
Yearly top 10 averages
9a 0 0 0 0 0
8c+ 3 0 0 3 0
8c 6 0 0 6 0
8b+ 9 0 0 9 0
8b 12 0 0 12 0
8a+ 13 0 0 13 0
8a 44 1 2 41 0
7c+ 33 2 0 31 0
7c 61 10 4 47 0
7b+ 51 17 3 31 0
7b 72 24 10 38 0
7a+ 86 35 8 43 0
7a 150 51 27 71 1
6c+ 49 18 9 22 0
6c 98 40 15 43 0
6b+ 77 44 10 23 0
6b 105 45 26 33 1
6a+ 77 34 18 24 1
6a 113 44 44 25 0
5+ 78 32 36 10 0
5 83 20 56 7 0
4+ 21 9 11 1 0
4 28 17 10 1 0
3+ 6 5 1 0 0
3 1 1 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
8c+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Old project that was bolted in 2007 by Jens Larsen, I added an anchor on the ledge which felt like the most natural ending and tried it briefly in 2022. Tried it a lot during the autumn 2023 since it was a great challenge without hard right hand crimps during my year of pulley surgery reconstruction. Managed to climb it to the top during the first crisp autumn days in 2024. The SBH intro is not hard except for the tricky first small roof, but still it drains more energy than you expect due to the steepness. From the anchor of SBH a short boulder which requires shoulders of steel with my beta. Then a brief rest before the meat of the route begins with a sustained powerful boulder with technical body positioning where each move does not seem too bad at first but still managed to be big challange to link from the ground. One of the coolest sequences I have done where you need to use many tools from the toolbox. Outro mantle problem onto the ledge which is much easier but fallable once the pump starts to hit you. I loved projecting it. Regarding the difficulty I am very uncertain. I spent much more time on it than on Captain Caveman, and I think the style suits me well on both. On the other hand many sessions were spent before finding the beta that was used in the end and many short sessions after work in non-ideal conditions and coming back from injury. I have also not tried it with anyone else. I am a decent jammer but not expert level and there are possibly some expert level jams that could change how it is climbed.The conditions are also a bit tricky since the holds in the crux are always mostly dry, but almost always humid. Very happy to have opened up another great difficult line in the cave :)
8c+ Granitgrottan Sport 2024-09-25
FA Red point
FA Red point
Urbergets väg
7b Sport at Korpekullen
Up to the first anchor. Several bouldery sections separated by good rests. See my comment on the full line for more details.
7b Korpekullen Sport 2024-09-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Urbergets väg till solens strålar
7c Sport at Korpekullen
If you are up for an adventure! Sustained climbing all the way with many small boulders separated by good rests but the length of the climb still drains you. A surprisingly steep final part with 40 meters of air below your feet and more pumpy than anticipated even if the holds are all ok. The rock quality is not great. Spent many hours cleaning it, focusing on doing my best to remove all possibilities of dangerous loose rock, which I still of course can't guarantee, so the belayer should pay attention and wear a helmet. There are still many crusty patches where you might place your foot and feel it crumble under your sticky rubber and some handholds that are still a bit dirty/sandy. But I think the foundation of the rock is good and solid so when/if it sees some traffic I think it will improve. Some bolt placements also had to be placed in the most solid rock, and thus not necessarily in the optimal clipping positions. Good to use some extended quickdraws, especially below the first small roof. I think I used 22 quickdraws and a 100 m rope, with a shorter rope you can rethread in the first anchor.
7c Korpekullen Sport 2024-09-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
I skuggan av en gran
8b Sport at Gule torsk
Project bolted by Said a few years ago. Cool boulder at the first overhang with a unusual shoulder press that is more spectacular than hard. Easier section and a good rest followed by the crux which is powerful and technical. Good holds by the last bolt from which it gets easier again. The rock is really good in this part of the wall. Some holds close to the chossy dihedral to the left felt a bit suspicuos and may come off, but it should not change the climb since they are only used for the easier middle section. Regarding the difficulty, it took me one evening session to find the beta and then I did it on the first attempt the evening after. I think my solution for the crux suits me well. Felt similar to Analyse and Neo 8b in Granitgrottan which are somewhat similar in style. But I could also see some people finding it easier or harder because the hard part is short and very specific. I am happy to hear what future repeaters think :)
8b Gule torsk Sport 2024-07-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
Iron Lion
7A+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Good dynamic move. I don't know about the grade. Sit start project seems possible but very hard (>=8B?).
7a+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2024-06-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
7c+ Sport at Korpekullen
Really good crimpendurance 7c-ish into a distinct crimpy boulder by the last bolt. I think it is 8a if you go straight up by the final crux. A right variation is possible to avoid the crux.
8a (7c+) Korpekullen Sport 2023-10-01
Red point
Red point
Karins nya kille
6c Sport at Korpekullen
Stopped by the first bolt due to dangerously loose big block. Could pull it out with a few body weight pulls. Then continued to the top. Lots of praise to everyone who contributes with bolting and opening new routes. I think that it is not the best approach to bolt and FA routes and leave the removal of obviously loose blocks to the future climbers. That being said, I think Korpekullen has a lot more to offer with appropriate cleaning job, even if the rock quality is not the best.
6c Korpekullen Sport 2023-10-01
Red point
Red point
Alhambras port
7a Sport at Korpekullen
Could not feel my feet or hands for most of the route which made a great route an unpleasant experience.
7a Korpekullen Sport 2023-10-01
Corvus Corax
6c+ Sport at Sibräcka
Good climbing but a bit suspicously loose. Somewhat spaced bolting at a few places.
6c+ Sibräcka Sport 2023-09-01
Fuck Fixe
6c+ Sport at Sibräcka
I think it was just as good as the left neighbour. Less bouldery but a bit more technically demanding.
6c+ Sibräcka Sport 2023-09-01
Svampbob Fyrkant
6c+ Sport at Sibräcka
6c+ Sibräcka Sport 2023-09-01
Fredrik Stekare
6b Sport at Sibräcka
6b Sibräcka Sport 2023-09-01
6b+ Sport at Sibräcka
6b+ Sibräcka Sport 2023-09-01
7a Sport at Moseløkken stenbrud
Very good on the seemingly best wall of the quarry. Had a fun os-attempt where it started to pour down rain about 1/3 up the route. Challenge accepted, I imagined myself training for climbing some wet alpine route. Fell on the final boulder which was thin.
7a Moseløkken stenbrud Sport 2023-08-03
Red point
Red point
Drömmar Om Snövit
4 Traditional at Rågårdsdal
4 Rågårdsdal Traditional 2023-07-27
Snövits förbannelse
6a Traditional at Rågårdsdal
Felt a bit challenging to protect the somewhat thin start.
6a Rågårdsdal Traditional 2023-07-27
Trötter Vaknar Till
5+ Traditional at Rågårdsdal
5+ Rågårdsdal Traditional 2023-07-27
Toker och Trötter
4+ Traditional at Rågårdsdal
4+ Rågårdsdal Traditional 2023-07-27
6c+ Traditional at Galgeberget
As good as promised. Wide fingercrack. Hesitated too much just after the crux, on the os. Felt like a 7c effort to me, but I have no clue about crack grades. Great day with Andreas.
7a (6c+) Galgeberget Traditional 2023-07-25
Red point
Red point
Får Jag Lov
6b+ Traditional at Galgeberget
Long and adventurous. Airy and challenging final part on sloping handjams.
6b+ Galgeberget Traditional 2023-07-25
6b+ Traditional at Galgeberget
Really good and varied on bomber rock. Climbed in the sunset light, beautiful.
6b+ Galgeberget Traditional 2023-07-14
6a+ Traditional at Galgeberget
Beautiful line and rock. One hard crimp move which I didn't dare to commit to with healing reconstructed pulleys.
6b (6a+) Galgeberget Traditional 2023-07-14
Red point
Red point
Kaskelotens Återuppstigning a.k.a. Återkomsten
4 Traditional at Galgeberget
5 (4) Galgeberget Traditional 2023-07-14
6a Traditional at Galgeberget
With Moritz. Did as two pitches. Upper dihedral part was the best part.
6b (6a) Galgeberget Traditional 2023-07-11
Norsk Espresso
6a Traditional at Broberg
6a Broberg Traditional 2023-07-10
6b+ Traditional at Broberg
6b+ Broberg Traditional 2023-07-10
7a Traditional at Broberg
Challenging crux! Used a proper fist-jam.
7a Broberg Traditional 2023-07-10
Red point
Red point
Oväntat Besök
5+ Traditional at Broberg
5+ Broberg Traditional 2023-07-08
En Man
6b+ Traditional at Broberg
Varied on great rock!
6b+ Broberg Traditional 2023-07-08
5 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Rea eller aktion?
5 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
4 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
4 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
Reaktivt vägval
5+ Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5+ Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
6B Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
Very good delicate slab.
6b Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Omedelbar reaktion
6A Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
No handholds. Precise dynamic move to get established with foot in the crack.
6a Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Ingen reaktion
5+ Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5+ Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Allergisk reaktion
5 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Don quijsusi's fight against the windmills
5+ Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5+ Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
6A Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
6a Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
5 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
6B+ Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
Very low but nice moves.
6b+ Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
7a Sport at Weißenstein
The day before double pulley reconstruction by Dr Shöffl in Bamberg. Mine and Agnes brief surgery-trip to Frankenjura.
7a Weißenstein Sport 2023-03-27
6a+ Sport at Weißenstein
6a+ Weißenstein Sport 2023-03-27
6a+ Sport at Weißenstein
Wolfgang ftw
6a+ Weißenstein Sport 2023-03-27
6b+ Kleinziegenfeld Süd 2 - Altes Schloss Sport 2023-03-26
Back to the beginning
7a Kleinziegenfeld Süd 2 - Altes Schloss Sport 2023-03-26
Får jag lov?
6c Sport at Älvbroklippan
Delicate middle section.
6c Älvbroklippan Sport 2022-10-10
City Camo
6b Sport at Älvbroklippan
6b Älvbroklippan Sport 2022-10-10
Café Gaston
6c Sport at Älvbroklippan
6c Älvbroklippan Sport 2022-10-10
8c Sport at Granitgrottan
Thought it would be a good ticklist tactic to send Laroy now when I had the beta dialed for everything but the upper easier section where it veers right from Caveman. Practiced the upper part once. Made an attempt from the ground, but the Leroy part was soaking wet, thought it was ggwp. Thought I should at least make one more A Muerte go, for fun. Somehow made it through Leroy in the wettest state to date. Knee pads, shoes, hands, chalk bag were all moist and I was sure I would not make it through the boulder crux by the anchor of Leroy. Somehow I did and found myself resting before the supposedly easy upper part. I had only checked the beta once, all the cracks were moist and was very fatigued, so I was not sure at all I would make it. Went reasonably smooth up until the last 5 meters where I was very close to falling even if the section is no more than a 6B boulder. I was completely out of gas in the forearms. At the most critical moment I desperately farmed a crimp with knuckles because the fingers were not working anymore. It was everything but beautiful. Anyway, I made it to the anchor and it was a great feeling after a great fight.
8c Granitgrottan Sport 2022-10-03
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Technical first half into steep and powerful crux. Quite demanding to onsight for the grade.
7a+ Granitgrottan Sport 2022-09-30
Langley Travel
7b Sport at Granitgrottan
7b Granitgrottan Sport 2022-09-30
Captain Caveman
8c+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Technical cave wrestling at its finest. 2nd ascent after Said in 2011? Tried it a few days in 2020, but was at my limit then and I struggled with finding good beta for the upper cruxes. Was very close to do it in 2021 after two or three sessions of beta refinement, but then the season ended. This autumn I needed to refresh the microbeta yet again, but once I knew all the tricks it felt like I had some margin even in a not great sport climbing shape after bouldering whole last season and very little climbing during the summer. I think it could be 8c with modern kneebar-tactics but it is also a style I am very proficient at, so I will spare my grade opinion for now and see what others' think. I am sure it will not take another 10 years for it to get repeated.
8c+ Granitgrottan Sport 2022-09-30
Red point
Red point
6b Traditional at Ulorna
Technical and quite demanding crux.
6b Ulorna Traditional 2022-08-24
Tiega är guld
6b+ Traditional at Ulorna
Incredibly beautiful. Bring a camera and take a photo of your andreman.
6b+ Ulorna Traditional 2022-08-24
3 Sport at Träleberget
3 Träleberget Sport 2022-08-20
6a Sport at Träleberget
6a Träleberget Sport 2022-08-20
6b+ Sport at Träleberget
6b+ Träleberget Sport 2022-08-20
6b Sport at Träleberget
6b Träleberget Sport 2022-08-20
6c+ Sport at Träleberget
To me it felt a lot harder than 6c. Like a 6b route into a 7A boulder?
7b (6c+) Träleberget Sport 2022-08-20
Red point
Red point
6c+ Sport at Träleberget
Another great one! A bit reachy crux in the start.
6c+ Träleberget Sport 2022-08-20
Mark Futura III
7a+ Sport at Träleberget
One of the best of the grade. A long adventure.
7a+ Träleberget Sport 2022-08-20
Och hennes kompis
7b+ Sport at Träleberget
Cool crux with technical feet and sidepulls.
7b+ Träleberget Sport 2022-08-20
Red point
Red point
6a+ Traditional at Skälefjäll
6a+ Skälefjäll Traditional 2022-08-12
6a Traditional at Skälefjäll
6a Skälefjäll Traditional 2022-08-12
Hot'n tots
6a+ Traditional at Skälefjäll
6a+ Skälefjäll Traditional 2022-08-12
7a Sport at Skälefjäll
Mentally demanding. Runout and bolts placed a bit too high at each natural clipping position. So probably not recommended if it is at your limit, but if you have some margin it makes it a very engaging experience.
7a Skälefjäll Sport 2022-08-12
5 Traditional at Björkberget
5 Björkberget Traditional 2022-08-11
6a+ Partially... at Fregåsberget
6a+ Fregåsberget Partially... 2022-07-20
Kåk direkt
6b Partially... at Fregåsberget
Beautiful upper half.
6b Fregåsberget Partially... 2022-07-20
6c Sport at Fregåsberget
Nice but felt quite hard. No chalk and quite spaced bolting.
7a (6c) Fregåsberget Sport 2022-07-20
Craig's Crack
5 Traditional at Fregåsberget
5 Fregåsberget Traditional 2022-07-20
Master's apprentices
7A+ Boulder at Vallberget
Interesting climbing with both heel and toe hooks on great rock.
7a+ Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
Red point
Red point
Wolverine blues
6C Boulder at Vallberget
Great rock quality and height.
6c Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
6C Boulder at Vallberget
Nice but short mantle problem.
6c Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A Boulder at Vallberget
Started with right heelhook in the starting hold and used the left arete a lot. Nice.
7a Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
6B+ Boulder at Vallberget
Cool and somewhat airy. Recommended.
6b+ Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
FA Flash
FA Flash
6A Boulder at Vallberget
Like the great-roof in yosemite.
6a Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
She’s like heroin
6C+ Boulder at Vallberget
Standing start on the rock. Right hand on good crimp and went left to a reasonably small gaston crimp. Step onto the wall with high right foot and reach for the right hand sidepull underneath the lip.
6c+ Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
FA Flash
FA Flash
Bum beach
7A Boulder at Skaftö
Tried going for the good sidepull/jugg a few times but kept spinning of when trying to hold it. Went for the small crimp on the face instead. Better for me.
7a Skaftö Boulder 2022-04-30
Red point
Red point
Beach bum
7A Boulder at Skaftö
Moonboard. Long moves on good crimps. Great rock quality.
7a Skaftö Boulder 2022-04-30
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Skaftö
I think it felt harder than 6C. Nice lowball traverse.
7a (6c) Skaftö Boulder 2022-04-30
Red point
Red point
Recommended. Somewhat airy semi-crux to mantle on to the face.
6b+ Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-17
Red point
Red point
Rekan ståstart
I think it felt a bit too powerful for being 6B+
6c (6b+) Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-17
Red point
Red point
6a+ Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
7a Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
Sjöpungen variant
7c Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
Red point
Red point
Also very good. I think the confusion regarding the grades of 7C/8A on Sjöpungen is due to Björn doing the FA from the Sjöpungen extension start giving it 8A and some repeaters starting from this position (second half of the crux of the extension) due to lack of information.
7c Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
Red point
Red point
Sjöpungen extension
Very good powerendurance boulder with a crimpy crux in the beginning.
8a Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
Red point
Red point
Cool powerful moves.
7b Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-15
Låg Travers
7A Boulder at Häller boulder
Nice climbing on nice rock.
7a Häller boulder Boulder 2022-04-10
Lone Wolf
8A Boulder at Häller boulder
Nice! The sloper traverse is draining you for the final crimp moves, which for me felt like the crux. Fell four times in the session going for the final crimp before I surprisingly managed to stick it on the last attempt of my third climbing day. Was completely drained when I got up to the assumingly easy mantle, which was slightly harder than anticipated in a no fall zone, which resulted in some nice drama. Often very damp and bad conditions on this boulder, which can be a dealbreaker for the slopers. I used shallow knee-scums to stay positioned under the roof for the traverse.
8a Häller boulder Boulder 2022-04-10
Red point
Red point
Tre i rad
Great highball in a beautiful spot. Spaced crimp-rails on an otherwise blank face. Much harder if you are shorter than 175 I guess, I could barely reach with my 178+6.
6c (6b) Sandsjöbacka / Lillesjön Boulder 2022-04-03
El Maco ss
7C Boulder at Utby Boulder
7c Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-04-02
Red point
Red point
La Bousse ss
7B+ Boulder at Utby Boulder
Really enjoy this one. Recommend you to try the front-flag beta to reach the stand start crimps.
7b+ Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-04-02
Red point
Red point
La Bousse
7B Boulder at Utby Boulder
7b Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-04-02
Red point
Red point
El nombre del niño
8A Boulder at Utby Boulder
I think this line is the line of the block and does not feel like a contrived linkup in any way. One of the best boulders I have done actually. 12 moves in a row which are all hard gives you a proper strength-endurance boulder. I think it could be 8A+ considering that it took me quite a few sessions to puzzle together and the seemingly few repetitions considering it is on one of the most visited blocks in Gothenburg. Even though no move is incredibly hard, you need to climb with a lot of precision on small holds and tiny feet, with a slow and precise match in the slot (especially if you have fat fingers) which drains some energy, which together makes it pretty hard to ascend. I started low in the starting holds and not as a proper sit (you need to be tall or have several pads to start sitting), I also used the tiny crimp-pinch in level and to the right of the slot which I heard some discussd whether it is included or not. To me it makes no sense to eliminate it and would only make this great line an elimination contrived line, it would neither make any difference in difficulty. Edit: Talked with first ascentionist who confirmed that the hold is not eliminated. I also used a kneepad to make the final kneescum part in La Bousse slightly easier when you arrive there with fatigue. Team ascent with Moritz in great conditions after a few sessions together. Thought I would fall from the topout-jugs with completely numb hands on the first attempt of the day.
