
91 sport 10 trad

The area is access sensitive

The crag is closed due to nesting birds between 1 april - 31 july. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Midskogsberget is classified as a nature conservation area and bird... Read more

We like Midskogsberget

Nice for sportclimbing 5-8a+ Some nice boulders up to 7C+.
The best sports crag in Sundsvall. The routes on Stora väggen are a must to do.
Mycket kvalle på klippan och ett mycket brett gradregister.

Activities on this crag


The area is access sensitive!

The crag is closed due to nesting birds between 1 april - 31 july.
Midskogsberget is classified as a nature conservation area and birds repeatedly nest at the cliff. Always pay attention to birds and move away if you disturb them.
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and klätterförbundets access databas:

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