quinto stand thumbnail
Santo Quinto stand
7C Boulder at Calypso
Santo Quinto thumbnail
Santo Quinto
8A Boulder at Calypso
Polyspan thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Calypso
Polyspan stand thumbnail
Polyspan stand
6C+ Boulder at Calypso
Sinsen thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Furaco
Hay mañana thumbnail
Hay mañana
6C Boulder at Zahora
Cave monster thumbnail
Cave monster
6C Boulder at Zahora
El mellao thumbnail
El mellao
5+ Boulder at Zahora
Hora zulu thumbnail
Hora zulu
6C+ Boulder at Zahora
Directo a la Zahora thumbnail
Directo a la Zahora
6C+ Boulder at Zahora
Capitán salami thumbnail
Juego de tronos thumbnail
La cuchilla thumbnail
La cuchilla
8B Boulder at Cuchilla
La Laja hueca thumbnail
La Laja hueca
6B+ Boulder at Insensible
La Laja hueca sit thumbnail
La Laja hueca sit
6C+ Boulder at Insensible
Hiedra canina thumbnail
Hiedra canina
6B+ Boulder at Insensible
Insensible thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Insensible
Los Platos thumbnail
Los Platos
7B Boulder at Insensible
Lluvia sobre mojado thumbnail
Bloque de Bier thumbnail
Bloque de Bier
6B Boulder at Insensible
El Furtivo thumbnail
El Furtivo
7C Boulder at Furtivo
El Anestesista thumbnail
El Anestesista
7B+ Boulder at Furtivo
El capgrós thumbnail
El capgrós
7B+ Boulder at Arista
La Cuchara thumbnail
La Cuchara
6A Boulder at Patata Roof
Patata roof thumbnail
Patata roof
7A+ Boulder at Patata Roof
Los Amantes de Teruel thumbnail
Uña y carne thumbnail
Uña y carne
8A+ Boulder at Uña y Carne
El putxero de Buñol thumbnail
Boubacar de pie thumbnail
Boubacar de pie
7B+ Boulder at Boubacar
Boubacar thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Boubacar
Llamada al vacío thumbnail
Napia thumbnail
5 Boulder at Spotters dream
Placa al ciel thumbnail
Placa al ciel
4 Boulder at Furaco
La Bolera thumbnail
La Bolera
7B Boulder at Boubacar
El Mellan directo thumbnail
El Mellan directo
5 Boulder at Zahora
L'autista thumbnail
7C Boulder at Setas
Sentit comú thumbnail
Sentit comú
7B Boulder at Setas
Christmas tree thumbnail
Tombatossals thumbnail
Baloo thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Setas
Cucsamaruc thumbnail
6C Boulder at Cucsamaruc
Tubular thumbnail
7B Boulder at Tubular
Juego tronos desde abajo thumbnail
Camino del sol thumbnail
Camino del sol
7A+ Boulder at Muro del Sol
Traversia techimadre thumbnail
Slabmaleducation thumbnail
La Azada thumbnail
La Azada
7A Boulder at Azada
La Azada sentado thumbnail
La Azada sentado
7B+ Boulder at Azada
Baloo de pie thumbnail
Baloo de pie
7A Boulder at Setas
Runa thumbnail
7B Boulder at Setas
1810 thumbnail
7B Boulder at Setas
Piti en boca thumbnail
Piti en boca
7B+ Boulder at Setas
Runa (de pie) thumbnail
Runa (de pie)
6C Boulder at Setas
1810 (de pie) thumbnail
1810 (de pie)
6C Boulder at Setas
Piti en boca thumbnail
Piti en boca
6C+ Boulder at Setas
Sentit comú (de pie) thumbnail
Tosillo thumbnail
7C Boulder at Setas
Dragonfly thumbnail
8A Boulder at Dragonfly
La nariz thumbnail
La nariz
7A Boulder at Azada
La nariz sentado thumbnail
La nariz sentado
7B+ Boulder at Azada
Clotet thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Insensible
Miquelet thumbnail
7B Boulder at Insensible
Baile de máscaras thumbnail
Baile de bier thumbnail
Baile de bier
6A+ Boulder at Insensible
Placa o plomo thumbnail
