No special access issues

Driving Directions: From Fayetteville, turn right and drive on US-19 north for 14 miles, crossing over the NRG bridge at the beginning of your drive, and the Meadow River Gorge bridge at the end of the drive. Make your first left after the Meadow River bridge onto Underwood Road then another immediate left onto Deitz Rd. Park in the lot on the left side of the road. This lot isn't quite big enough for the traffic it gets, so please park respectfully for other climbers AND locals. If this lot is full, drive back down to Underwood Rd and park in the big gravel lot at the curve just beyond the intersection with Deitz Rd.

Hiking Directions: Hike up Deitz Rd. until it curves to the right. Take the ATV trail straight into the woods (as if you're going to the Lower Meadow rope climbing area). About 4 minutes in, you'll come to a rocky downhill section that 4WD vehicle couldn't drive past. Take the slightly narrower 4-wheeler path to the right. Follow it to the boulders, staying right at the immediate faint forks. The first cluster should appear after about 2 minutes of walking. The first half of the walk is paved road to dirt road with puddles. There is consistent but gradual elevation change. The second half of the trail is well traveled but has a few steep, rocky, and uneven spots. There is a spot just after the 19V4 Boulder where the trail is right on the top of the cliff's edge with a tree and roof in your way. Total hiking time: 8-18 minutes.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email