South wall of Storstolpan
South wall of Storstolpan 1 / 1
  • 8 pithes. 1 pitch: (5a)Start at the obvious hand crack. 2 pitch (5b) goes up the black stripe and out to the right. Aim for the obvious diehidral.with a roof in the middle. 3 pitch (6c) is the dihedral. 4 pitch (6c) thin fingercrack,. climb past the loose flakes and continue up the slightly flair crack. 5 pitch (6c) Another dihedral. belay the mostly welcome ledge. 6 pitch (6c+) the awesome off width, continue up past the flakes and undercling roof. Belay at the ramp. 7 pitch (6c+) Traverse strenuous cracks and past up to the left of the obvious roof. 8 pitch (4c) Nice and elegant corner. finish up to the left. Be welcome by superb view.