
The cliff is located just below the tower of Falcon in Porto Cristo. Huge cliff with a really big and impressive cave in the middle.

Exit from the water can be challenging, check the exit possibilities before, specially on the long traverses!

For the route on the left, the easiest way to access is to walk south 200m and downclimb an easy wall to reach the start of Shrek, 6a. From the right part, you can either do the long and pumpy 7a+ traverse or rappel down. If you plan to try la hostia, the long swim with a dry bag is probably the best option.

La Hostia is an impressive challenge but it's on the top5 of the island. Absolutely worth it!

An approach with a boat would be the easiest option, but the cave at the beggining of la Hostia is really big and confortable to stay.

The roof is so big that there are for sure others line to develop, be sure to check if the water is deep enough!


Again Miguel Riera is probably one of the first one to climb here. The big line in the middle of the cave, La Hostia, made this cliff one of the best of Mallorca. Congrat's Chris Sharma for the vision and the climb! (2006)
Probably more to come in the future.