Rova thumbnail
6b Sport at Dunkelkammer
Gundi spezial thumbnail
Muskelprotz thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Dunkelkammer
Spargeltarzan thumbnail
8A Boulder at Dunkelkammer
Music and Magic thumbnail
Henry Thredgill thumbnail
Birth and Rebirth thumbnail
Fuck thumbnail
5 Boulder at Dunkelkammer
Halbdunkel thumbnail
6a Sport at Dunkelkammer
Berechtigt schwer thumbnail
Babel thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Dunkelkammer
Muskulus thumbnail
6b Sport at Dunkelkammer
Powerplay thumbnail
7a Sport at Dunkelkammer
Elements of Suprise thumbnail
Cecil Taylor thumbnail
Cecil Taylor
6b+ Sport at Dunkelkammer
Jazz, Jazz, Jazz thumbnail
Vaterschaft thumbnail
Dax Fall thumbnail
Dax Fall
6a+ Sport at Dunkelkammer
Zuck net thumbnail
Zuck net
6a+ Sport at Dunkelkammer
Zielbildungsprozess thumbnail
Kaumeier Spezial thumbnail
The long March thumbnail
Stadelhofen Ost

The area is access sensitive!

⚠️ The landowner is quite pissed off by climbers. Though climbing is still allowed (2023).
Be very patient and if there's trouble you should better leave and don't argue

Don't park along the country road. There's been some trouble with farmers.

This crag is situated close to the small village "Stadelhofen" which is just a few kilometers south of "Gößweinstein"/"Behringersmühle". Park along the main road in the village.

Stadelhofener Dunkelkammer:
Take the road towards "Sachsendorf" from towncenter and walk for 750 meters. Then take a path to your left vanishing in the forest. It'll lead you to the sector.

Take the road south, towards "Kleingesee" and turn left onto the road towards "Allersdorf", just after the village. Turn left after 150 meters and enter the forest road. There's a path to your right immediately, leading up the hill to the already visible Crag.