8a+ (8a) Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-04-02
Red point
Red point
Livet är en fest
7C+ Boulder at Tolered
Tricky body positions to make the shallow heelhooks stay. Mental mantle. Fell on the mantle on my first session. Felt like Seb Grieves on Meshuga in Hard Grit, i.e like a though guy, before I realized it is a pretty good fall on a pile of pads from 3m height. Regardless, classic line and interesting moves.
7c+ Tolered Boulder 2022-03-30
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Solklinten
Two stars for the location which is amazing. I used holds and was with my body partially to the right of the arete. The mantle is a little bit tricky for the grade.
6a+ (6b) Solklinten Boulder 2022-03-27
7B+ Boulder at Solklinten
Cool board-style moves sharp holds! Tried a variant which started a few moves further down to the left, adding a few dabby-low crimp moves into the starting holds of this one.
7b+ Solklinten Boulder 2022-03-27
Red point
Red point
Cobra Commander
7A Boulder at Spökväggarna
7a Spökväggarna Boulder 2022-03-27
7B Boulder at Spökväggarna
Fun traverse on good rock!
7b Spökväggarna Boulder 2022-03-27
8A Boulder at Spökväggarna
The first hour of trying, it felt impossible to pull on the tiny crux hold and like I would break my foot in the heel-toe-cam. Tried a bunch of more or less weird alternative beta with little success. After some lental soup and colder conditions I was ready to commit and pull a bit harder. Then it went from impossible to successfully climbed within a few tries. Cool powerful moves but painful crux hold. Hard to say about the grade. Very powerful but so straight-forward that you will probably do it fast or not at all.
8a Spökväggarna Boulder 2022-03-26
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Häller boulder
6c Häller boulder Boulder 2022-03-19
Melocotón en Almíbar
8A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Cool toehook-boulder. Could not go directly to the lip (morpho-beta), but going to the crimps still felt more like 7C+ to me.
7c+ (8a) Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-15
Red point
Red point
8A+ Boulder at Techos Albarracin
Powerful yet technical. Came very close to doing it on the first session, surprisingly. Then I had a few frustrating sessions with bad skin and conditions before I felt strong on it again. Tactic-beta to have someone guide the crucial heelhook which you throw blindly over the lip.
8a+ Techos Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-15
Red point
Red point
8A+ Boulder at Parking Albarracin
Classic and polished to glass. Interesting crux sequence. Being tall or having great flexibility may help. Took me a few sessions before I had the skin and microbeta to get to the top.
8a+ Parking Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-15
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Fun mantle
7b Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-13
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
Albarracin-typical deadpoint launch.
7c+ La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-12
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Very spectacular roof which takes minutes to climb. Like a one-move 8A boulder into 8b route? Suits my style very well.
8b Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-09
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
6c (7a) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-05
Romos en cuesta
7B Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
7b Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-05
El Del Bidedo, de pie
7B Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
7b Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-05
Umbria corto
8A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Beta with matching the pocket which you deadpoint from, one-move boulder.
8a Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-05
Red point
Red point
Aben Razin stand
7b+ Loma de la Tejeria / Cañon - Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
Robotics Jr.
7B+ Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
7b+ Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Parking Albarracin
7b+ (7c) Parking Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
7b+ (7c) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
Doctor robotics
7C+ Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Endurance boulder.
7c+ Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Utby Boulder
Cool boulder in a 40 degree overhang on dark grey rock which is smoother than the rest of Utby. You feel badass climbing it, like D.Woods low gear machine style, giving multiple opportunities to show off your biceps strength in static moves. Semi-hard first half into powerful crux with a small incut undercling which you dyno to the lip from, a move which feels quite scary until you have commited a few times. Too bad the landing sucks and it is so moist and dark that you almost need a headlamp during daytime.
8a Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-01-26
Red point
Red point
8A+ Boulder at Nylöse boulder
Short but still offers some challenging moves in classic board climbing style. Catching the lip and maintaining pressure on the left hand was the crux for me. Crux hand hold is very painful and specific. I don't know about the grade, 8A seems reasonable, probably a bit anti-morpho.
8a (8a+) Nylöse boulder Boulder 2022-01-25
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Häller boulder
Some of the best moves I have ever done with great rock and sweet landing. Absolute world class and very unique!
7c+ Häller boulder Boulder 2022-01-14
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Häller boulder
One of the most iconic boulders in Sweden I suppose. Really really good! I think the stand start still offers the hardest moves of the boulder, and the lowstart adds some fatigue for when you arrive at the slightly tricky final moves. The heel or toehook for moving the left hand from the start hold is also quite tricky until you find the right body position.
8a Häller boulder Boulder 2022-01-14
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Tolered
Reachy and technical
6c Tolered Boulder 2021-09-19
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Tolered
7b+ Tolered Boulder 2021-09-19
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Tolered
7c Tolered Boulder 2021-09-19
Red point
Red point
Kapten Krok
7A Boulder at Häller boulder
7a Häller boulder Boulder 2021-09-18
7B Boulder at Häller boulder
7b Häller boulder Boulder 2021-09-18
Red point
Red point
8a+ Sport at Rue des masques
Zika but spectacular climbing through chossy roof on deep three finger slots. Non-stop climbing. First I thought easy, then I thought hard, then I thought ok. Last day and last climb of seven month climbing trip.
8a+ Rue des masques Sport 2021-08-30
Red point
Red point
La cour des grands
7c Sport at Entraygues
Having watched people climb it 210 times while banging my head against the wall on San ku Kai for 20+ climbing days.
7c Entraygues Sport 2021-08-11
Tete de Slip
7c+ Sport at Rue des masques
Great endurance route
7c+ Rue des masques Sport 2021-07-31
Red point
Red point
Force etalon
7b Sport at Rue des masques
Boulder to endurance
7b Rue des masques Sport 2021-07-30
Red point
Red point
Ben Quoi?
8b Sport at Rue des masques
Powerendurance climb. Easyish start into powerful roof section with typical slimy Rue two-pad incuts with little feet options. Rest before executing a cool final boulder on smaller holds up onto the verical part.
8b Rue des masques Sport 2021-07-17
Red point
Red point
Parcours santé
8a Sport at Rue des masques
Powerful powerendurance climbing with a campus section on pockets in a roof.
8a Rue des masques Sport 2021-07-16
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Rue des masques
Pinky mono crux was interesting.
7c Rue des masques Sport 2021-07-09
D'art d'art
7a Sport at Fessourier
Tricky slab into a more powerful crux move past a small roof. Then chossy but juggy climbing to the top.
7a Fessourier Sport 2021-07-06
Manon de la source
6b Sport at Fessourier
6b Fessourier Sport 2021-07-06
Manon de la source
7b Sport at Fessourier
Very good crimp-endurance climbing.
7b Fessourier Sport 2021-07-06
Pince Sans Rire
7b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Ultra-classic! Climbed like shit though, wet all the way, mega-polished and quite spaced out bolts turned out to a over-gripping fiesta and relieving anchor-clip.
7b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-18
Los Hermanos Peruanos
6b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
6b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-18
Los Jóvenes Castores
7b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
7b (7b+) Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-18
Encadenador Compulsivo
7b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Hardest of the three 7b+ clmbs in the overhang.
7b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-18
Equipador Compulsivo
7b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Three short bit quite tricky 7b+ routes here. This was easiest of the three.
7b (7b+) Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-18
Billy el Rápido
7a Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Incredibly humid which is even more apparent when you climb in the El Camino sector which has been gangbanged daily for 20 years. Warmed up with 3km approach+3km run back to the car at 4:00 min/km pace when a local farmer wanted us to move the vans and then a 3km down-jog back again.
7a Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-16
7a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Powerendurance route, I liked it. A bit committing start
7a+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-14
Aquest Any Si
7b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Nice climbing but polished, somewhat tricky to read crux sequence.
7b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-14
Red point
Red point
Soldados de Salamina
7b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Miserably tired hangning from the midpoint rest, I could nothing but observe a runaway dog looting our backpack of food. Chipped zika sequence in the roof, completely came out of the routesetters sequence close to the anchor.
7b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-14
7a Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Good climbing on tufas. Clipping the anchor is the crux, which is a bit unfortunate. Dozens of bird's nests on the extension and also on some of the routes of the sector.
7a Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-14
Volver a Nacer
7b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Ocean of tufas. Can probably be climbed in many different ways. Crazy rainfall 30 minutes after the ascent made all the tufas of the sector go from dry to waterfalls in less than an hour!
7b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-13
A toro pasau
7a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Recommended. Typical Rodellar overhang.
7a+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-06-13
Cañita Brava
7b Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Pumpy, did not find many kneebars for once.
7b Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-05-20
No Bouchon Spirit
7c+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Amazing overhanging endurance route. Seems like it is considered 7c+ if you veer right after the roof, which is not very far from the bolt line, but a bit in under a bush xD. Followed the bolt line on a beautiful crimpy sequence. Regardless, great climbing.
8a (7c+) Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-05-19
Juan y Fran se nos Van
7a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Classic. All good holds, but 20 meters and overhanging.
7a+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2021-05-17
Costelletes verdes
40m beauty. Easy but dangerously runout 5+ start into beautiful and exposed face climbing. Feels harder than many 7a for me, probably because on a slab we are all the same.
7a (6c+) La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-05-13
La pluma
7b Sport at Siuranella
Most think that the first moves are the crux. With a left knee-bar I thought it was not very hard. After that you have beautiful and a bit runout 7a+ dihedral climbing.
7b Siuranella Sport 2021-05-13
7a+ Sport at Siuranella
Technical and a bit hard to read in the crux.
7b (7a+) Siuranella Sport 2021-05-13
Crosta pànic L1
Slab climbing into a steep overhang with a somewhat hard anchor clip.
7a+ La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-05-08
Gato lerdo
Cool line in the obvious system of dihedral/crack with somewhat exposed climbing. Hard boulder at the top, struggled with finding the sequence and fiddled around there for quite some time.
7c (7b+) La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-05-08
Crónica profunda
Closing the circle in the L'Olla overhang with the harder exit of the first route i did here.
8b+ La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-05-07
Red point
Red point
Migranya profunda 
Spectacular enduro route. One of my more unexpected sends. Felt very strong the day before, but had little endurance and felt a bit tense after no climbing for a week due to rain and school commitments. This day I felt very tired during the warmup, considered not even trying. Barely made it through the starting crux but felt better and better the higher I got and realized in the crux that I felt fresher than the day before and got through it, after that it is a matter of keeping it together to the top.
8b+ La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-05-03
Red point
Red point
7a La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-04-22
Ay mamita !
7a La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-04-22
Lame chucha baby L1
Bouldery start
6c (6b+) La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-04-22
El prado del rey
Very beautiful with a lot if interesting climbing though one move is significantly harder than the others.
7b+ La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-04-22
Red point
Red point
Spectacular climbing, sustained start on "good" holds far apart with interesting moves into a crimpyish crux sequence. Decent rest before you have another 7A boulder guarding the anchor. Solid 8b I think, significantly harder than Cronica I believe which is on the opposite side of the grade range.
8b La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-04-22
Red point
Red point
G. Mortensen
A big challenge for me! The hard and very powerful boulder of Mortensen in the House directly into a 15 meter long very technical yet powerful traverse above the lip of the roof, maybe 8b route(?) and the rest in between the sections is not as good as you would like. Fell numerous times on the boulder and four times on the traverse after making it through the boulder. Got the line recommended by the legend D.Graham as a natural and cool line and I completely agree, should see more traffic! Took me more days than the 8c's done on the trip, so 8c+ seems appropriate.
8c+ La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-04-18
Red point
Red point
The Monster House
Shares first bolts and startboulder with Directa Cornualles. Then it veers of left into a overhanging traverse which I initially thought would not be so hard, but I fell there several times due to pumping out. Not sure if my endurance is a bit lower than usual after many bouldery routes or if the route is actually pumpy.
8b+ La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-04-05
Red point
Red point
Mortensen in the House
Intro semi-hard moves into great kneebar rest before you launch out through the roof into a very powerful boulderproblem on dual crimp underclings, launching sideways into a decent hold that is chronically wet and is very hard to catch due to the body position being slightly off. Super high risk move with a lot of subtle details. Then several powerful and tricky moves follows before you come up to a jug rest and a 7a climbing outro. Took me multiple days to find a beta that worked, and even when I knew the beta, I could only stick the move when I turned up the aggressiveness enough to be willing to latch the hold at full speed and had fully charged the biceps.
8c La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-04-04
Red point
Red point
Directa cornualles
Striking line straight out of the L'Olla overhang. Powerful yet tricky start into several boulders with incomplete resting positions in between. After going into another pulley-injury (third in 14 months) and a lumbrical strain (excluding pocketclimbing in Margalef from the list of good choices), the best choice seems to be projecting on steep terrain.
8c La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-03-29
Red point
Red point
La Fúria de Titán
One very hard move from double crimp underclings and tiny feet. Maybe 7C+ boulder into 8a route? Did the boulder on the second day but then fell on the 7A crimp-crux by the end. Took several more days before I did the boulder again, giving up to 15 tries in a day xD Hard to grade, have not done many routes with such a distinct boulder at the very start.
8c North faces of Siurana Sport 2021-03-22
Red point
Red point
Powerful steep climbing with the crux move being a dyno from a left hand crimp after the draining start moves. Got cold pumped on the upper half which is maybe 7c climbing.
8b La Olla - El Pati - Espero Primavera Sport 2021-03-12
Red point
Red point
A mig gas
7b+ Sport at Zona del Pantano
Cool but polished. Went straight up at the final crux on the os. Going right was easier.
7b+ Zona del Pantano Sport 2021-03-05
Red point
Red point
El espinazo del diablo
7a+ Sport at Zona del Pantano
Steep start into cool tufas.
7a+ Zona del Pantano Sport 2021-03-05
Ponte peluca
7a Sport at Zona del Pantano
One longer move
7a Zona del Pantano Sport 2021-03-05
6c+ Sport at Zona del Pantano
6c+ Zona del Pantano Sport 2021-03-05
El Dia de la Bestia
6c+ Sport at Zona del Pantano
Tricky mid-section
7a (6c+) Zona del Pantano Sport 2021-03-05
Carn d'Olla
7a Sport at Zona del Pantano
7a Zona del Pantano Sport 2021-02-27
Gos Roig, Gos Boig
6c Sport at Zona del Pantano
6c Zona del Pantano Sport 2021-02-27
Doctor Feelgood
8a Sport at Zona del Pantano
Finally managed a 8a os which has been a goal that I have never really prioritised enough energy for, always doing onsight climbing when being to tired for climbing the projects. Overhanging endurance climbing. Did not feel in particularly good endurance shape after bouldery climbing in Siurana for a month, but managed to make my way up slow and steady. Almost got "ankarfrossa" when I spotted the anchor during the last two meters of climbing.
8a Zona del Pantano Sport 2021-02-27
La capella ardiente
High quality route. Vertical climbing with a technical, yet powerful and complex bouldery crux in the first part. Then several sustained and varied sections all the way to the top. Old-school bolted, 7 bolts in 25 m. Strained the a2-pulley on it though :(
8a North faces of Siurana Sport 2021-02-24
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at North faces of Siurana
Superb. Sustained climbing with many layback moves.
7a+ North faces of Siurana Sport 2021-02-17
Mandibula Batiente
7c+ Sport at North faces of Siurana
Very good! Endurance crimping on the upper part. Felt quite hard to me!
7c+ North faces of Siurana Sport 2021-02-15
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at La Reina Mora
Long route with many reachy moves but a crimpy crux section halfway up. Looked like big holds climbing, thought I would be fine in the blasing sun, was not, punted on the polished crimps in the crux. Upper third has some very reachy moves between sharp undercuts to small pockets, cool but might give rise to words of the devil by people with smaller reach and biceps. Slightly spaced bolting. Recommended.
7c La Reina Mora Sport 2021-02-13
Red point
Red point
6b Sport at La Reina Mora
Felt more like 5a? Jugs on slightly above vertical. Good route.
5+ (6b) La Reina Mora Sport 2021-02-13
Pandora L1
7a Sport at La Reina Mora
6c+ (7a) La Reina Mora Sport 2021-02-13
7a Sport at La Reina Mora
L1+L2, 35 m. Second "pitch" is really good. First pitch less so.
7a La Reina Mora Sport 2021-02-13
Via del Cugat
7c+ Sport at Siuranella
7c+ Siuranella Sport 2021-02-10
Red point
Red point
8b Sport at Siuranella
Siurana classic! Not as good as advertised, but still very good. 7a+ climbing into a good rest before a crimpy bouldercrux. Seems like the most well chalked beta was a slight left escape, reducing the difficulty of the boulder from maybe 7B to 7A+. I did it with the escape beta. Then there is 10 meters of beautiful endurance climbing with tricky sequences before you come to the final third which is easier. Here it seems like the wisdom of the crowd has found a slight left escape on the upper slab, which kind of makes sense when the bolts are miles apart. Maybe 8a+ with these conventional left variations.
8b Siuranella Sport 2021-02-05
Red point
Red point
Memorias de una sepia
8a Sport at Siuranella
Two bouldery sections. Dynamic moves on crimps. Used high left heelhook beta for the first crux. A bit polished.
8a Siuranella Sport 2021-02-03
Red point
Red point
La vileta
7a Sport at Siuranella
Powerful crux, probably hard to onsight for the grade.
7a Siuranella Sport 2021-02-02
Berrio cabrero
7b+ Sport at Siuranella
Very good! Sustained on sharp incuts in different angles. Reminds me of Tres Ponts.
7b+ Siuranella Sport 2021-02-02
La crema
7c+ Sport at Siuranella
Vertical testpiece. No easy moves and long sequence with small crimps by the last few bolts. Got really pumped at the last long lock-off moves. Definitely an 8a to me, and not an easy one. Did not use the no hands rest far out right before the crux starts, which supposedly is the reason for the 7c+ downgrade in some guides, but I doubt this rest makes big a difference since you have a decent rest either way.
8a (7c+) Siuranella Sport 2021-02-02
Red point
Red point
Morena corwin
7b+ Sport at Siuranella
Had climbed the first half before when doing Lola Corwin. Surprisingly hard on the part that looks easy.
7b+ Siuranella Sport 2021-02-01
Red point
Red point
Lola corrwin
8c Sport at Siuranella
Amazing! Striking line at a beautiful spot. 7b dihedral before you traverse out onto the face. The face is technical with sustained hard moves separated by a semi-marginal rest. Then you come up to the roof where you also have a marginal rest in the sharpest pockets you can imagine before you have to pull of the crux of the route, consisting of a brutal undercling move followed by several extended launches. A crunched up clip before you can death crimp the shit out of the last few meters to the anchor. Was incredibly close to fall on these very last moves. For me the hardest thing about this route was the deadpoint undercling move where you can easily do a slight mistake and fall of even though you are feeling kind of fresh.
8c Siuranella Sport 2021-02-01
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Siuranella
Beautiful. Many crack climbing moves.
7a Siuranella Sport 2021-01-30
Media vida
7a+ Sport at Siuranella
Adventurous feeling on this one.
7a+ Siuranella Sport 2021-01-30
Abre los ojos L1
7b Sport at Siuranella
Beautiful. Powerful start into continuous crack/layback climbing and a crux just before the anchor.
