2 routes on 1 topo
4 routes on 2 topos
Campfire bloc
5 routes on 2 topos
4 Fort Bodengo
13 routes on 4 topos
Lifeboat 1
4 routes on 2 topos
Lifeboat 2
3 routes on 1 topo
10 routes on 3 topos
The anchor
3 routes on 1 topo
Marco Polo
3 routes on 1 topo
In the wood
2 routes on 1 topo
Treasure chest
6 routes on 1 topo
Moby Dick
16 routes on 6 topos
The harpoon
2 routes on 2 topos
The pebble
6 routes on 2 topos
The edge
2 routes on 1 topo
The pirates
2 routes on 2 topos
Lucky star
2 routes on 1 topo
The jaws
4 routes on 1 topo
Val Bodengo car park
Val Bodengo
General marker for the crag