Oceano Gris thumbnail
Me Duelen los Huevos thumbnail
Zulu Express thumbnail
Stanage Girls thumbnail
La Chica Pelirroja thumbnail
Gabi thumbnail
6a Sport at Los Albercones
Putiferio thumbnail
El Vuelo de los Peluos thumbnail
El Virgo de Vicentela thumbnail
Cita en Sevilla thumbnail
El Truco del Almendruco thumbnail
Sufre Mamón thumbnail
Malditos Roedores thumbnail
Ande Está Morico thumbnail
Via Ferrata thumbnail
Barón de Rivolta thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

🚗 Parking: 1) At the reservoir below El Chorro town, 2) sector Albercones (road in bad condition) and 3) at Las Encantadas crag. Parking on the side of the roads in the nature park is not allowed where prohibited with signs.

🚶 All sectors are accessible by foot via the road that weaves through the nature park and a path that leads from sector Castrojo all the way to sector Placas de la Cantera, in front of the cliff.

⛰ The crag is situated in a nature park.

General rules:
🦅 Respect the nature
🏞 Follow the established paths
⛔️ Please don't park your car in the nature park
🚯 Take all rubbish with you including papers
🔥 Don't light fires