7b Siuranella Sport 2021-01-30
Lets go bowling
7B Boulder at Kullavik
Great line, cool moves and beautiful setting. Left exit felt more than a half grade harder.
7b Kullavik Boulder 2020-11-07
Red point
Red point
Flight of the conchords
7A Boulder at Kullavik
Clean short face with crux matching on a small edge.
7a Kullavik Boulder 2020-11-07
Red point
Red point
6c+ Sport at Hyltebergen
Clean line with crimpy moves. Tricky just below the anchor.
7a (6c+) Hyltebergen Sport 2020-10-30
Red point
Red point
Till tops beste far
6b+ Sport at Kärna
Beautiful upper part. Might feel a bit committing if it is on your limit, with bad feet and slightly spaced bolts.
6b+ Kärna Sport 2020-10-18
Funky Business
7b+ Sport at Kärna
Really cool and beautiful! One commiting crux move, the rest is easier.
7b (7b+) Kärna Sport 2020-10-18
8b+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Linking Troglodyte and Neo through 5 meter of "new" climbing. An aesthetic line in my opinion and a straight diagonal all the way from Troglodyte. Logically, linking a 8a+ into 8b+ should probably bump the grade to 8c. But to me it felt more like linking a 8a into an 8b and I believe that I am not strong enough to claim 8c without putting in more effort. Good option when other routes may be wet. Altough Neo may be seeping, the holds stay dry.
8b+ Granitgrottan Sport 2020-10-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
7c+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Cool boulder problem. Shallow kneebarring and bad sidepulls in a roof. Powerful but not very risky moves. Always dry.
8a+ (7c+) Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-29
Red point
Red point
Mad Troglodyte
8a+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Troglodyte into pumpy part of Mad Rock.
8b (8a+) Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-29
Red point
Red point
8b+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Spectacular steep section with technical kneebars and shitty underclings. First redpoint attempt after going bolt by bolt twice. Found a beta which suited me very well and made all of the moves quite high percentage though very powerful. The amazing rail in the roof feels like something straight out of Flatanger.
8b (8b+) Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-24
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Granitgrottan
A tricky onsight with non-obvious beta. Pulled out the rope and tried to clip the anchor thrice before I succeded. In no way similar to the climbing in Niemisel. Not the best in the cave but as I usually say, there is no such thing as bad climbing.
7b+ Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-19
Detta är livet
7c Sport at Granitgrottan
Bouldery start of Mad Rock. No anchor but probably equally valid route as Troglodyte since they end at the same spot?
7c Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-18
Red point
Red point
Mad Rock
8a Sport at Granitgrottan
Really good! Intro boulderproblem to pumpy climbing on good holds in steep terrain with a slightly techy sequence just below the anchor. I found the so called traverse crux to be surprisingly easy, bomber knee and incut slots.
8a Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-18
Red point
Red point
8b+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Cave-wrestling at its best. Suits me very well with techy kneebars and lots of core engagement. 2nd redpoint go after working it for two days. Found static beta on the crux section just past the jugs which are notoriously wet, making it possible to dry your hands on your pants before grabbing the crimp.
8b+ Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-18
Red point
Red point
6a+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Not sure about the date.
6a+ Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
6a Sport at Granitgrottan
Not sure about the date.
6a Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
7a Sport at Granitgrottan
Not sure about the date.
7a Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
6c+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Not sure about the date.
6c+ Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
6c Sport at Granitgrottan
Not sure about the date.
6c Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
6c Sport at Granitgrottan
Not sure about the date.
6c Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
6b+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Not sure about the date.
6b+ Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
6b Sport at Granitgrottan
6b Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
Mount Blanc
6b Sport at Granitgrottan
6b Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
7a Sport at Granitgrottan
Not sure about the date.
7a Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
Mount Everest
7a Sport at Granitgrottan
Not sure about the date.
7a Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-09
6b Sport at Utby
6b Utby Sport 2020-09-07
7a Sport at Utby
Crimps with some somewhat insecure clips close to the ground.
7a Utby Sport 2020-09-07
7b+ Sport at Utby
Almost held the pendulum on the final move of the onsight. Tricky heel in the undercling. Maybe bad beta. Really nice one!
7b+ Utby Sport 2020-09-07
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Niemisel
Another good route in Niemisel. As said, some longer reaches on gastons and sidepulls.
7b+ Niemisel Sport 2020-08-23
Red point
Red point
Better burn out than fade away
7c+ Sport at Niemisel
Sustained with decent rests and no real stopper moves. Great except for the slightly awkward initial traverse.
7c+ Niemisel Sport 2020-08-23
Red point
Red point
Scooby Doo
7A Boulder at Gummark
7a Gummark Boulder 2020-07-17
Red point
Red point
The upside down (Ståstart)
7A+ Boulder at Gummark
Powerful traverse, nice!
7a+ Gummark Boulder 2020-07-17
Red point
Red point
Free tickets to a crappy comedy club
7A+ Boulder at Gummark
Nice climbing except for the rock in your back. I feel like the mental aspect is what makes it feel hard. Getting a toe up on the lowstart was extremely hard for me though, got nothing back except for cramp in the thigh xD.
7a (7a+) Gummark Boulder 2020-07-17
Red point
Red point
Beverly Hills
6c Partially... at Utby
Psyked but tested my discipline to keep climbing openhanded to not fuck up my injured finger. Everything that looked like jugs from the ground was not. Somewhat hard to protect the start.
6c Utby Partially... 2020-05-21
Vit ambivalens
7a Traditional at Utby
Almost went for a hybris not warmed up onsight attempt. Glad I didn't. Surprisingly hard start. After that you can turn on cruise mode and enjoy beautiful easy climbing. Definitely coming back for the lead.
7a+ (7a) Utby Traditional 2020-05-21
Top rope
Top rope
Mental kontroll
7a Traditional at Lexby
Sustained, varied and with many bad feet placements. First headpoint experience.
7a Lexby Traditional 2020-05-15
Red point
Red point
Stör inte blommorna på min led
6c Traditional at Hallinden
After cruising Afterburner I thought, "I know how to crack climb..." *staring up at the harder routes* "maybe I should try one of those?...". Went for this supposedly equally hard route and it ended up being half an hour sustained fight on the wall. My first ever taped jam glove was completely torn away after one third of the route and I was desperately squeezing my jams all over the crack. Never thought I would get to the top and the thought of taking my first fall on gear was even inviting. Found myself spotting the finishing jug above the lip, but it was protected by a final flare in the crack. Full body pump and no diginitiy left regarding technique, things went desperate but I managed to stab for the jug and held it. Great fight, great feeling.
6c Hallinden Traditional 2020-05-08
6b+ Traditional at Hallinden
Slightly overhanging on fingerlocks with an short off-width at the end. Classic!
6b+ Hallinden Traditional 2020-05-08
6a+ Traditional at Hallinden
Really good. Long, exposed and sustained. Enjoyed every move.
6a+ Hallinden Traditional 2020-05-08
Vad Är Otid?
6a Traditional at Hallinden
Nice but short.
6a Hallinden Traditional 2020-05-08
7b Sport at Korpaberget
Sustained on decent incut crimps cut since they are all slots you cant engage your thumbs. Climbed as part of a flash attempt on Cirkus Scott. Never clipped the anchor but within clipping reach from the jugs.
7b Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-23
7c Sport at Korpaberget
Very nice line even though the hard part is very short. Dynamic moves on incut crimps.
7c Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-23
Kejsarens nya kläder
7c+ Sport at Korpaberget
Really good. Bomber granite quality and dynamic moves.
8a (7c+) Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-23
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Korpaberget
The line of the crag. Would have been three stars if it was more sustained. The 8a intro is the hardest part. Followed by easier climbing into a boulder right before the anchor which is not really hard but a bit tricky. The day before I injured a second pulley during the last 5 months, has the west coast climate weakened my tendons? Cya in another few months 27crags
8a+ (8a) Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-23
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Korpaberget
Harder start than expected.
7a Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-21
Super Mario
7c Sport at Korpaberget
Slopey traverse in the roof. Some shoulder intense moves.
7c Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-21
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Seglora
Strongly recommended. Bouldery sequences separated by decent rests. Superb granite. I dont really understand at which point you would like to escape to the arete.
7c Seglora Sport 2020-04-17
Red point
Red point
Spice Girl
7b+ Sport at Seglora
Somewhat tricky traverse on crimpslots on bad feet. Ended up at the shelf. I think not including it would be an elimination rather than the most natural line.
7c (7b+) Seglora Sport 2020-04-17
6c Sport at Seglora
Good climbing. Somewhat reachy start. Bouldery finish before the anchor.
6c Seglora Sport 2020-04-14
Begagnade blöjor
7a+ Sport at Seglora
Some superhero moves, campusing on jugs on the lip. Bouldery crux.
7a+ Seglora Sport 2020-04-14
Machine au Line
8a+ Sport at Svanvik
Spectacular climbing! Many people trying it since the broken hold thinks that it has become a distinct point crux. For me the whole sequence to the top from the 7a+ anchor felt sustained.
8a+ Svanvik Sport 2020-04-13
Red point
Red point
Dick Vein
7c+ Sport at Svanvik
Maybe 2nd ascent? Not in the guidebook, but the bolts have been there for an unknown time. Exposed overhanging traverse on an arete. 7c or 7c+
7c+ Svanvik Sport 2020-04-05
Red point
Red point
Voodoo Dick
7c Sport at Svanvik
Easy start into a crack with fingerlocks and a few long moves, more bouldery than pumpy. 7c in guidebook, easier than the other 7c's at the crag which are hard though.
7c Svanvik Sport 2020-04-05
Machine au Line (L1)
7a+ Sport at Svanvik
Nice, but morpho crux below the anchor.
7a+ Svanvik Sport 2020-04-03
7c Sport at Svanvik
Under-rated route I believe. Powerendurance climbing on incut crimps in an overhang. 7c/+
7c Svanvik Sport 2020-04-03
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Svanvik
The classic of the crag. Really good and pumpy. Somehow managed to fall on the onsight after catching the anchor-clipping jug when my knee hit the wall after taking the pendulum. Like climbing in Niemisel. 7c/+ probably
7c Svanvik Sport 2020-04-03
Red point
Red point
All Hell Breaks Loose
8b Sport at Svanvik
Tricky with lots of beta-possibilities and no obvious way past the crux. Used a right knee-scum when working my way left on the slopers, felt slightly easier than 8b for me with my beta once I figured it out. Third try of the day on the third day in a row at Svanvik, loving the place.
8b Svanvik Sport 2020-03-29
Red point
Red point
John Vein
7c Sport at Svanvik
Very nice route. Somewhat bouldery climbing in the first half on some drilled pockets. Pumpy upper part. Fell by the last move before the anchor on the onsight attempt with some intense pre-season pump.
7c Svanvik Sport 2020-03-27
Red point
Red point
Little John
6b+ Sport at Svanvik
One tricky section which is way harder if you are short
6b+ Svanvik Sport 2020-03-24
6b+ Sport at Svanvik
Some parts extremely morpho
6b+ Svanvik Sport 2020-03-24
Sagan om ringen
8b Sport at Svanvik
Unique and cool characteristic "dyno" crux where you want to make it as little as possible as a dyno since taking the swing is very hard. Semi-hard moves after that.
8b Svanvik Sport 2020-03-24
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Häller boulder
7a Häller boulder Boulder 2020-03-15
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Hyltebergen
Granite beauty. Good holds and bad feet. Sustained.
7b+ Hyltebergen Sport 2020-03-14
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Mellby
Barndoor climbing on a tall arete. Mental topout.
7c Mellby Boulder 2020-03-13
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Utby Boulder
Något enklare än vänstervariant tycker jag.
7a Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-02-12
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Utby Boulder
Kraftfull. Lite morpho.
7a Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-02-12
Red point
Red point
Voodo Lågstart
7B+ Boulder at Utby Boulder
Kraftfulla moves på små snedställda lister. Kvällsklättring i februari är ett för mig nytt fenomen. En utmaning att klättra med öppen handsfattning pga trasig A4.
7b+ Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-02-12
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Utby Boulder
Svårare än den ser ut. Två moves med areteklämmeri.
7a Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-01-25
Red point
Red point
El Maco
7A+ Boulder at Utby Boulder
En högfriktionsdag är nog att önska om man har planer på bestiga denna. Har snart övat in alla moves på stenen där man inte behöver en hel vänsterhand.
7a+ Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-01-25
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Tumlehed
Heelhook mantle on beautiful sloper.
6c+ (6c) Tumlehed Boulder 2020-01-19
Red point
Red point
Tumle SS
7B Boulder at Tumlehed
"Best sloper on the west coast"
7b Tumlehed Boulder 2020-01-19
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Tumlehed
Nice climbing and good rock.
7b+ Tumlehed Boulder 2020-01-19
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Utby Boulder
7a Utby Boulder Boulder 2019-10-03
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Utby Boulder
7a+ Utby Boulder Boulder 2019-10-03
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Falkberget, Piteå
One of the best at the crag. 10 meter powerendurance climbing in steep terrain on great rock quality.
7c Falkberget, Piteå Sport 2019-08-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
Big Ben down on Sally
6A Boulder at Sundergrund
6a Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
7A Boulder at Zillertal
Not sure about which boulder we climbed but it was graded 7A but felt much easier than that. Slab where you finish with both hands matched on a crimp.
6c (7a) Zillertal Boulder 2019-08-04
Lay Down Sally
6C Boulder at Sundergrund
My longest standing project. Tried it during my first climbing day ever in 2014.
6b (6c) Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Sundergrund
6c Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
6B Boulder at Sundergrund
Nice, short moves on jugs with good feet.
5 (6b) Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
Man in the mirror
7B+ Boulder at Sundergrund
Crimpy traverse with sensitive heels
7b+ Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
Red point
Red point
Sunset Boulevard
6a+ Sport at Simmering
11 pitches of sustained face climbing. First pitches a bit dirty. Painfully hot in the sun.
6a (6a+) Simmering Sport 2019-08-03
Happy end
6c Sport at Eldorado
6c Eldorado Sport 2019-08-01
Home sweet home
7c Sport at Eldorado
Pumpy granite climbing. Cool crag!
7c Eldorado Sport 2019-08-01
New route to the right of La croix de Toulouse
8a Sport at Rocher des Brumes
Pumpy climbing into a really tricky ending with many shitty holds and a bad knee-scum.
8a Rocher des Brumes Sport 2019-07-28
Red point
Red point
Espoir Karsherise
8a Sport at Rocher des Brumes
Powerful route on steep terrain in a beautiful setting. Maybe morpho.
8a Rocher des Brumes Sport 2019-07-27
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Rocher des Brumes
Goes right after the crux of Papanuk, more straightforward and pumpy exit but less hard moves.
8a Rocher des Brumes Sport 2019-07-25
Red point
Red point
La rentiere mal baisee
8a+ Sport at Rocher des Brumes
Pumpy roofclimbing with many cool sequences. Really liked it. Always in the shade and often windy. The dirty 10 meter intro 6c+ is not nice though.
8a+ Rocher des Brumes Sport 2019-07-24
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Rocher des Brumes
15 meter powerendurance climbing in a 45 degrees overhang. Powerful and a lot of bodytension.
8a Rocher des Brumes Sport 2019-07-21
Red point
Red point
Racing in the street
8b Sport at Rue des masques
Classic of the crag. Fingery powerendurance with many three finger crimps. Really fun to climb. Maybe feels more like 8a+ if you have good fingerstrength. Like racing in the street. Clipped all the draws and didnt go left in the crux to the first restjug in the dihedral though I was tempted to.
8b Rue des masques Sport 2019-07-20
Red point
Red point
Frais juice
7a+ Sport at Pimaï
Better than expected. Fingery powerendurance.
7a+ Pimaï Sport 2019-07-14
Hasta la vista
6c+ Sport at Pimaï
6c+ Pimaï Sport 2019-07-14
Du bout des ongles
6c+ Sport at Pimaï
6c+ Pimaï Sport 2019-07-14
Pimaï express
7a+ Sport at Pimaï
Hard. Slab. Harder than all of the 7b's further to the left.
7b (7a+) Pimaï Sport 2019-07-14
La couleur des sentiments
7b+ Sport at Pimaï
7b (7b+) Pimaï Sport 2019-07-14
Le pays de la liberté mais c'est où?
7b Sport at Pimaï
7a+/7b. Somewhat tricky middle part.
7a+ (7b) Pimaï Sport 2019-07-13
I wish I knew you before
7c+ Sport at Pimaï
Beautiful line even though the middle section is not so interesting. Maybe a bit too many bolts in the upper part, makes the experience less interesting when you clip every other move and of course I am not brave enough to skip any of them on the onsight. For me it felt more like 7c.
7c (7c+) Pimaï Sport 2019-07-13
Le rouge qui tache
6c Sport at Pimaï
Slightly easier then the 7a to the left but still surprisingly sustained on crimps.
6c Pimaï Sport 2019-07-13
Gravity jump
8a Sport at Pimaï
30 meter almost vertical climbing. Two sustained and crimpy harder parts. Fell on the onsight after clipping the last draw, final meter is not easy to read. Not often you complain about the cold in the summer, but this crag is really chilly, especially when it is windy. Fingers completely numb in the first technical crux.
8a Pimaï Sport 2019-07-13
Red point
Red point
Pimaï en braille
7c Sport at Pimaï
Vertical with sustained crimpy sections. 7b+/7c
7c Pimaï Sport 2019-07-12
Pimaï canaille
7a Sport at Pimaï
Sustained on crimps. Manufactured like many of the routes at this crag.
7a Pimaï Sport 2019-07-12
Mystical melody
7b Sport at Pimaï
Beautiful vertical climbing. Sustained crimpy sections separated by better holds.
7b Pimaï Sport 2019-07-12
7b Sport at Bielsa
Nice and long. Vertical and somewhat tricky into slightly overhanging and more pumpy.
7b Bielsa Sport 2019-07-10
Aurore Boréale
8a Sport at Bielsa
What can one say... Yet another three star route.
8a Bielsa Sport 2019-07-10
Red point
Red point
Joe Bar Team L1
7b+ Sport at Bielsa
7b+ Bielsa Sport 2019-07-08
Red point
Red point
Joe Bar Team L2
7c Sport at Bielsa
Another classic and the easiest route on the steeper part of the tufasector. Fucked up the onsight on the lower part after choosing to follow the wrong tufa. Onsighted/flashed it to the top next try. Really good climbing. Somewhat harder moves separated by jugs almost all the way.
7c Bielsa Sport 2019-07-08
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Bielsa
Beautiful line up the highest part of the sector. Sustained vertical climbing into more powerful and pumpy climbing up the overhanging headwall on mainly edges and pockets. Had great flashbeta after belaying Agnes during her successfull first 8a project. The traverse at the start reduces the rating from three to two stars.
8a Bielsa Sport 2019-07-08
Voie Lanne
7c+ Sport at Bielsa
Same first half as Parfum de Kalymnos, then instead of exiting straight up with a 7c-ish route, you traverse right for 15 meters (6c-ish).
