
160 sport 11 trad

The area is access sensitive

The main parking spot is at the Boat Club about 300 meters before the crag. A new extra parking is also located right next to the cliff, but there is only room for 4 cars here. DO NOT PARK ELSEWHERE A... Read more

We like Örnberget

Mäktig, brant, imponerande vägg med många hårda projekt för 7-klättraren. Finns numera även fina nybörjarleder på sva-väggen. Rekommenderas!
Många lärdomar från dessa väggar. Fint, mycket och lättillgänligt
Stockholm's best sport climbing crag, once you get used to it.

Activities on this crag


The area is access sensitive!

The main parking spot is at the Boat Club about 300 meters before the crag. A new extra parking is also located right next to the cliff, but there is only room for 4 cars here. DO NOT PARK ELSEWHERE ALONG THE ROAD, IT IS FORBIDDEN.

Parking is ONLY allowed at signposted parking spaces. It is not allowed to park along the road that passes the cliff.

If you go with public transport: Take the commuter train to Tullinge station (22 min from T-centralen (Stockholm), and then walk (15 min) to the crag from the station.
Stockholm Public Transport homepage (SL):