Backside Canyon Sa Tappara - East face
11 routes on 1 topo
Backside Canyon Sa Tappara - West face
14 routes on 3 topos
Cave of dreams
32 routes on 5 topos
Higher Canyon Sa Tappara - East face
70 routes on 6 topos
Higher Canyon Sa Tappara - West face
22 routes on 4 topos
0 routes on 0 topos
81 routes on 2 topos
Lower canyon Sa Tappara - East face
24 routes on 2 topos
Lower Canyon Sa Tappara - West face
11 routes on 1 topo
26 routes on 2 topos
S'assa bella
30 routes on 2 topos
The cave of Theleme
14 routes on 1 topo
The frame
43 routes on 3 topos
21 routes on 1 topo
Parking space
Parking for Inquietudini and the cave of theleme
parking 2 for Marosini, the cave of dreams and Canyon Sa Tappara
parking the frame
parking 1 for Canyon Sa Tappara, S'assa bella, vivendum, the cave of dreams
Monte Gedili
General marker for the crag