7c+ Bielsa Sport 2019-07-06
Red point
Red point
Parfum de Kalymnos
8a Sport at Bielsa
Kalymnos-style. Large tufa features and very steep. Surprisingly dirty at the top considering it is the classic of the crag. Superdevotas is really peaceful and nice, would like to spend more time here.
8a Bielsa Sport 2019-07-06
Red point
Red point
50 Millions de Consommateurs
6c+ Sport at Bielsa
Nice and sustained. Warm up of the crag and gets gangbanged every day tough.
6c+ Bielsa Sport 2019-07-05
Visa pour Bielsa
8a Sport at Bielsa
Classic of the crag. Came very close to fulfilling the 8a-os dream after climbing well and confident for once on a hard onsight attempt. Really good and varied climbing, no part is easy and no part is really hard..
8a Bielsa Sport 2019-07-05
Red point
Red point
8a+ Sport at Bielsa
Kingline. Sustained first half on a thin tufa into a good rest, followed by a powerful section and a pumpy and sustained upper part. The quality of the routes here are incredible.
8a+ Bielsa Sport 2019-07-04
Red point
Red point
Highway 42
8b Sport at Bielsa
Amazing route. Steep and powerful start which suited me perfectly, powerendurance on crimps with deep dropknees. Middle section is easier with many kneebar opportunities. Then you enter a more pumpy part where you can easily fall. I did three times. Insanely hot weather made it feel like a proper 8b to me, if the conditions were better it might be a rather soft one.
8b Bielsa Sport 2019-07-01
Red point
Red point
Creo que no L1
6c+ Sport at Bielsa
Bouldery start, somewhat pumpy end.
6c+ Bielsa Sport 2019-06-25
7c Sport at Bielsa
Sustained and juggy endurance part in the beginning and a more vertical and bouldery section higher up. Climbed passively and bad, waiting for some hard moves to hit me, but it never really did. Felt more like low end 7b+.
7b+ (7c) Bielsa Sport 2019-06-24
7a+ Sport at Bielsa
Tufa jungle for 10 m, not so interesting, into 20 meters of sustained vertical climbing on mainly good holds and a bit slippery feet. Recommended!
7a+ Bielsa Sport 2019-06-24
Du Sel dans les Plaies
7a Sport at Bielsa
Also recommended. Somewhat more bouldery than Corinda.
7a Bielsa Sport 2019-06-24
7a Sport at Bielsa
One million degrees hot. 25 meters of mainly jugs on a slightly overhanging wall. No chalk made it somewhat hard to find the best holds since you have so many to choose from. Helmet recommended for the belayer since the rock is quite loose at places.
7a Bielsa Sport 2019-06-24
8a Sport at Tres Ponts
Extremely good! Sustained boulderproblems separated by better holds for resting. Intense for fingers and skin. The final boulder, pulling up onto the slab, was really desperate with sharp crimps and technical footwork. Definitely deserves the + in my opinion, slightly harder than El Batec. One of the best at the crag I think.
8a+ (8a) Tres Ponts Sport 2019-06-22
Red point
Red point
El Malson L1
7a+ Sport at Tres Ponts
Easier technical climbing into a bouldery and morpho crux. Found it somewhat harder than the longer 7b to the right.
7a+ Tres Ponts Sport 2019-06-19
8b+ Sport at Tres Ponts
Both very technically and physically demanding. Took me several days to find a sequence on the bouldercrux past the roof that was not completely desperate, so much microbeta to be found. One of those routes where you can fall a hundered times but once you do it, it doesnt feel that hard. Like a 7b route into a 7C boulder, into some more sustained moves where you might fall, before the easier 6b slab above. Glad that I did it before some insane heat arrived.
8b+ Tres Ponts Sport 2019-06-18
Red point
Red point
Forat Penat
7a+ Sport at Tres Ponts
Much better than it looks from the ground. Enjoyed it. Sustained section on crimps. Not so hard to redpoint but somewhat heady and hard to read on the onsight.
7b (7a+) Tres Ponts Sport 2019-06-16
Aonvolsnà L1
6b+ Sport at Tres Ponts
Polished, not much easier than the 7a+ extension?
6c+ (6b+) Tres Ponts Sport 2019-06-13
Aonvolsnà L1+2
7a+ Sport at Tres Ponts
Second pitch is really cool. First pitch is polished and not so cool.
7a+ Tres Ponts Sport 2019-06-13
Mal de Amores
8a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Ultraclassic kingline through the roof! Unexpected evening send after struggling with an bouldery route the major part of the day, turning into an endurance-weakling?
8a+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2019-06-06
Red point
Red point
La gatera
7a Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Maybe the most fucked up moves I have ever done. Like squeezing yourself out of a vagina. One star for uniqueness.
7a Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2019-06-03
Sayonara Baby
7c Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Cool but extremely polished. Hang around at the jugs at the intro boulder for 5 minutes at the onsight, before finding the sequence, got flashpump of death. Then I fell on the last hard move. Punter
7c Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2019-06-02
Red point
Red point
Los empollones del TDM
7a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Really good. In the sun, could probably boil an egg on the jugs.
7a+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2019-05-31
De Bien Nacidos
7a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Cool! Steep and following a left-veering ramp.
7a+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2019-05-31
8b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
One of the most striking lines! Sustained tufa pulling with many bad knee-bars into a even more pumpy section on more orange and blocky rock, followed by a mantle problem to a slopey crimp traverse into a good rest and a crimpy boulderproblem guarding the anchors. Has it all!
8b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2019-05-27
Red point
Red point
Arrampat a la cova L2
6b Sport at Tres Ponts
Nice contrast to the slab. Steep with mainly good holds, many fingerlocks and handjams.
7a+ (6b) Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-16
Arrampat a la Cova L1
7a Sport at Tres Ponts
Interesting slab. Bolts a bit misplaced maybe.
7a+ (7a) Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-16
7b Sport at Tres Ponts
Vertical and sustained.
7b Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-16
La Nansa Gansa
7a+ Sport at Tres Ponts
Vertical and sustained into few hard moves in the roof
7b+ (7a+) Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-15
Trencaclatells L1
7b Sport at Tres Ponts
Few hard moves before the steep part.
7b+ (7b) Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-15
Trencaclatells L1+2
7b+ Sport at Tres Ponts
40 meter. Very nice, sustained with many fingerlocks and handjam opportunities.
7c (7b+) Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-15
Alt ugrell L2
8a Sport at Tres Ponts
Fell stabbing for the jug after the crux on the onsight after one of my biggest fights, was on the wall for maybe 45 minutes. Got insanely pumped on the bottom part of the 7c. Rested forever at every good hold but could only do a few hard moves in a row before that deep pump was back at me. Followed the chalk and veered right on the vertical 8a crux, found myself few meters above the bolt and a blank space seperating me from the bolt line. Somehow managed to yank my way back to the bolt line and clip the bolt by my feet and by a miracle I pulled of a few more crimpy moves with shitty feet before I hit some better hold but by this time the pump was so deep that not even incut holds on vertical terrain could save me, stabbed for the jug that marked the end of the hard section but the foot slipped and I was off. Tried it once more that day but was completely out of gas. Did it the day after with some margin.
8a Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-15
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Tres Ponts
Very bouldery start into nice climbing.
7a+ (7a) Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-14
Alt Ugrell L1
7c Sport at Tres Ponts
What en epic fight. Got insanely pumped after hesitating on the sustained part after the bottom boulder.
7c Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-14
El Batec
8a+ Sport at Tres Ponts
Soo freaking good! 35 meter of sustained and varied climbing. Gave an onsightattempt but fell in the first crux trying to figure out how to clip. Steep climbing on incut holds to the first crux in slightly overhanging terrain on sidepulls and undercuts. Bad rest into the second crux which is either done as a compression problem or a mantle with wide gastons. Finishing of with a slab. Got it all!
8a+ Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-12
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Tres Ponts
Yet another great one!
7c Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-12
N°15 L1
7b Sport at Tres Ponts
Great route! But why on earth hasnt this classic of the crag been named?! Good holds but non-ideal feet.
7b Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-11
Pan de Puta
7a Sport at Tres Ponts
Bouldery and not so nice
7a Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-09
Pilier L1+2
7a+ Sport at Tres Ponts
Adventureous feeling. 50 m of climbing on an aretelike-feature.
7a+ Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-09
Instint Salvatge
7b+ Sport at Tres Ponts
Superb, 35 meter of slightly overhanging climbing. No part is easy and no part is superhard. The supposed to be jug after the roof turned out to be a sloper on the onsight.
7b+ Tres Ponts Sport 2019-05-09
Red point
Red point
Trio Ternura
8a Sport at Santa linya
Working on the second pitch which is really cool!
8a Santa linya Sport 2019-05-04
Red point
Red point
Cada uno por su lado
8a Sport at Santa linya
Intense and bouldery! Gave a serious flashattempt but were to passive.
8a Santa linya Sport 2019-05-02
Red point
Red point
Final Felic
7a+ Sport at Camarasa
Into the cave. The interesting part is short but good.
7a+ Camarasa Sport 2019-04-30
Shere khan
7c+ Sport at Camarasa
35 meter brilliance. Fell after 32 meter on the onsight when I missed the good part of the hold on a dynamic move. Vertical climbing up to a roof with long moves and a pumpy section on slightly worse pockets.
7c+ Camarasa Sport 2019-04-30
Red point
Red point
Mogli L1
7b+ Sport at Camarasa
Thought I went on the 7a+, but the initial crux on slopey crimps made me realize it was something slightly harder. Hard where it looks easy and easy where it looks hard.
7b+ Camarasa Sport 2019-04-30
6b+ Sport at Camarasa
30 meter of jugpulling. Lovin it
6b+ Camarasa Sport 2019-04-30
La Fabelita L1
8c Sport at Santa linya
Yay! Felt so good on the route during the last few days and with some warmer temps coming in it was such an relief to clip the anchor of this kingline. 11 days I tried it, some days exclusively and some days just one go or so. In the beginning every move felt doable but to link all of them seemed far away. I am proud of the way I held my mental game together during the process which has been by far the longest I have invested into one route. No single move is overwhelming but there are many hard and sustained sections separated by marginal rests. The jug after the halfway-rest has broken recently, making the route harder according to local climbers.
8c Santa linya Sport 2019-04-28
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Santa linya
One move away from a good onsight. Really bouldery on edges.
7c Santa linya Sport 2019-04-22
Red point
Red point
Devora Hombres
7c+ Sport at Santa linya
Steep and juggy, big moves. Really fun!
7c+ Santa linya Sport 2019-04-22
Red point
Red point
Niu de Xut
7c Sport at Santa linya
Vertical boulderproblem on crimps. Different from everything else in the cave. Tried the 8b extension which is supposed to be soft but I could not figure out the sequence right after the first anchor. I suspect that a hold has broken since there was trace from a wellchalked hold that was no longer there.
7c Santa linya Sport 2019-04-18
7a+ Sport at Terradets
Polished and tricky first 2 meters, then sustained and good climbing up to the top.
7a+ Terradets Sport 2019-04-16
7b+ Sport at Santa linya
Easy tufahiking up to a boulderproblem.
7b+ Santa linya Sport 2019-04-07
Blomu L1
7c Sport at Santa linya
Pumpy climbing on tufas to some slopey edges before the anchor.
7c Santa linya Sport 2019-04-04
Asaltinbankis L1
7b+ Sport at Santa linya
Arrived in the morning after 40 hours non-stop driving from Sweden. Polished route but good moves. Flashed the left variation during last visit, still claim the flash.
7b+ Santa linya Sport 2019-04-03
Trons de cul
6c Sport at Espadelles
6c Espadelles Sport 2019-01-09
Isaac Zenn
7a+ Sport at Espadelles
Vertical sustained climbing.
7b (7a+) Espadelles Sport 2019-01-09
Sobredosi de rocaína
6c Sport at Espadelles
6c+ (6c) Espadelles Sport 2019-01-08
Memòria histérica
6b+ Sport at Espadelles
Reachy first move from the pile of rocks
6b (6b+) Espadelles Sport 2019-01-08
Qué pasa neng?
7a Sport at Espadelles
7a Espadelles Sport 2019-01-08
Franja de ponent
7a Sport at Espadelles
7a Espadelles Sport 2019-01-08
Baby sitter
7a Sport at Espadelles
In the sunset, beautiful
7a Espadelles Sport 2019-01-08
7c+ Sport at Espadelles
2nd go. Didn't think I would do it since my open hand/pocket strength lack behind quite a bit after a three month lumbrical strain that has prevented this holdtype. Really funny route with dynamic moves between decent pockets.
7c+ Espadelles Sport 2019-01-08
Red point
Red point
Rollito Sharma L1
8b+ Sport at Santa linya
Maybe the most obvious line of the cave. Some sustained pulling into heinous kneebar before the crux which can either be done by massive Sharma-dyno or a sneaky heel-hook and bump your left hand several times on shitty holds (it used to be less shitty before a hold broke some years ago I've heard), I went for the later. After the crux you have a better kneebar-rest and a final somewhat insecure dynamic move before some easy jugpulling to the anchor. Five days of effort before it went down. Struggled with some of the coldest climbing weather I've experienced and thus numb fingers, before the sun returned to the cave and brought a smile on the faces of us happy young climbers.
8b+ Santa linya Sport 2019-01-06
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Santa linya
Very good altough the link over to the left was somewhat unclear where the line really was. Great jugpulling in the second half on steeper terrain.
7c Santa linya Sport 2019-01-04
Meneo Canario
7b Sport at Santa linya
Not hard if you can knee-bar your way through it. Not obvious where to grab the holds tough.
7b Santa linya Sport 2018-12-31
6b+ Sport at Terradets
Maybe my hardest onsight ever. Not warmed up, 2 degrees celsius, first climb of the trip, shoes went wet in the start and then straight up onto some polished footholds on vertical terrain, made a good setup for some insane warmup pump. The sequences in the first half truly felt hard tough.
6c+ (6b+) Terradets Sport 2018-12-29
Pasta sin Agua
7a+ Sport at Terradets
Long and sustained.
7a+ Terradets Sport 2018-12-29
Jam Sesión
7b Sport at Terradets
Great fun, sustained without any crux. Felt equally hard as Pasta sin agua.
7a+ (7b) Terradets Sport 2018-12-29
Porte de Grange
6A+ Boulder at Skravelsjö
6a+ Skravelsjö Boulder 2018-10-06
Crochet de Talon
6B Boulder at Skravelsjö
Ungefär like svår bana som Porte grange sitten.
7a (6b) Skravelsjö Boulder 2018-10-06
Red point
Red point
Porte de Grange assi
7A Boulder at Skravelsjö
Spektakulär. Still mindblown by the quality of the brushing.
7a Skravelsjö Boulder 2018-10-06
7A+ Boulder at Skravelsjö
Cool! Inte så svårt in i Milky way, men höjer absolut graden.
7a+ Skravelsjö Boulder 2018-10-06
Red point
Red point
Return to Sender
7B+ Boulder at Mosjön
Efter att ha desperat försökt fånga någon form av grepp uppe i klykan utan framgång så hittades en alternativ beta som kändes bättre för mig där man arbetar med fötterna uppe mot höger, plockar lilla krimpen mitt på facet i gaston och drar upp höger hand till pinch i höjd med klykan fast ca två dm från aretet och således inte på aretet enligt min och mina kompanjorers lekmansbedömning. Edit: Kikat på gamla videobetor och flera använder pinchen som jag skickar till efter att de har skickat vänster hand till klykan.
7b+ Mosjön Boulder 2018-09-29
Red point
Red point
Nya Mumana
7C Boulder at Mosjön
Underskattat urtoppningen några gånger och rykt av där. Gjordes med undercling-betan vid sänd, inte nödvändigtvis lättare men mindre chansartat än att fånga krimpen.
7c Mosjön Boulder 2018-09-29
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Flarken
Cool! Var chanslös på bicepsdraget i sittstarten.
6c Flarken Boulder 2018-09-27
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Flarken
7a+ Flarken Boulder 2018-09-27
Biccen sitt
7B Boulder at Flarken
Klurig. Fick söka lite innan jag hittade beta som fungerade.
7b+ (7b) Flarken Boulder 2018-09-27
Red point
Red point
Better Than Art
7C Boulder at Stenarna
För kort för Nils beta, för lite biceps för Jimmys beta. Kändes mycket lättare för mig att gå upp och matcha startgreppet med vänster gastonkrimp.
7c Stenarna Boulder 2018-09-27
Red point
Red point
Tractorbeam direct
7C+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Briljant. Höjer svårigheten på avslutningsskicket signifikant jämfört med orginalversionen 7C/+. Är väldigt osäker på hur boulderformen är och således svårighetsgraden på banan. Ändrat beta på Tractorbeam-kruxet då jag verkar ha lärt mig att hälkroka senaste två åren. Lågstarten kommer bli en sanslös drömlinje helt i min smak, axelintensiv 7C in i Tractorbeam direct. Länkade hela vägen upp till strax innan dynokrimparna från start men fick hoppa ner då jag inte hade paddor för hela banan.
7c+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2018-09-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A+ Boulder at Burträsk
Nice one! Deserves more attention, didn't feel harder than Lorenzo to me which deserves the 7A+ grade aswell.
7a+ Burträsk Boulder 2018-09-16
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Burträsk
Really nice line. Smooth decent crimps and a left heel-hook that is very sensitive. Crux is going into the Enzo-hold without loosing tension on the heel.
7c Burträsk Boulder 2018-09-16
Red point
Red point
Men Reine schluta då
7B Boulder at Bjännfors
Bästa dynot jag gjort. Riktigt cool, bra grepp och bra fötter. Hitta balansen och skjut på. Säkert 30 försök innan jag träffade rätt.
7b Bjännfors Boulder 2018-09-08
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Bjännsjö
Rejäl timmerlandning gör att du gärna faller, gång på gång.
6c Bjännsjö Boulder 2018-09-08
Red point
Red point
Route 3
6B Boulder at Bjännsjö
6b Bjännsjö Boulder 2018-09-08
Sixten Landby letar guld
6C Boulder at Bjännsjö
FA-stal än en gång Viktors mästerverk.
6c Bjännsjö Boulder 2018-09-08
FA Flash
FA Flash
Ejes Golden Shower
6C+ Boulder at Bjännsjö
Riktigt fin.
6c+ Bjännsjö Boulder 2018-09-08
7B+ Boulder at Bjännsjö
Något trångt gryt men med coola moves. Dabkrux som tvingar fram en bra tåkrokssekvens.
7b+ Bjännsjö Boulder 2018-09-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
6A Boulder at Fredrikafors
6b+ (6a) Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
6A+ Boulder at Fredrikafors
First boulder of the day. Clean line.
6a+ Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
6B Boulder at Fredrikafors
6a+ (6b) Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
6C Boulder at Fredrikafors
Nice moves even though it is 1.5 m high.
6c Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
Crimp Master-Klas
6C Boulder at Fredrikafors
Straight-forward crimping on nice rock.
6c Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
Fredrikafors finest variation
6B+ Boulder at Fredrikafors
Climbed with shelf slightly left of the drawn line.
6c (6b+) Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
Fredrikafors finest strongmen
7A Boulder at Fredrikafors
One of the best in the area.