Placa o plomo
6A+ Boulder at Arista
Azulete thumbnail
Fanático thumbnail
Oldie Motel thumbnail
Black roof thumbnail
Bulderland thumbnail
6A Boulder at Hedera Helix
Placidamente thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Hedera Helix
La mula thumbnail
La mula
6C Boulder at Hedera Helix
Estrella Michelin thumbnail
Blablacar de pie thumbnail
Blablacar de pie
7C Boulder at Boubacar
Febrero thumbnail
7B Boulder at Boubacar
Morrito bollicao thumbnail
Morrito bollicao stand thumbnail
Viatje al infern thumbnail
Viatje al infern thumbnail
Placa o romo thumbnail
Urrian thumbnail
8B Boulder at Christmas tree
Tombatossals thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Christmas tree
El rancius thumbnail
El rancius
6C+ Boulder at Christmas tree
Mulerdíaz thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Pumuki
Shambala thumbnail
7C Boulder at Pumuki
Cañas y vas que chutas thumbnail
Pumuki stand  thumbnail
Pumuki stand
7A Boulder at Pumuki
Mañana caliento thumbnail
Mañana caliento
7B Boulder at Malamento
Juan sin miedo thumbnail
El Chicharrón thumbnail
El Chicharrón
7A+ Boulder at Chicharroneti
Fácilmente sit thumbnail
La geana thumbnail
La geana
7A Boulder at Forasteros
2tras thumbnail
6C Boulder at Forasteros
Forasteros thumbnail
6C Boulder at Forasteros
A ver como bajas thumbnail
?  thumbnail
? Boulder at Forasteros
?  thumbnail
? Boulder at Forasteros
Hipotetico caso thumbnail
Hipotetico caso
7B Boulder at Forasteros
Mr rango thumbnail
Mr rango
6C Boulder at Forasteros
El moreno thumbnail
El moreno
6C+ Boulder at Forasteros
Lasai thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Forasteros
Taiguer thumbnail
7B Boulder at Forasteros
Pozik thumbnail
8A Boulder at Forasteros
Tout prett thumbnail
Tout prett
7C Boulder at Overhang nuevo
Banu Razin (FA?) thumbnail
Banu Razin (FA?)
7A+ Boulder at Aben Razin
Project 8a? thumbnail
Project 8a?
8A Boulder at Aben Razin
La dominguera thumbnail
La dominguera
7C Boulder at Insensible
El proces thumbnail
El proces
7A+ Boulder at Insensible
L'home la vara thumbnail
L'home la vara
7A Boulder at Insensible
Loma thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Patata Roof
Rampa thumbnail
5 Boulder at Patata Roof
Loma de la Tejeria / Cañon - Albarracín

The area is access sensitive!

Climbing has been limited in Albarracín due the bird nesting and protecting the nature. Loma de la Tejeria is still open for climbing, and let's keep it that way. :
-Park at parkings showed on 27crags
-Don't block any roads/passages with your vehicle.
-Don't leave any trash behind you and bury all your human waste.
-respect the nature
-Brush away tickmarks and excessive chalk
-Don't climb with lights or when it's getting dark or before sun rise.
-Use only recognized paths.
-Don't make fires.
-Keep your dog in the leash and collect the dog waste

Finding Loma de la Tejeria
Park at the dinopolis and follow the path going trough the valley, after about 5 minutes walk you will see the warm up wall on the left side about 10m from the path. 100m from this starts the lower valley boulders, for the upper boulders you take the path from the warm up wall up the hill. Following the recorded path is recommended.
You can also park at mirador and walk down the hill and you will see the warm up wall on the other side of the valley path.