No special access issues

20 minutuko bidaia da iparralderantz, Gasteiztik Bitorianora eta pixka bat gehiago Oroko Santuterigaino, era berean, autobusez joan daiteke erraz asko Gasteiztik Murgiara baina Ororainoko luzea suerta daiteke oinez.

Sektoreak aparkalekutik 5 minutura daude.
*Goiko aparkalekua beteta badago, behekoan aparkatu, ez ostopatu errepidea.
*Eskalada debekatuta egoterakotan guneren batean, kartelekin markatuko da. Errespeta itzazue!

A 20 minute drive up north from Gasteiz to Bitoriano and a tad more up untill Oro. Murgia can easily be reached by bus from Gasteiz but the trek to Oro is a bit long and uphill.

Sectors are 5 minutes away from the parking.
*If the upper parking is full, park in the lower one, don't block the road.
*Should there be any restrictions, the restricted areas will be signposted. Do respect them!


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email