7a Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
Red point
Red point
Grottbrottning (projekt)
7A+ Boulder at Fredrikafors
Nice moves with some toehooking and a knee-bar. FA without stone underneath.
7a+ Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
Red point
Red point
It ain´t easy (projekt)
7A Boulder at Fredrikafors
Left knee-bar did it.
6c (7a) Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
Red point
Red point
Keep ya head up ståstart (projekt)
6C+ Boulder at Fredrikafors
6c+ Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
Keep ya head up (projekt)
7C Boulder at Fredrikafors
Really cool! Don't know about the grade. Non-ideal conditions in the sun and haven't bouldered in a long time, but for sure not easy.
7b+ (7c) Fredrikafors Boulder 2018-09-01
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
To be continued
8b Sport at Niemisel
Third ascent? Really nice route. True powerendurance for 10 m, maybe 8a+ up to that point, then a bad rest in two 25 mm holds and not so good feet. Then the final crux is something like a 7A boulder with a hard anchorclip. Crux is to get enough power back in the rest to do the boulder. If "A day in life" is 8b this definitely deserves the plus, felt way harder to me. Took me six sessions, fell six times on the final boulder before clipping the anchor.
8b+ (8b) Niemisel Sport 2018-08-31
Red point
Red point
4+ Sport at Falkberget, Piteå
Fint tillskott i de lägre graderna. Juggiga grepp hela vägen, synd den inte är längre.
4+ Falkberget, Piteå Sport 2018-08-21
FA Flash
FA Flash
Jonssons möbler
5 Sport at Falkberget, Piteå
Några något svårare flytt innan man kommer upp på hyllorna. Namngiven efter den mytomspunna möbelaffären i Kopparnäs som inte längre finns.
5 Falkberget, Piteå Sport 2018-08-21
FA Flash
FA Flash
Börjes buss
5 Sport at Falkberget, Piteå
Mycket trevlig. Börje är en legendarisk busschaufför som har skjutsat skolbarn i Norrfjärden tills den dagen han avgick efter en hetsk konflikt med föräldragruppen.
5 Falkberget, Piteå Sport 2018-08-21
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
2 steg från Kopparnäs
7c+ Sport at Falkberget, Piteå
Powerendurance. Steep with some cool moves on artificial holds in an otherwise blank overhanging face. Not sure about the grade. Permadraws make it easy to try for any aspirating ascender.
7c+ Falkberget, Piteå Sport 2018-08-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
Return of the spacecowboy
7c Sport at Niemisel
Great line, didn't really like the reachy move into the hand-jam though. Made sure to chalk also the upper part of the hand before going into the jam-crux.
7c Niemisel Sport 2018-08-16
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Niemisel
Sustained route. I guess the final moves makes the grade, felt pretty hard first before I found a toe jam for the left foot in the crack when going for the jugs above last bolt. This made it rather easy and it felt more like low-end 7c.
7c Niemisel Sport 2018-08-16
Red point
Red point
Sexbomb direkt
8a Sport at Niemisel
Cool, techy bouldery start into some sustained climbing and a small final crux. Found good toe jam at the upper crux which made it easier. 7c+/8a. The start-boulder makes the grade.
8a Niemisel Sport 2018-08-16
Red point
Red point
I feel good
8a+ Sport at Niemisel
Underestimated route? Equally good as Diabolic feelings and of equal difficulty I would say, 8a/+.
8a+ Niemisel Sport 2018-08-15
Red point
Red point
Diabolic Feelings
8a+ Sport at Niemisel
Diablo crux into good rest into another bouldery crux. For me the upper crux felt slightly easier, more straightforward. Cool moves on chipped holds. When I came to the anchor the screw-biner to clip was tightened, pushed the rope against the biner twice before I grapped the anchor to unlock it and clip it.
8a+ Niemisel Sport 2018-08-15
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Niemisel
Classic! Fell two times after having stabbed right hand into the "good-hold" after the awkward crux due to stupidity. Nice route to project since you can give it many burns in a day.
8a Niemisel Sport 2018-08-13
Red point
Red point
Big Jim
7a+ Sport at Källsberget
Long and fun, slightly less interesting than Bigger than Jim but equally hard. 7a+/7b.
7a+ Källsberget Sport 2018-08-09
Bigger Than Jim
7b Sport at Källsberget
Really good. Not much harder than Big Jim I think, crux is still over the ledges in the 7a+ part. Best 7b in Norrland?
7b Källsberget Sport 2018-08-09
Red point
Red point
A day in life
8b Sport at Niemisel
Excellent route, very straightforward. First 2/3 of the route is pure crimpendurance, then you come to a good knee-bar where you can stay as long as your calves allow you to. Then some burlier moves and final pulling before you can clip the chain. Two days, worked the route twice and did it on my third lead-attempt, went down faster than expected given the non-ideal conditions. For me it felt maybe more like 8a+ considering the number of attempts, but I feel in great endurance-shape so I don't know.
8b Niemisel Sport 2018-08-07
Red point
Red point
7c+ Sport at Källsberget
Riktigt fin klättring på fin sten. Långa drag mellan krimpar är karaktären på både Rallyplaneten och Action man. Uthålligheten känns superb efter en sommar fylld av sportklättring, vilade mig i princip genom hela övre delen. Doggade en gång och gick ner på första.
7c+ Källsberget Sport 2018-08-04
Red point
Red point
Comme vous voudrez
6a+ Sport at D'Oriol
Nice technical climbing.
6a+ D'Oriol Sport 2018-07-30
La tuerue d'Oriol
8a Sport at D'Oriol
Last day in Briancon. Spent the majority of the day trying to find the crag Entraygues. With no internet and the not so informative guidebook, this turned out to be the crux of the day, a crux for which no beta were found. Desperate to do some climbing before darkness we went for first best crag we found with a short approach. This crag fulfilled our criterias. Warmed up on a 6a+ and then thought I just wanted to try hard on something with no expectations to send with so little time left. Choosed this route, worked it once and sent to my surprise on first go. Slightly overhanging climbing on sidepulls and gastons and some techy feet. Really enjoyed it.
8a D'Oriol Sport 2018-07-30
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at La Saume / S2 - 2100m
Supercool, 10 meter long but has plenty of cool moves. Many deadpoint moves between good holds. Upper end 7a+.
7a+ La Saume / S2 - 2100m Sport 2018-07-29
Sergio se lève tôt
7b+ Sport at La Saume / S2 - 2100m
Cool route. Short and bouldery. Good view of the holds from the ground makes for an excellent onsight. However, first moves are hard.
7b+ La Saume / S2 - 2100m Sport 2018-07-29
Saume sweet saume
8a Sport at La Saume / S2 - 2100m
Powerendurance in 45 degrees overhang. Tried it on the first day in the area and it felt powerful and I ran out of juice at the crux move each time. Worked on a even more powerful 8a down in Rue des Masques for a few days and came back to La Saume and it felt like I could climb it with control, great feeling.
8a La Saume / S2 - 2100m Sport 2018-07-29
Red point
Red point
Super balls
7a+ Sport at Rue des masques
Sustained vertical climbing. Not pumped, neither any very hard moves, just sustained like many of the vertical routes here.
7a+ Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-27
La teigne
7b Sport at Rue des masques
Vertical part in true Rue des Masques style. Then overhang on small but sharp twofingerpockets. Barely made it through on the onsight.
7b Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-27
Ciao criquet
8a Sport at Rue des masques
Powerendurance on small crimps and pockets. 19 moves in a row before the first rest with two exhausting clips included. Upper part has some sneaky but insecure knee-scumming and brittle sharp crimps. First day in Rue des Masques was on a sunday and it was crowded as fuck. This was the only available 8a I found and I kind of see why. It felt nails hard but of course I was to stubborn to switch route once the draws were in. Five climbing days during six days, surprised myself by sending on the third consecutive day of climbing in a row. Felt harder to me than any other 8a I've done.
8a+ (8a) Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-27
Red point
Red point
La zipette à 300.000 €
7a Sport at Rue des masques
Sustained. Thunderstorm rolling in made gave me good speed on the upper part.
7a Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-26
7b+ Sport at Rue des masques
Bouldery sections separated by decent rests. Felt more like 7b+ or even 7b but even so a good onsight fight for me.
7b+ Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-26
Ultra moderne solitude
6c Sport at Rue des masques
Nice. First half on slightly larger holds. Then a typical slab finish with bolts spaced enough to keep things interesting.
6c Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-25
Gugus, tube de l'année
7b Sport at Rue des masques
First crux has a bit reachy moves, upper crux is more sustained on small holds.
7b Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-25
La methode de la fesse gauche
7a Sport at Rue des masques
7a Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-23
Le moral dans l'échauguette
7a Sport at Rue des masques
7a Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-23
Le tonnerre du cœur
7a Sport at Rue des masques
Good route.
7a Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-23
Un point c'est tout
6c Sport at Rue des masques
6c+ (6c) Rue des masques Sport 2018-07-22
7c Sport at Massone
One of the greatest. 40 meter of the most sustained climbing you can imagine. Fell twice after 35 meter due to retarded beta, then sent it on the third go of the day just as darkness entered. Lovely feeling. Felt hardest of the 7c's I did on Abissi.
7c+ (7c) Massone Sport 2018-07-16
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at Massone
Beautiful first 2/3 of the route on bomber smooth rock with small holds that make the route just climbable. Like Falkberget in Kalix. Then the last 1/3 was really rotten and loose.
7a+ Massone Sport 2018-07-15
7c+ Sport at Massone
Two roofs separeted by a vertical section. Felt easier for me than all the 7c's I did on Abissi sector.
7c (7c+) Massone Sport 2018-07-15
Red point
Red point
C'è qualcuno che non sa
7c Sport at Massone
Vertical climbing with a sustained crux on crimps. 7b+/7c in guidebook. Felt like the later with crimps in the heat. Upper part has some spaced bolt on easier terrain.
7c Massone Sport 2018-07-13
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at Massone
Extremly sustained vertical climbing on small edges and polished feet. Good route but at least 7b+ I'd say.
7b+ (7b) Massone Sport 2018-07-09
Red point
Red point
Gameboy plus
8a Sport at Massone
25 meter techy supersustained sandbagged 7b into jugrest. Then another 10 meters of sustained pulling, starting of with some cool bouldery moves past the roof into slopey ledges and a few crimps just before the anchor. Mentally challanging since you will probably fall somewhere after 25 - 35 meters of climbing.
8a Massone Sport 2018-07-09
Red point
Red point
6c+ Sport at Massone
Often repeated. Very soft.
6c+ Massone Sport 2018-07-06
7b Sport at Massone
Probably soft but I was totally wasted when climbing it. Powerendurance.
7b Massone Sport 2018-07-06
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Massone
One of the more bouldery routes at the Abissi sector.
7c Massone Sport 2018-07-06
Red point
Red point
Moon Bears
5+ Sport at Limarò
Simulclimbed with Agnes. 9 pitches. Climbed the first few pitches on the neighbour route to the left since there were parties above.
5+ Limarò Sport 2018-07-04
La cucina dell'inferno
8a Sport at Massone
Easier climbing for twenty meters into sustained climbing for ten meters. Dynamic moves past the roof with a low-percentage dyno. Easier than Gameboy plus.
8a Massone Sport 2018-07-03
Red point
Red point
Il vizietto
7c Sport at Massone
Extremely sustained climbing for 30 meters. Technical vertical climbing on sidepulls and gastons. Powerful over the roof. Surprised my self by being able to rest at steep ground on holds worse then jugs. Great route.
7c Massone Sport 2018-07-02
Red point
Red point
Il cattivo ist überall
7c Sport at Massone
Tufas and steep climbing on decent holds. Pure endurance climbing. Loving it.
7c Massone Sport 2018-07-01
Red point
Red point
5+ Sport at La gola di Toblino
5+ La gola di Toblino Sport 2018-06-25
Sand creek
6a Sport at La gola di Toblino
5+ (6a) La gola di Toblino Sport 2018-06-25
6a+ Sport at La gola di Toblino
Hard reachy move.
6b (6a+) La gola di Toblino Sport 2018-06-25
Una rosa in mezzo al...
5+ Sport at La gola di Toblino
5+ La gola di Toblino Sport 2018-06-25
Hey Joe
7a+ Sport at La gola di Toblino
Exiting tufaclimb, polished and hard for the grade.
7b (7a+) La gola di Toblino Sport 2018-06-25
Beach boys
7b Sport at Massone
Sustained endurance route, polished but good anyway.
7b Massone Sport 2018-06-24
7a Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Desperately polished first half on crimps. Upper half is beautiful but easier.
7a+ (7a) Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-22
Akelarre extension
8a Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
The extension adds 10 meter vertical climbing that has no very hard moves but very possibly to fall off due to the pump from the 7c+ part. Low-end 8a.
8a Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-22
Red point
Red point
7c+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Superfun, polished vertical tufa start into steep pulling separated by knee bar rests.
7c+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-22
Red point
Red point
María Ponte el Arnés
7b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Great route, very polished though.
7b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-21
Red point
Red point
Vía Viciosa
7c+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Bouldery, left knee-pad beta made the crux easier.
7c+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-21
Red point
Red point
La Pitón first pitch only
7c Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
One move away from the onsight, surprisingly hard crux past the steep part. Technical climbing on tufas first 15 m, really fun.
7c Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-19
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Sustained first half on good holds but large moves. Retarded miss of the onsight at the very start. Upper half is beautiful but not very hard I think.
7c Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-19
Red point
Red point
De 8 a 14
7a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Good climbing, felt more like low-end 7a.
7a (7a+) Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-19
7c+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Intense! Powerful start into sustained pulling into a undercling rest and some more technical moves before the anchor. Prior 8a downgraded to 7c/7c+, definitely felt like 7c+ to me altough it is very much my style.
7c+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-18
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Hard for me. 8a/+. 15 m intro 6b+ then the shit gets real when you enter the overhang. Ten metres of climbing with no proper rest leads into a 7A boulder with heelhooks and small holds.
8a Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-18
Red point
Red point
True Crime
8a Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Great route, sustained climbing on mainly incut holds. Pure endurance climbing except for a bouldery start. 7c+/8a.
8a Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-18
Red point
Red point
El Enano de Siberia
6b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
6b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-16
Esclava Laboral
6c+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
6c+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-16
7b Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Hard, 7b/+. Was agonizingly close on the onsight, missed crucial jug just before the anchor and went flying. Small bouldery sections.
7b Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-16
Red point
Red point
Tú Aquí No Has Venido a Escalar
6b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Very fun.
6c (6b+) Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-16
El Delfín
7c+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Very cool and unique. Climbs well as well except for the awkard chimney-style moves in the very end. Lots of chalk in the crux makes it hard to onsight.
7c+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-16
Red point
Red point
Good Txingu Good
6b+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
6b+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-15
Lorien and the Wailers
7a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Some harder moves on the upper part.
7a+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-15
Cafe con leche
7b Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
First half is sustained, upper half is easier but technical.
7b Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-15
Libera tu mente
7b Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Very good route. Bouldery start to tufajugs for the first 2/3 of the route, then some more sustained pulling on holds worse than jugs.
7b Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-12
Toma Castañazo
7a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Very good and sustained.
7a+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-09
La Larva
7a Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Hard and reachy slabsection. Going straight up before the anchor was also superhard and no chalk made me afterwards realize the standard way was an right escape.
7a Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-09
A media asta
7c Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Horizontal roof, almost only good holds, a bit awkward in the end when you stemclimb up the cave to clip the chains far behind your back. Long distances between the bolts will give those who want to work on the route a hard time but may benefit those who wants an onsight.
7c Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-09
Red point
Red point
Familia Manson
8a+ Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Agree with u Daniel Woods. Horizontal roof, long moves and no proper rest anywhere.
8a+ Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-08
Red point
Red point
El Pequeno Bravo
7c Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
Bouldery and overhung.
7c Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-07
Red point
Red point
Bis a Bis
7a Sport at Rodellar - Mascún
First route in Rodellar. Good climbing.
7a Rodellar - Mascún Sport 2018-06-06
Panta Rei
7a Sport at Örnberget
Svettigaste klättringen sedan Ton Sai 2015 i solen på årets kanske varmaste dag. Riktigt trevlig klättring likväl.
7a Örnberget Sport 2018-06-03
Tobbe Karlsson åker buss
6B+ Boulder at Juniskär
FA-stal Viktors vackra nytursvision. Ganska fin, lite rivig. Missade fota hela stenen så att fullständiga linjen kunde ritas ut.
6b+ Juniskär Boulder 2018-05-13
FA Flash
FA Flash
6A+ Boulder at Juniskär
6b (6a+) Juniskär Boulder 2018-05-13
6A Boulder at Juniskär
6b (6a) Juniskär Boulder 2018-05-13
6C Boulder at Juniskär
6c Juniskär Boulder 2018-05-13
Sultan of Swing
7B+ Boulder at Juniskär
Ruskigt bra.
7b+ Juniskär Boulder 2018-05-13
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Raholmen
Fin. Lite lurig när man ska bryta upp.
7a+ Raholmen Boulder 2018-05-12
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Mosjön
Långt startmove från dålig fot, sedan en lite lurig urtoppning om man håller vänster i tuben.
6c+ Mosjön Boulder 2018-05-10
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Mosjön
Gjordes i slutet av en underbar långsession. Skönt flyt. Lätt inledning och crux över läppen. Kändes helt klart bättre för mig att sträcka högern långt upp till det snedställda krimphålet typ tre dm ovanför läppen, jämfört med att hålla slopern på själva läppen. Lite för ojämn och icke-estetisk linje för att förtjäna den tredje stjärnan.
7b Mosjön Boulder 2018-05-10
Red point
Red point
Catch As Catch Can
6a Sport at Vallberget
Jämn och fin.
6a Vallberget Sport 2018-04-30
5 Sport at Vallberget
5 Vallberget Sport 2018-04-30
5 Sport at Vallberget
5+ (5) Vallberget Sport 2018-04-30
7a+ Sport at Vallberget
Vilodag med långburk. Hårda moves över taket. Gick precis till vänster om bultlinjen och sekvensen involverade två icke uppenbara dödskrimpar och ett drop-knee-knälås. Inte så fin men roligt repetera något som sällan verkar klättras :)
7a+ Vallberget Sport 2018-04-30
Red point
Red point
St. Savas
7b+ Sport at Jurassic Park
Slightly overhung climbing on decent holds with some more tricky sequences high up. Recommended. Had some beta from Agnes who worked the route. A small consolation after falling three times one meter from the anchor on Rendez with Platon 8b :(
7b+ Jurassic Park Sport 2018-04-16
7c Sport at Arhi
Hard boulder in the beginning on polished holds up to way easier ground. Felt at least as hard as other 7c's. Like a 7A boulder into 7a route maybe.
7c Arhi Sport 2018-04-13
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Arhi
Beautiful line on the wall.
7a Arhi Sport 2018-04-13
6c Sport at Secret Garden
Only route I got to try in Secret Garden this day since everything was damp :(
6c Secret Garden Sport 2018-04-12
Route #13
? Sport at Summertime
Powerendurance. Very steep! 7c+ in guidebook from 2016.
7c+ (?) Summertime Sport 2018-04-12
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Galatiani
Good climbing but as others have suggested, really really hard for the grade. Vertical beautiful moves into pumpy roofclimbing.
