No special access issues

This crag is located about 3 km north of "Egloffstein" in the valley of the river "Trubach". Follow the main street along the river and go to "Schweinthal". In the village turn right towards "Schlehenmühle". After 1 km up the hill park on the left side at the beginning of an old forest road. Keep space for Bulldogs.

Schlehenmühler Wand:
Keep following up the street for about 120 meters and go up the hill on no certain trail towards the already visible crag.
100 meters down the valley on same altitude is another sector "Schlehenmühler Nebenfels"

Go to "Schlehenmühle Nebenfels" and pass it to your right. Follow an unobvious path up the hill until you get onto a clearing. follow that clearing on the left side until you reach the edge of the forest. Go straight up the hill to get to the right end of the sector. If you keep following the starting path slightly to the left along the hill side you pass the middle and left side of the sector underneath.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email