7b (7a) Galatiani Sport 2018-04-11
Sueur d hommes
7c+ Sport at Galatiani
Went for the onsight, fell on the crux, worked the crux to find good beta and climbed to the top. Lucky send on the 2nd lead attempt where I was very close to fall on the traverse after the crux. 7b route into 7A+ boulder to 7a+ route maybe? Supercool line through the steepest part of the roof. 8a in guidebook from 2016.
8a (7c+) Galatiani Sport 2018-04-11
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Galatiani
Good climbing but the bolts looked a bit suspicious :/
7a Galatiani Sport 2018-04-11
7a+ Sport at Masouri Skyline
A boulderers dream. 6B+/6C boulder in an otherwise 12 m short jugfest.
7a+ Masouri Skyline Sport 2018-04-09
Punto Caramelo
8a Sport at Masouri Skyline
Wow. Hadn't even decided it would be an flash attempt when I began climbing. Watched a german guy send it and he shouted some good beta while climbing which definitely helped. 8a in guidebook from 2016.
8a Masouri Skyline Sport 2018-04-09
7c Sport at Masouri Skyline
One of those routes you will never forget. Felt like climbing forever with no clue when to reach the anchor. No move is very hard and there are plenty of rests but to take on the challange of climbing through a 40 meter roof may feel overwhelming.
7c Masouri Skyline Sport 2018-04-09
7a Sport at Masouri Skyline
Sustained on tufajugs all the way in steep terrain.
7a Masouri Skyline Sport 2018-04-09
7b Sport at Gerakios
7a+ (7b) Gerakios Sport 2018-04-08
7b Sport at Gerakios
7b Gerakios Sport 2018-04-08
Zavara Katranemia
7c+ Sport at Gerakios
3rd go. 7a route into a reachy and powerful 7A+ isch boulder into 7a route again.
8a (7c+) Gerakios Sport 2018-04-08
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Masouri Skyline
Great climbing all the way. One of the best 7a's I've done.
7a Masouri Skyline Sport 2018-04-07
7b+ Sport at Masouri Skyline
Amazing route. Agnes worked the route so I had good beta in the maze of pockets to choose from in the upper part.
7b+ Masouri Skyline Sport 2018-04-07
8a Sport at Masouri Skyline
The moves are brilliant. To bad it was one of the most polished routes I tried during our stay :( Felt solid in the grade to me, sustained all the way.
8a Masouri Skyline Sport 2018-04-07
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at North Cape
7a North Cape Sport 2018-04-04
7c Sport at North Cape
Prepared for a while on the ground and executed perfectly.
7c North Cape Sport 2018-04-04
8a Sport at North Cape
3rd attempt. Powerendurance. Powerful moves around a tufa with a reachy move on not so good holds high up. Solved with drop-knee.
8a North Cape Sport 2018-04-04
Red point
Red point
6c+ Sport at Odyssey
6c+ Odyssey Sport 2018-04-03
7a Sport at Odyssey
Clipping the anchor and the moves prior to that felt hard. The route is good except for these few "stopper" moves.
7a+ (7a) Odyssey Sport 2018-04-03
6b Sport at Odyssey
Fell high up on the onsight attempt of the extension. First part is burly and short.
6b+ (6b) Odyssey Sport 2018-04-03
7b Sport at Odyssey
Crux move in the start, then sustained climbing for another ten meters.
7b Odyssey Sport 2018-04-03
6c Sport at Odyssey
First route in Kalymnos. The beginning of a beautiful friendship.
6c+ (6c) Odyssey Sport 2018-04-03
Cory & Trevor (ståstart)
7A Boulder at Xx
7a Xx Boulder 2018-03-31
Cory & Trevor
7B Boulder at Xx
Andra försöket. Gillade den starkt.
7b Xx Boulder 2018-03-31
Red point
Red point
Untermensch für kleiner mensch
7A+ Boulder at Focksta
Power. Stod kvar med vänstern första två cruxmovsen.
7a+ Focksta Boulder 2018-03-31
Red point
Red point
Sister vanilla - variant
7A Boulder at Focksta
Roligt move. Lite vass. Dubbelpadda för att nå sittstart.
7a Focksta Boulder 2018-03-31
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Focksta
Delikat klättring på en fin linje.
7a+ (7a) Focksta Boulder 2018-03-31
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Campusblocket
7a Campusblocket Boulder 2018-03-31
JB direkt
7B Boulder at Campusblocket
7b Campusblocket Boulder 2018-03-31
Red point
Red point
The swedish stallion
7C Boulder at Fjällnora
Kalasboulder. Power och relativt goda crimpar. Nära på flash, gick på andra.
7c Fjällnora Boulder 2018-03-30
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Källbergahygget
7a Källbergahygget Boulder 2018-03-30
7A Boulder at Källbergahygget
Vackert arete. Känslig häl.
7a Källbergahygget Boulder 2018-03-30
Mobilt arbete
7A+ Boulder at Norrmjöle golfby
Superfint kompressionsproblem.
7a+ Norrmjöle golfby Boulder 2018-03-26
Red point
Red point
Mobilt arbete assis
7C Boulder at Norrmjöle golfby
Delikat brunkklättring. Egentligen inget "svårt" flytt men är svårt att undvika att halka av. Gjorde en Ondra och körde knee-pad som gjorde första bumpen med högerhanden lite lättare, tycker dock kruxet är att hålla god position när man kommer in i 7A+ starten. Osäker på vilken grad som känns "korrekt" för mig.
7c+ (7c) Norrmjöle golfby Boulder 2018-03-26
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Berliner Mauer
Harder than its neighbour to the right which is given the grade 7a+. More bouldery style.
7a+ (7a) Berliner Mauer Sport 2017-12-30
Bloody Hands
7a+ Sport at Berliner Mauer
Nice. 15m of more and less sustained climbing on descent sidepulls and gastons.
7a+ Berliner Mauer Sport 2017-12-30
8a Sport at Limeri
Excellent. 20 m of overhanging sustained climbing on tufas-isch holds and pockets with no real crux altough last part feels hard when the pump hits you. Then you finish of with a slab last 10 m which feels less secure than you want it to be with very bad holds and slopey feet. Worked the route twice and did it on first rp try.
8a Limeri Sport 2017-12-30
Red point
Red point
Laissez Faire
7b Sport at Crash of the Titans
7b Crash of the Titans Sport 2017-12-29
8a Sport at Twin Caves Area
Not so long but it gets steeper and steeper until you find yourself in a roof. Liked it a lot. The pump didnt hit me until last few moves. Worked the moves once and did it on first rp go.
7c+ (8a) Twin Caves Area Sport 2017-12-29
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Nifada Area
Powerendurance. Super powerful moves on a not so good tufa. Knee-pad helped a lot. 2nd go.
7c+ (8a) Nifada Area Sport 2017-12-27
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Nifada Area
Sharp pockets into a cool crux sequence, then a cool traverse into the 7a- route where you climb the crux of that one as well. Morpho maybe. 2nd go.
7b+ (7c) Nifada Area Sport 2017-12-27
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Nifada Area
Nice climbing. Long moves on sharp but good holds. Pretty sustained.
7a Nifada Area Sport 2017-12-27
7c+ Sport at Limeri
Great route. 15 m powerendurance. First half on tufa, then a not so good rest before the upper part on pockets. Really enjoyed it. 2nd go.
7c+ Limeri Sport 2017-12-26
Red point
Red point
Bauer Olaf
7b Sport at Berliner Mauer
6B+ boulder maybe over a roof. Then easier climbing on sharp jugs.
7b Berliner Mauer Sport 2017-12-26
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Berliner Mauer
Felt hard, was very tired though and misread one part.
7a Berliner Mauer Sport 2017-12-24
Speckschüttel Dyno
7c Sport at Mars Area
Cool boulderstart. Small dyno from bad holds onto semi-jug tufa where the crux is to hold the swing. The rest is easier but harder than expected.
7c Mars Area Sport 2017-12-23
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Mars Area
Hard boulder at the start. Basically one move wich makes the grade, the rest is around 7a/+. Tried the start many times before catching the crucial crimp. Clipped the anchor just in time before the darkness. Super wrecked afterwards.
7c (7b+) Mars Area Sport 2017-12-23
Red point
Red point
Spaceman Spiff Extension
7b Sport at Mars Area
Great route. Good holds. No real crux, still very pumped at the top, was not the best idea for me to climb it as part of the warmup.
7b Mars Area Sport 2017-12-23
Spaceman Spiff
6b+ Sport at Mars Area
Nice route.
6c (6b+) Mars Area Sport 2017-12-23
6a Sport at Hot Rock, Leonidio
6a Hot Rock, Leonidio Sport 2017-12-20
Hot Rock
7a Sport at Hot Rock, Leonidio
Sustained. Slab/vertical with mainly slopey crimps with great friction.
7a Hot Rock, Leonidio Sport 2017-12-20
6c Sport at Hot Rock, Leonidio
Hard slab part. Sharp holds. Good movements.
6c+ (6c) Hot Rock, Leonidio Sport 2017-12-20
Porno Stars
6b Sport at Hot Rock, Leonidio
Unsuccesful onsight of the extension. Nice 6b-part.
6b Hot Rock, Leonidio Sport 2017-12-20
Working Class Hero
7c Sport at Crash of the Titans
Broke a hold in the crux on the second go. Went down third try with a slightly harder sequence. Power-endurance.
7c Crash of the Titans Sport 2017-12-19
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Twin Caves Area
15 m nice climbing on tufas with a slightly tricky section over the roof. Climbed it three times during our time in Leonidio.
7a Twin Caves Area Sport 2017-12-19
Chuck Notis
7a+ Sport at Mars Area
Tufas and pockets in steep terrain.
7a+ Mars Area Sport 2017-12-18
Drop City
7a Sport at Mars Area
Distinct crux. Other parts easier. Nice climbing.
7a Mars Area Sport 2017-12-18
Yoko M - Ono
7a Sport at Mars Area
Great. First part on tufa. Then good rest into pumpy pocketsection on upper part.
7a Mars Area Sport 2017-12-18
Black Hole
6b+ Sport at Mars Area
Long. Vertical climbing on mainly pockets.
6b+ Mars Area Sport 2017-12-18
The Cage
7A Boulder at Skravel 2
The crux is to get established on the wall.
6c+ (7a) Skravel 2 Boulder 2017-10-22
7A Boulder at Skravel 2
Clean line with cool moves!
7a Skravel 2 Boulder 2017-10-22
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Skravel 2
First long move to the sloper, not so hard. But then you get kind of stuck. I matched with my left hand in the groove. 7A+/7B
7b (7a+) Skravel 2 Boulder 2017-10-22
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Skravel 2
Supercool! Physical with some cool hooks and toes. The white marked starting dots was still pretty obvious. 7A+/7B
7a+ Skravel 2 Boulder 2017-10-22
Red point
Red point
Den Sågtadade Trollstaven
6A Boulder at Ökberget
Jug+big lock off to jug. Nice.
6a Ökberget Boulder 2017-09-27
Red point
Red point
Enjoy the Silence
7C Boulder at Ökberget
Classic. Two sessions. Felt harder than the other 7C's I've done even though I like the style. The mantle is not easy either, adrenaline drove me past it. Used huge drop-knee beta to reach the lip.
7c Ökberget Boulder 2017-09-27
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Rösåsberget
Several nice bouldery sections with decent rests in between.
7a Rösåsberget Sport 2017-09-05
Finska Skriket
7c+ Sport at Rösåsberget
Worked the route one time, then it went down on the 3rd go. Really enjoyed climbing it. Power-endurance. Semi-hard moves up to the roof, then the crux includes some lock-offs on decent crimps.
7c+ Rösåsberget Sport 2017-09-05
Red point
Red point
6a+ Sport at Tavelsjöberget
If the bolt line would have been 2m more to the left it would have been a nice route. Now you have to choose between "hard moves and follow the bolt line" vs "easy moves but far from the bolts".
6a+ Tavelsjöberget Sport 2017-09-03
7a Sport at Tavelsjöberget
One of the best in the area. Two bouldery sections separated by the crack.
7a Tavelsjöberget Sport 2017-09-03
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Tavelsjöberget
Somewhat spectacular. Bouldery section past a steep roof with crimpy sidepulls above.
7a+ (7a) Tavelsjöberget Sport 2017-09-03
Red point
Red point
Screaming trees
6b Sport at Rösåsberget
Jugs evenly spaced with some harder moves between. Really nice actually. First bolt is slightly to high placed and hard to reach from the obvious clipping position.
6b Rösåsberget Sport 2017-09-02
Sista Skriket
7a+ Sport at Rösåsberget
Fought hard for the onsight with no chalked holds at all. Was close to give up on the bottom boulder but ended up using a successful but retarded gaston beta. Pumped and sweaty on the crimpy vertical section
7a+ Rösåsberget Sport 2017-09-02
Waliserne kommer
Relaxed layback on sloperjugs with your feet smearing for the first 10m. Then the final 6m felt really hard. Insecure handholds and really bad feet exhaust you surprisingly fast.
7c (7b+) Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-25
Red point
Red point
Alea iacta est
2nd go. Looked like a "walk in the park" from the ground. 6 bolts+anchor. Turned out to be more pumpy than expected. Apart from the chronically wet final part it is a very cool climb.
7b Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-24
Red point
Red point
World-class. 2nd go. Climbed in the golden sunset with a view over the ocean on sandstone-like-features. 30m of overhanging climbing on mainly good holds but with some harder sequences separated by decent rests. The original Bondanger starts in Kneopatra and is graded 7c+. This version which seems to be the one that most people climb nowadays, you start in Kykkeli and traverse under the roof through a connectionbolt.
7c Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-24
Red point
Red point
Cool! Compressionboulder in the start with a lot of small body adjustments, felt like a 7A+/7B boulder maybe with sensitive beta. Then there are som nice easier climbing for 15m until you face another compressionboulder at the last bolt, maybe 6C. Worked on the beta for the bottom boulder for a while and when I knew my beta it took me something like 10 RP-tries before I got past it and then I made it all the way to the top. Don't know if it is soft but it is definitely easy to work on and you can give it many tries in a day.
8a Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-22
Red point
Red point
5+ Sport at Falkberget, Piteå
Shorter and slightly less technical then the slabroutes, some longer reaches I think.
5+ Falkberget, Piteå Sport 2017-08-18
FA Red point
FA Red point
The great blondino
7c Sport at Niemisel
3rd go. Great route! Kneebar in the middle is a lifesaver.
7c Niemisel Sport 2017-08-17
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Niemisel
Hard. Very powerful.
7a+ (7a) Niemisel Sport 2017-08-15
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Niemisel
Looks very easy from the ground. Found it very hard to read but once you know which of all the chalked holds to use it is ok.
7a Niemisel Sport 2017-08-15
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Niemisel
3rd go. Bouldery start, into technical slopey sidepulls and gastons without any proper rest. Halfway up you have a good rest before you enter the steeper and more powerful part but with mainly good holds.
7c Niemisel Sport 2017-08-15
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at Falkberget, Luleå
Cool vertical crimproute. Felt easy when I put up the draws and tried the moves. Fell on the very last hard move on the 2nd go. Then I fell several times in the middle of the route due to lack of power in the "crimp-pinch". Returned few days later and it went smoothly. More sustained than pumpy.
7b Falkberget, Luleå Sport 2017-08-14
Red point
Red point
Crux felt hard to read. Nicer than it looks.
7a Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-05
Red point
Red point
De profundis
6c+ Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-05
Tungt møblert
7a+ Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-05
Amazing route. 30 meter of more or less sustained juggpulling on slightly overhanging wall.
7b Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-05
Close on the onsight. Left kneepad may be your gamechanger. Not hard if you enjoy steep terrain.
7b+ Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-05
Red point
Red point
Andre høyre
Bouldery start. Powerful finish. Supercool. 4th redpoint attempt.
7c+ Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-04
Red point
Red point
Espen Askeladd søker lykken
Brilliant. One of the best climbs I have ever done.
7a+ Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-02
Supercool. 20m juggtraverse in the cave.
7a Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-02
Alfa krull
I enjoyed it. First climb in Flatanger.
6a+ (6b) Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-01
Bouldery-route on a freestanding pillar. Succesfull desperate launch for the topjugg.
7b Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-01
Technical and crimpy on vertical face.
7a Flatanger cave - Hanshelleren Sport 2017-08-01
Red point
Red point
Myror i brallan
5+ Sport at Falkberget, Piteå
Now you can climb the nice dihedral on Magnolia without the overhang.
5+ Falkberget, Piteå Sport 2017-07-16
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
6c Sport at Falkberget, Piteå
Good one. Few chipped holds between first and second bolt where it used to be a blank and unclimbable face. Grade anywhere from 6b+-6c+?
6c Falkberget, Piteå Sport 2017-07-16
FA Flash
FA Flash
Paparazzo elefanten
7a+ Sport at Källsberget
Nice route and well bolted on the hard part. Crux section on rather small crimps. Came really close to an onsight. 2nd go. Recommended.
7a+ Källsberget Sport 2017-06-13
Red point
Red point
Dr pepper
7c Sport at Åberget
An example of how good a chipped route can actually be on a face that would otherwise be unclimbable. Got to the top on third try. No move is really hard but it is very sustained and many moves where you dont feel quite sure you will hit the next pocket.
7c Åberget Sport 2017-06-10
Red point
Red point
Wild Thing
7a+ Sport at Niemisel
Great route indeed.
7a+ Niemisel Sport 2017-06-07
Red point
Red point
Daddy cool
7b Sport at Niemisel
Very close on the onsight, missed the sweetspot on the dynamic move. Went down 2nd go. Cool moves!
7b Niemisel Sport 2017-06-07
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at Åberget
Beautiful. Technical testpiece. Some bouldery moves in the first half and on the upper part there are some very technical sequences. Very first moves has become slightly harder after a big loose rock to the right was removed recently.
7b (7a+) Åberget Sport 2017-06-05
Red point
Red point
Go i hela hövvet!
7a Sport at Falkberget, Luleå
Better than expected. Save some energy for the anchor.
7a Falkberget, Luleå Sport 2017-06-04
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Falkberget, Luleå
Spicy in the middle. Bolts could have been better placed. Many nice moves.
7a Falkberget, Luleå Sport 2017-06-04
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Bjuröklubb
Nice and sustained.
6b+ (6b) Bjuröklubb Boulder 2017-05-21
6B Boulder at Bjuröklubb
Beautiful rock. Feels like sportclimbing in Falkberget in Kalix.
6b Bjuröklubb Boulder 2017-05-21
Just go
7A Boulder at Bjuröklubb
Fun moves. Catching the sharp jug in the long move may kill your skin for real. Tape your right A4s.
7a Bjuröklubb Boulder 2017-05-21
Red point
Red point
North power
7B Boulder at Bjuröklubb
Awesome climbing in beautiful landscape! The crucial left hand was a bit sharp to catch so maybe you want to tape it.
7a+ (7b) Bjuröklubb Boulder 2017-05-21
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Burträsk
6b+ (6b) Burträsk Boulder 2017-05-20
Red point
Red point
Kung Fury
7A Boulder at Burträsk
I love long boulders. Crux moves in the beginning, then easier but you can easily get pumped in the final part. Used a lowstart with right hand in decent sidepull crimp and left hand in undercling.
7a+ (7a) Burträsk Boulder 2017-05-20
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Korvish (dyno)
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Not a very far reach. The crux is to get any momentum at all from the bad starting holds.
7a Burträsk Boulder 2017-05-20
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Cool moves.
7a Burträsk Boulder 2017-05-20
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Brilliant. Should definitely be a at least one grade up from Enzo!
7a+ (7a) Burträsk Boulder 2017-05-20
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Burträsk
Great climbing on 45 degrees overhang. The landing is not great.
7b Burträsk Boulder 2017-05-20
Red point
Red point
Doghnut Express
5 Boulder at Dombäck i Husum
5 Dombäck i Husum Boulder 2017-05-14
6A Boulder at Dombäck i Husum
Brushing for a comfortable topout is needed
6a Dombäck i Husum Boulder 2017-05-14
Grizzly man
7A Boulder at Dombäck i Husum
The further to the left you start the easier it gets. I started with my body right down the painted arrow. Not so good.
7a Dombäck i Husum Boulder 2017-05-14
Red point
Red point
Storleken har ingen betydelse
6A Boulder at Dombäck i Husum
5+ (6a) Dombäck i Husum Boulder 2017-05-14
Groggen luktar bensin
6C Boulder at Dombäck i Husum
6c Dombäck i Husum Boulder 2017-05-14
6C+ Boulder at Dombäck i Husum
Über. Very cool moves all the way.
6c+ Dombäck i Husum Boulder 2017-05-14
6C+ Boulder at Dombäck i Husum
A striking line. Balancy and somewhat high.
7a (6c+) Dombäck i Husum Boulder 2017-05-14
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Dombäck i Husum
2nd go. Crux is the first move. If you are tall you might even reach the second hold which will drop the grade significantly. Cool moves.
7b Dombäck i Husum Boulder 2017-05-14
Red point
Red point
Kometen kommer
4+ Boulder at Skravelsjö
Trust your rubber. Lolproblem
5+ (4+) Skravelsjö Boulder 2017-05-13
6B Boulder at Skravelsjö
Layback, crimp.
6b Skravelsjö Boulder 2017-05-13
The Rock
6B Boulder at Skravelsjö
6b Skravelsjö Boulder 2017-05-13
6B+ Boulder at Skravelsjö
High quality problem.
6b+ Skravelsjö Boulder 2017-05-13
6B+ Boulder at Skravelsjö
6c (6b+) Skravelsjö Boulder 2017-05-13
Red point
Red point
Milky way
7A Boulder at Skravelsjö
Beautiful. The amount of brushing needed to get this beautiful whitestreak on the rock is beyond my perception.
7a Skravelsjö Boulder 2017-05-13
VS uppvärmningsboulder
4 Boulder at Mosjön
4 Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
PNs uppvärmningsboulder
5+ Boulder at Mosjön
5+ Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
Red point
Red point
PG's uppvärmningsboulder
6A Boulder at Mosjön
5A in old guidebook. Felt way harder for me. Those chipped holds I cant imagine are easier than 6A. Nice though!
6a+ (6a) Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Mosjön
5 Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
Vittrans Magont
5+ Boulder at Mosjön
Cool compressionmoves
5+ Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Mosjön
6a Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
Tomtens Huvudvärk
6A Boulder at Mosjön
5A with sitstart in oldguidebook(?!). Felt like 5C/6A with standstart.
6a Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
Red point
Red point
Shitlist SS
6B Boulder at Mosjön
5B(?!) in old guidebook. I had to do a dynamical move from two reasonably bad sidepulls.
6b+ (6b) Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
Red point
Red point
Snickarens Matlåda
6B+ Boulder at Mosjön
Really clean boulder. 6A+ in old guidebook. Felt more like 6C to me but I didnt try every beta maybe. Started with left hand in good pinch and right hand in the best hold on the face.
6c (6b+) Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Mosjön
Powerful move. Used heel.
6c Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
True Blood
7A Boulder at Mosjön
The old guidebook says 7A+ but then the line is drawn slightly to the right of how I climbed it. Felt most natural to hangstart low down. Could not reach the starting holds if i sat on the pad.
7a Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-10
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Mosjön
Jamstarten är väl inte det trevligaste men resten är ganska nice.
7a Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-06
Red point
Red point
I skuggan av Eden
7C+ Boulder at Mosjön
Sneglat på denna led hela våren. Vågade gå på den efter formbesked på Nirvana. Gick idag ner på tredje sessionen. Kan inte tänka mig en led som passar mig bättre. Andra flyttet är ett monster för högeraxeln.
7c+ Mosjön Boulder 2017-05-06
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Håkmark
Småsexig lowball. Känns omöjlig att gradera. Testade inte heller någon annan beta.
6b+ Håkmark Boulder 2017-05-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
HILTI feber
7A+ Boulder at Håkmark
Startgreppen är attraktiva på något sätt. Svårt att få tryck från foten. Gäller att få lite pendel.
7a+ Håkmark Boulder 2017-05-04
Red point
Red point
Boulder Balcony II
6C+ Boulder at Håkmark
Lite småcool. Kändes hård först. Känns som ett flytt som ifall man har fingerstyrkan att hålla crimpjävlarna är det en lek i parken, har man det inte så lättar man inte från backen.
7a (6c+) Håkmark Boulder 2017-05-04
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Håkmark
Kändes ganska tung. Juckade upp vänsterhand längs aretet några gånger till juggen.
6c+ Håkmark Boulder 2017-05-04
Red point
Red point
Keepers of the Funk
6B+ Boulder at Håkmark
Säkert en variant som redan är beprövad. Kändes som en given variant. 6B+?
6b+ Håkmark Boulder 2017-05-04
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Juniskär
Märkte inte av att startgreppet var löst. I övrigt en supernice crimpig linje.
6c+ (6c) Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-02
Red point
Red point
Dip Notch
6C+ Boulder at Juniskär
6c+ Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-02
Red point
Red point
Stars and stripes
7A Boulder at Juniskär
Försökte skicka till vänster först men då dabbade fötterna i vänsterväggen. Gick rakt upp istället.
7a Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-02
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Juniskär
Ännu en pärla.
6c+ Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-02
7A Boulder at Juniskär
7a Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-02
Thunderbolt sds
7A+ Boulder at Juniskär
Superfin! Gillade denna starkt. Körde toe-jam för vänsterfoten långt upp till vänster utanför taket för första flyttet.
7a+ Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-02
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Juniskär
6b Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-01
6A Boulder at Juniskär
6a Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-01
6A Boulder at Juniskär
6a Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-01
Fire on the roof
7A Boulder at Juniskär
7a Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-01
Red point
Red point
Ultimate Fire deep down in the big cave
7A+ Boulder at Juniskär
Blev en rejäl avlåsning utan knälåsen.
7a+ Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-01
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Juniskär
Svårgraderad med ett tungt flytt.
7a+ (7b) Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-01
Primal scream
7B Boulder at Juniskär
Fick jucka på rätt bra men då gick jag på raw power istället för flawless teknik i kvällsblåsten.
7a+ (7b) Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-01
Red point
Red point
Ultimate Fire deep down in the big cave and then out to the bluest of blue skies
7B Boulder at Juniskär
Cool. Lätt att pumpa ur på traversen om man tappar momentum.
7a+ (7b) Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-01
7B+ Boulder at Juniskär
Kraftfulla moves. Svår att klättra med värdig stil. Passade mig bra. Det närmaste Fontan jag har kommit hittills som klättrare.
7b (7b+) Juniskär Boulder 2017-05-01
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Mosjön
Fint problem. Laybackstart, campustravers och en lätt men något luftig avslutning.
6b+ Mosjön Boulder 2017-04-29
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Mosjön
7a+ Mosjön Boulder 2017-04-29
Red point
Red point
Swinger Assis
7B Boulder at Mosjön
Sköna drag mellan crimpar på vertikal terräng. Rekommenderas. Något morpho kanske. Inte svårare än ståstarten men trevlig likväl.
7b Mosjön Boulder 2017-04-29
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Mosjön
Var mycket nära på flashen. Om problemet hade varit vackrare för ögat hade det varit tre stjärnor. Kändes ganska lätt för mig då den gick ner på andra, men då har man väl kanske blivit en takråtta efter en vinter på IKSU.
7b Mosjön Boulder 2017-04-26
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Mosjön
Megacool. Kändes hårt att ha krut till korsmovet men provade det där med full-crimp och det blev stor skillnad. First go utan tröja.
7c Mosjön Boulder 2017-04-26
Red point
Red point
Pau deluxe
6B Boulder at Burträsk
6b Burträsk Boulder 2017-04-21
6B Boulder at Burträsk
Plaskblöt som så många andra stenar denna dag. Jag gillar problem med många jämnhårda flytt, denna uppfyller detta kriterium.
6b Burträsk Boulder 2017-04-21
6C Boulder at Burträsk
Riktigt fin! Lyckades inte länka ihop med sittstarten, kändes pangtungt att jucka om vänsterhanden till sidepull efter första movet. Jag upplevde inte mantlingen som svår.
6c Burträsk Boulder 2017-04-21
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Rian
Nice crack.
6a+ Rian Boulder 2017-04-17
Ote jäi käteen
6A+ Boulder at Rian
High heel in the start, felt powerful for 6A+.
6a+ Rian Boulder 2017-04-17
Stening ss
6B Boulder at Rian
Harder start-move into easier ground, but high above ground.
6b Rian Boulder 2017-04-17
A Space Odyssey
6B+ Boulder at Rian
The start is cool but the finish lack proper holds.
6b+ Rian Boulder 2017-04-17
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Rian
I won the 8.5km runningrace Rialoppet in 2013. Felt great to now climb the route named after it.
6b+ Rian Boulder 2017-04-17
Pet Shop Boys
7B Boulder at Rian
Tried the standstart two years ago, couldnt do it and stretched my back trying it. Did the standstart last year with som struggles. Cruised the sitstart today, felt so easy. I guess its called progression :)
7b Rian Boulder 2017-04-17
Red point
Red point
Clockwork Orange
7B Boulder at Rian
First go. Superb line, really like the movements.
7a+ (7b) Rian Boulder 2017-04-17
Red point
Red point
Counter clockwork
7A Boulder at Rian
Nice line! Agree that the mantle on this one is slightly easier.
7a Rian Boulder 2017-04-17
The Stranger
6B Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Fint arete
6b Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2017-04-16
Red point
Red point
Naugthy Werner
6C+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Halvbitigt förstaflytt,sen blir det lite enklare.
6c+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2017-04-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
6C+/7A? Inte lika clean som Lion in Zion men väl värd variant ändå. Kanske krystat med korshandsstarten, men jag upplevde som det tillförde.
7a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2017-04-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A Boulder at Mosjön
Vågade inte göra ryggknäckarmovet på flashförsöket. Fick upp en padda där och då gick det fint.
7a Mosjön Boulder 2017-04-13
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Mosjön
Fräsiga former, körde utan padda i starten för att inte riskera dabb då det är ganska trångt.
7a Mosjön Boulder 2017-04-13
Sami Saying
7A+ Boulder at Mosjön
Flashpersonbästa. Ganska coolt gastoncatch på första flyttet.
7a (7a+) Mosjön Boulder 2017-04-13
Armstrong känner apan
6C Boulder at Krogberget
Kändes som en ganska naturlig och rolig variant. Kanske någon som redan gjort tidigare?
6c Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
(10) Enfingersproblemet
5+ Boulder at Krogberget
Någon enfingerpocket såg jag inte men ett långt och trevligt problem
5+ Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
(28) Psykomantlingen
6A Boulder at Krogberget
6a Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
(29) Slipstvång
5 Boulder at Krogberget
5 Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
(30) Hopp
5+ Boulder at Krogberget
6a (5+) Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
(30) Hopp Hopp
6B Boulder at Krogberget
Ganska rolig variant.
6b Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
(40) B52
6A Boulder at Krogberget
6a Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
(34) Stubbarêten
6A Boulder at Krogberget
Väldigt fin
6a Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
(32) Skuldre
6A Boulder at Krogberget
Långt gastonmove
6a+ (6a) Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
6C+ Boulder at Krogberget
Ganska fina flytt, synd att det är lite trångt i grytet.
6c+ Krogberget Boulder 2017-04-08
Red point
Red point
Okänd soldat SS
7B Boulder at i-20
60 rage-försök på 60minuter innan jag kritiskt granskade min beta. Flyttade upp vänsterfot till övre delen av listen och då gick var det lättare att fånga och man kunde få stöd med högerbenet. Lesson learned.
7b i-20 Boulder 2017-03-30
Red point
Red point
Black russian SS
7B+ Boulder at i-20
Jag var tvungen få högercrimpen bra för att kunna slunga mig upp till toppen. Föll ett flertal gånger på sista movet.
7b+ i-20 Boulder 2017-03-30
Red point
Red point
(18) Erst Bait
6A Boulder at Krogberget
6a Krogberget Boulder 2017-03-28
Red point
Red point
(35-18) First eight (after broken hold)
7A+ Boulder at Krogberget
Jimmys hälkroksbeta.
7a+ Krogberget Boulder 2017-03-28
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at i-20
Håller med om att denna start känns lättare än Starship. Fin!
7a+ i-20 Boulder 2017-03-27
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Mosjön
Very nice problem.
6c Mosjön Boulder 2017-03-22
Red point
Red point
Black Russian
7B Boulder at i-20
Utepremiär med trevligt sällskap. Använde "statiska" betan.
7b i-20 Boulder 2017-03-18
Red point
Red point
Angel Wing
6c Sport at Geyikbayırı
6c Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-07
Big Turkey
7b Sport at Geyikbayırı
2nd go. Brilliant steep first half into a more technical moves just before the anchor. Just missed the final pocket on the steep part on the onsight.
7b Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-07
Red point
Red point
Ya sabir
6a+ Sport at Geyikbayırı
Great route. Great.
6b (6a+) Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-07
6c+ Sport at Geyikbayırı
Pumpy, long and beautiful.
6c+ Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-07
7a+ Sport at Geyikbayırı
Short and not hard when u get the sequence.
7a+ Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-06
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Geyikbayırı
2nd go. Supercool moves on steep terrain. The hard part is pretty short but hard and then few meters of pumpy jugpulling.
7b+ Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-06
Red point
Red point
Demir Kazik
7b Sport at Geyikbayırı
Upper part was really hard to read and had to do some dynamic 50/50 moves.
7b Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-06
7a Sport at Geyikbayırı
Beautiful and varied. Bouldery start, tufas in the middle into a mantleproblem and then you finish it with som techy moves on vertical terrain.
7a Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-04
7a Sport at Geyikbayırı
Hard to onsight the bouldery start
7a Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-04
Drill Instructor
6c Sport at Geyikbayırı
Very technical, insecure feet and thin pockets. Felt solid 6c for me.
6c Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-03
Fenster Mit Aussicht
7b+ Sport at Geyikbayırı
Several very bouldery moves. Had to dig deep to catch those holds and send the route. 3rd go.
7b+ Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-03
Red point
Red point
Power slave
7b Sport at Geyikbayırı
Power-endurance, fell twice at the crux before sending it. Crimpy/pockets vertical into steep tufa and jugs.
7b Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-02
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Geyikbayırı
Was so close to fall on the vary last few moves but somehow screamed my way through it.
7a Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-02
6b Sport at Geyikbayırı
Pretty stout but after a polished start it gets better
6b Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-01
6c Sport at Geyikbayırı
Having a cold and felt so bad, probably easy for the grade, jugs all the way but I was still pumped and had to fight. Strongly recommended.
6c Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-01
7a Sport at Geyikbayırı
Beautiful, jugs almost all the way but they are well spaced. Was surprised when i reached the anchor not even pumped.
7a Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-01
7a Sport at Geyikbayırı
7a Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-01
7b Sport at Geyikbayırı
My first os of the grade, soft. The steep bouldery part in the middle i really had to fight for and do some dynamic moves.
7b Geyikbayırı Sport 2017-01-01
Banana Monster
6b+ Sport at Geyikbayırı
After a sharp and hard start it gets really good in the top even tough it feels harder than 6b+
6c (6b+) Geyikbayırı Sport 2016-12-30
Red point
Red point
Among Friends
6c Sport at Geyikbayırı
6c+ in guidebook. Steep finish that is really fun.
6c Geyikbayırı Sport 2016-12-30
Love and hate
6b Sport at Geyikbayırı
Fun steep start
6b Geyikbayırı Sport 2016-12-30
Lost in time
6a Sport at Geyikbayırı
6a+ (6a) Geyikbayırı Sport 2016-12-30
Starship troopers SS
7A+ Boulder at i-20
Fina jämna flytt.
7a+ i-20 Boulder 2016-10-20
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Ängesbyn
Climbs really well.
7a+ Ängesbyn Boulder 2016-10-15
Red point
Red point
The new fragrance fuck OFF
7B Boulder at Ängesbyn
Really nice problem with supercool moves on superb stone. A bit scary with two pads and no spotter.
7b Ängesbyn Boulder 2016-10-15
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Håkmark
6c Håkmark Boulder 2016-10-13
Red point
Red point
Lunacy has found us
7A Boulder at Håkmark
7a Håkmark Boulder 2016-10-13
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Håkmark
Fint problem, något märkligt att hyllan till höger ska vara utesluten vilket verkar vara fallet på de videobetor som finns sedan tidigare om man gräver på djupet på youtube.
7a Håkmark Boulder 2016-10-13
Red point
Red point
Standard Gravity
6B+ Boulder at Flurkmark
6b+ Flurkmark Boulder 2016-10-11
Right Here Right Now
6C+ Boulder at Flurkmark
6c+ Flurkmark Boulder 2016-10-11
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Flurkmark
Superfint problem.
7b Flurkmark Boulder 2016-10-11
Red point
Red point
Wild Boys in Tight Pants
6C+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Vacker highball, starten gör graden och sedan är andra halvan ca 6A där det gäller att ha tungan rätt i mun.
6c+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-10-09
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Chaos Pyramid
7A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Crimpa för livet är nyckeln. Coola flytt på en vacker sten.
7a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-10-09
Red point
Red point
Bananer i Pyjamas Superdirekt
7A+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Blir betydligt mer kroppsspänning och brant när man bara hänger på aretet. Mycket fin variant. Har svårt att gradera då jag har klättrat problemen på denna sten så många gånger.
7a+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-10-09
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Kompressionsstarten ger en handfull coola moves med häftiga hälkrokar. Alltid roligt när någon annan kommer och hittar en variant man själv inte tänkt på.
7a+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-10-09
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Oj vilken känsla att äntligen få ihop detta supercoola boulder. Ca 10 sessioner och ett hundratal försök på crux-movet som med min beta var att fånga en liten crimp några moves in efter starten. Trodde inte jag skulle lyckas få ihop den i år men efter mikroskjusteringar av kroppspositionen gick det bättre och bättre och till slut så kunde jag länka ihop hela problemet. Hoppas att problemet får vara intakt och inte några grepp lossnar för stenen är tyvärr lite rutten och under våren samlas det vatten vid starten. I övrigt är det ett fantastiskt problem som håller mycket hög norrlandsklass i min mening.
7c Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-10-07
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Ökberget
Ut ur grottan. Trevlig.
6a Ökberget Boulder 2016-10-05
Girighet ss
6B Boulder at Ökberget
Aggressiv. Körde högerhäl matcha högerhand efter sittstarten.
6b Ökberget Boulder 2016-10-05
7A Boulder at Ökberget
Inte säker på vilka startgreppen är. Tilltalande linje.
7a Ökberget Boulder 2016-10-05
Red point
Red point
Förträngningens Tider
7A Boulder at Ökberget
Kort och lurig. Höger hand upp till pinchen på aretet satt väldigt förvånande kvar.
7a Ökberget Boulder 2016-10-05
Red point
Red point
(35) Why wait?
7A Boulder at Krogberget
Riktigt roligt takproblem! Två intensiva sessioner i bra förhållanden. Använde annan beta än Jimmy. Höll mig mer till vänster under taket, 7B känns relevant med min beta också. Kört med tåkroksbetan direkt från start också.
7b (7a) Krogberget Boulder 2016-10-03
Red point
Red point
(13) Fanta & Rosé
5+ Boulder at Krogberget
Ganska hård sittstart för graden.
5+ Krogberget Boulder 2016-10-01
(15) Trix
5 Boulder at Krogberget
5 Krogberget Boulder 2016-10-01
(14) Alla Känner Apan
6A Boulder at Krogberget
Synd att man får stenen i facet, annars fin!
6a Krogberget Boulder 2016-10-01
(39) Armstrong
6B Boulder at Krogberget
6b Krogberget Boulder 2016-10-01
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Håkmark
Cleant arete, synd bara att det är 1.5m...
6b (6b+) Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-30
6B+ Boulder at Håkmark
Lurig och unik!
6b+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-30
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Håkmark
Fin! Gick ganska snabbt att nöta ner för mig. Bumpade vänsterhand direkt till skillnad från de flesta andra som gör ett flytt med höger hand och höger fot före.
7b Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-30
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Håkmark
Häftigt problem! Två sessioner. Jag använde samma beta som Erik Molin. Cruxet var att träffa högerhanden bra när man bumpade den längs med railen och samtidigt inte svinga ut. För lite referenser för att bekräfta eller dementera grad.
7b+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-30
Red point
Red point
The Bully
4+ Boulder at Håkmark
4+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
5 Boulder at Håkmark
Hård för graden men fin.
5+ (5) Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
Match Point
6A Boulder at Håkmark
Ganska långt från sittstarten till något uppenbart grepp? Kändes hårt.
6a+ (6a) Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
Red point
Red point
God Bless This Mess
6A+ Boulder at Håkmark
Mycket möjligt att jag startade längre till höger än vad som är tänkt. Hade vänster hand på sloper och ställde mig upp.
6a+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
The generation that didn't agree
6A+ Boulder at Håkmark
Mycket oklart över hur denna går. Upp på vänster sida aretet eller följa aretet mot höger? Jag gjorde det senare alternativet.
6a+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
6A Boulder at Håkmark
6a Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
4+ Boulder at Håkmark
I föraren står Välhängd som 6B och jag tyckte det kändes som korrekt grad om man startade vid siffran. Fanns bara upplagd som en 4+ på 27crags tidigare och vet ej om det är samma variant. Jag startade med vänster hand i crimp och höger hand i crimp också ganska nära siffran.
6b (4+) Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Håkmark
5 Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
Hål i dig
4 Boulder at Håkmark
Svårare än grannen till vänster
5+ (4) Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
5 Boulder at Håkmark
5 Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
6A+ Boulder at Håkmark
Alltid svårt att veta på sådana här problem hur långt åt vänster man får hålla sig. Jag uteslöt aretet till crimpen där stenen är belkare som är där aretet rundar av.
6a+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
6A Boulder at Håkmark
Lite lurig, kan vara svårt hitta vilka fötter man ska stå på.
6a Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
6A+ Boulder at Håkmark
Mantlingen var överraskande svår. Skickade från crimparna bredvid de två stora sidepullsen.
6a+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
Til' We Collapse
6C+ Boulder at Håkmark
Skickade från lite längre till höger på crimplisten på denna jämfört med the Pledge. Riktigt fin denna också.
6c+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
Red point
Red point
The Pledge
7A Boulder at Håkmark
Mycket fin. Cruxet för mig var att matcha crimparna, med bra hud och friktion gick det betydligt lättare. Känns som solid 7A trots så många ascents som ofta brukar innebär att något är soft i graden.
7a Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-25
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Håkmark
6a Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-17
4 Boulder at Håkmark
I föraren är denna 4 och den till höger 3, vilket jag håller med om.
4 Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-17
Higher than hope
4 Boulder at Håkmark
4 Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-17
Random wounds
5+ Boulder at Håkmark
Något svårt med balansen i första movet.
5+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-17
Plastisk gymnastik
6C Boulder at Håkmark
Alltid kul med dyno! Där linjen på denna bild startar hade jag höger hand och vänster hand något till vänster i sprickan, ganska uppenbar incut-jugg där man fångar vid toppen.
6c Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-17
Red point
Red point
Kung Tung
6C Boulder at Håkmark
Lurigare än vad man tror vid första ögonkastet, men med rätt fotbeta går det betydligt enklare.
6b+ (6c) Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-17
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Håkmark
Kalasfin, inget move är särskilt svårt men det bygger upp en del pump till de sista dynamiska flytten. Kändes lite soft för mig men då har man ju en del pumpträning i bagaget.
7a Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-17
Red point
Red point
4 Boulder at Håkmark
4 Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
Focus puller
4+ Boulder at Håkmark
4+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
5 Boulder at Håkmark
5 Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
It's a trap
4+ Boulder at Håkmark
Roligt att området har så många fina i de lägre graderna!
4+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
4+ Boulder at Håkmark
4+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
Lätt som en plätt
4+ Boulder at Håkmark
4+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
5 Boulder at Håkmark
5 Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
Kanisku Nuusko
5+ Boulder at Håkmark
5+ Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
6A+ Boulder at Håkmark
2nd go. Kändes lika svår som Aska.
6b (6a+) Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Håkmark
Fina flytt till tung gangsterrapp. Viktor gav flashbetan.
6b (6b+) Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-14
6A Boulder at Håkmark
Går att starta inne hörnet också så får man ett till långt flytt.
6a Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-08
6B Boulder at Håkmark
Fin men crimptung
6b+ (6b) Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-08
Red point
Red point
Hunden Försvann
6B Boulder at Håkmark
Trodde det var högerhand på sidepullen längre ner så fick slita lite med första flyttet.
6b Håkmark Boulder 2016-09-08
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at i-20
Blev lättare om man startade med vänster hand i det som känns som det naturliga "högerhandsgreppet".
6b i-20 Boulder 2016-09-05
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at i-20
Crimpig för graden. Tick nummer 500.
6b+ (6b) i-20 Boulder 2016-09-05
Red point
Red point
Puff the Magic Dragon
6A Boulder at Ökberget
6a+ (6a) Ökberget Boulder 2016-09-03
Red point
Red point
Fresh Fight
6B+ Boulder at Ökberget
Väldigt fin.
6b (6b+) Ökberget Boulder 2016-09-03
Förr i tiden var jag dum i huvudet nå jävulskt
6A Boulder at Ökberget
6a Ökberget Boulder 2016-09-03
6A+ Boulder at Ökberget
6a+ Ökberget Boulder 2016-09-03
? (nr 25, Thaitaket)
6A Boulder at Ökberget
6a Ökberget Boulder 2016-09-03
Farbror Fit
6B Boulder at Ökberget
Bred start. Sista flyttet upp till toppen blir campusaktigt.
6b Ökberget Boulder 2016-09-03
Red point
Red point
Dubbelt upp
5+ Boulder at Ökberget
6a (5+) Ökberget Boulder 2016-09-03
Lust Begär, Sociala Besvär
6B Boulder at Ökberget
Kanoners. Sköna jämna flytt.
6b Ökberget Boulder 2016-09-03
7A Boulder at Ökberget
Härliga kompressionsflytt.
7a Ökberget Boulder 2016-09-03
Red point
Red point
(13) Sidewinder
6a+ Sport at TKAK
Kort men med sköna flytt.
6a (6a+) TKAK Sport 2016-08-25
(6) Unforseen consequences
7b Sport at TKAK
Tuff bouldrig start med en relativt ihållande klättring upp till hyllan sedan enklare men fina flytt.
7b TKAK Sport 2016-08-25
Red point
Red point
(10-9-8) Lugnet
6c+ Sport at TKAK
Very fun route. Reachy startmoves into some sustained climbing which will build some pump. 2nd go.
6c+ TKAK Sport 2016-08-19
Red point
Red point
6b+ Sport at Brattberget
Wow! If this one doesnt deserve 3 starts I dont know what does... 30m of sustained climbing on a variety of holds. Cracks, layback, crimps, jugs, mantle. If it would only be one route in the world this one would be the one. The moves are easier than on most 6b+.
6b (6b+) Brattberget Sport 2016-08-17
Vanilla rush
6c Sport at Brattberget
Long and cool. The crux was way harder than its neighbour Magnolia.
6c Brattberget Sport 2016-08-17
Tommy the cat
6b+ Sport at Midskogsberget
Did it as part of supercat. Supernice.
6b (6b+) Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-17
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at Midskogsberget
You start of with a 6a route before entering the crux which is in itself maybe a 6b boulder with an uncontinuous function of hardness depending on your reach. My 180cm armspan was just enough to do the move without having to use the same kind of Dyno as Tommy Caldwell on The Dawn Wall. You finish with a very awesome 6b+ route which is the most beautiful part of the climb, long moves between flakes and jugs on just above vertical.
7a+ Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-17
Red point
Red point
Bara bult
5 Sport at Midskogsberget
Technical. Nice
5 Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-16
5 Sport at Midskogsberget
Beautiful and long but I think the crux was hard for the grade.
5+ (5) Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-16
Blixt Gordon
6b Sport at Midskogsberget
Fun climbing with cool moves at the crux.
6b Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-16
Dé vete faan
6c Sport at Midskogsberget
Technical. Was so close to a proud onsight of this technical testpiece, fell off unexpectadly in the summer heat after clipping the last bolt. Climbs very well.
6c Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-16
Red point
Red point
Bits inte
7a Sport at Midskogsberget
One move wonder. 6b boulder into a 6a+ route maybe. The move felt very hard initially. Used dyno from the angled crimps.
6c+ (7a) Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-16
Red point
Red point
6a Sport at Midskogsberget
6a Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-15
6a Sport at Midskogsberget
Thought of this one as a nice warmup, turned out not to be. The start is a 6a boulder itself, at least without "secret beta". The finish isnt easy either. Not a good lead-climb for a 6a-climber I can imagine. I guess I am making a statement with the gradeopinion ;)
6b+ (6a) Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-15
Mer olja än mellanöstern
6c Sport at Midskogsberget
Short but worthy. Fun.
6b+ (6c) Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-15
Born this way
6c+ Sport at Midskogsberget
Nicer than it looks. Cool moves at the start with a interesting crux at the top which is very hard to read.
6c+ Midskogsberget Sport 2016-08-15
Red point
Red point
Street Legal
5 Boulder at Burträsk
5+ (5) Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
5 Boulder at Burträsk
5 Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
Crispy fingers
6A Boulder at Burträsk
6a Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
6A Boulder at Burträsk
5+ (6a) Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
Nice ass problem
6A+ Boulder at Burträsk
6a (6a+) Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
Changing of the guards
6A+ Boulder at Burträsk
Jag tycker denna var lite lurig eller så var det min beta som inte levererade.
6b (6a+) Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
Red point
Red point
Burträsk drew first blood
6B Boulder at Burträsk
Fint problem, första flyttet är cruxet och jag hade precis längden för att göra det med vänsterfoten på steget långt in under tak.
6a+ (6b) Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
6C Boulder at Burträsk
Härliga flytt. En eloge till borstanförarna här i Burträsk då jag vet hur jävlig den här typen av sten är att borsta.
6c Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
7A Boulder at Burträsk
2nd go. Supersköna flytt. Första flyttet hårdast för mig.
7a Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
Red point
Red point
Golden Canyon
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Kalaslinje. Inte ofta man får ta sig an ett sånt här takproblem utomhus. Kan tänka mig att de kortare individerna får det svårare på denna. Superkul!
7a Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Burträsk
Oj så fin. Amazing line on amazing rock. Burträsk is great.
6c+ (7a) Burträsk Boulder 2016-08-12
7A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
6C+/7A? , the move felt very long before I found right footbeta. Ended up using the same as for Vilde Vincent with my left foot toehooking around the arete.
7a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-08-08
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Jävre Högberget
Very unique and cool problem. Acrobatic.
6c+ Jävre Högberget Boulder 2016-08-05
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Jävre Högberget
Beautiful rock. Powerful moves on slopers.
6c+ (7a) Jävre Högberget Boulder 2016-08-05
Red point
Red point
Funky Child
6B+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Another amazing line on superb stone.
6b+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-08-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
Funky Child 1/2
6A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
5B-6A+ depending on who u are.
6a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-08-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
Lion in Zion
7A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Very fun and superb rockquality. Awesome moves that will make you leave the crag with a smile on your face.
7a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-08-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
6A+ Boulder at Stenarna
6a (6a+) Stenarna Boulder 2016-08-01
No dancing
5 Boulder at Stenarna
Kort, lätt men ack så guld värt att någon borstar upp problem likt detta så det finns något för alla att klättra
5 Stenarna Boulder 2016-08-01
6B Boulder at Stenarna
Skön kvalitet på klippan, en sån här pärla förtjänar väl ändå ett namn? ;)
6a+ (6b) Stenarna Boulder 2016-08-01
Tiny Dancer
6A Boulder at Stenarna
Tekniskt avslut med stämmteknik involverat
6a Stenarna Boulder 2016-08-01
Dirty dancer
6A Boulder at Stenarna
6a Stenarna Boulder 2016-08-01
Finska rycket
6A Boulder at Stenarna
6a Stenarna Boulder 2016-08-01
Red point
Red point
Homo Erectus
5+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
5+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-07-04
FA Flash
FA Flash
Funky Pants
7A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
So funky problem, love it! Maybe just a 6B movewise but since it is so long and incredibly awesome I dare to give it a slightly harder grade. Edit: In hindsight I think it is more than 6C. Really good one and memorable ascent. Increase the grade from 6C to 7A 2022.
7a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-07-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Balancy and the arete is just below the angle where you can hold on to it.
6b Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-07-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
5+ Boulder at Gaisenjarga
7m slab!
5+ Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-02
Lilla rädda nalle
6A Boulder at Gaisenjarga
6a Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-02
6A Boulder at Gaisenjarga
5+ (6a) Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-02
Inte så lätt ändå
6B Boulder at Gaisenjarga
6b Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-02
Red point
Red point
Hotell Deluxe
6A Boulder at Gaisenjarga
6a Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-02
Wall of Doom
5 Boulder at Gaisenjarga
5 Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-01
Epidote SS
6C Boulder at Gaisenjarga
Very fun!
6c Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-01
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Gaisenjarga
5+ Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-01
6C Boulder at Gaisenjarga
Very technical and fun and quite high!
6c Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-01
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Gaisenjarga
6a+ (6b) Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-01
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Gaisenjarga
6b+ Gaisenjarga Boulder 2016-07-01
Red point
Red point
Pomperipossa, even longer
6B Boulder at Jävre Högberget
Year-flash! I like this one, low traverse with heelhooks and crossing hands. Dynamic move to the top and a fun mantle.
6b Jävre Högberget Boulder 2016-06-28
Red point
Red point
Aurora ss
7A Boulder at Jävre Högberget
Didnt think it would be sent today, warm and humid. Many different ways of doing the crux i think. Powerful and technical
7a Jävre Högberget Boulder 2016-06-28
Red point
Red point
6b+ Sport at Hundberget
A rarity, cool looking and very technical!
6b+ Hundberget Sport 2016-06-26
Red point
Red point
Harry Potter
6a+ Sport at Åbergsfortet
Cool with the slab at the end
6a+ Åbergsfortet Sport 2016-06-25
6b Sport at Åbergsfortet
One of the best at the crag.
6b Åbergsfortet Sport 2016-06-25
6A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Nice slabproblem :)
6a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-06-15
FA Flash
FA Flash
Mindre Riskabel
5 Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
5 Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-06-15
FA Flash
FA Flash
7a+ Sport at Falkberget, Luleå
Really enjoyed this route. Some technical sequences on small holds and tiny feet.
7a+ Falkberget, Luleå Sport 2016-06-05
Red point
Red point
Hon är en Runaway
5 Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
5 Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-06-01
FA Flash
FA Flash
Dr. Sorkkarauta
7a Sport at Falkberget, Luleå
Pumpy, long and technical! The start has the hardest moves and then the pump builds up as you reach greater heights.
7a Falkberget, Luleå Sport 2016-05-29
Red point
Red point
Sharkfin assis
6C Boulder at Hundberget
Climbs better than it looks like. You need to have some willpower to get up this one.
6c Hundberget Boulder 2016-05-25
Red point
Red point
No Chicken
6B Boulder at Hundberget
Nice balancy problem! I entered "Honnold-mode" on the mantle.
6b Hundberget Boulder 2016-05-25
Kusin Dioxin
6C Boulder at Hundberget
Enjoyable and fairly estetic line tough you can do the finish in many ways. The foothold-flake in the start was very loose.
6c Hundberget Boulder 2016-05-25
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Pretty cool line with very obvious holds on the blank face. Unique. Dont know about the grade. Only one move that is very powerful. Edit: Upgraded from 6C to 7A in 2022 since no repeats in 6 years.
7a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Dynamic moves are always appreciated
6b Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-18
FA Red point
FA Red point
6A+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Trickier than it looks like!
6a+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-12
FA Red point
FA Red point
4+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
A bit chossy and mossy but big holds and good landing :)
4+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-12
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
Flykten från Arnemark
5+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
5+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-12
FA Flash
FA Flash
Katten Krum
6B+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
6b+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-08
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Jag har Syfilis
5+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
5+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
Bullbakarens Hemlighet
4+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
4+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-08
FA Flash
FA Flash
7b Sport at Falkberget, Piteå
Looks beautiful on the wall. Climbs pretty well aswell. Feels a bit old-school for some reason with technical moves with your feet on small edges.
7b Falkberget, Piteå Sport 2016-05-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
6A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Beautiful arete
6a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
5+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
5+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-05
FA Flash
FA Flash
Kopparnäs stolthet
5 Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
The rock reminds me of Ängesbyn.
5 Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-05
FA Flash
FA Flash
Vilde Vincent
6C Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Very nice problem.
6c Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-05
FA Red point
FA Red point
Jörgen Kruth är Slut
6C Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Really nice dyno. Recommended!
7a (6c) Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-05-05
Red point
Red point
Bananer i Baddräkt
7A+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
So beautiful and climbs so well with so many various moves.
7a+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-04-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
Vänlige Werner
6B Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Cool-featured stone that is just about right height and pretty obvious holds.
6b Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-04-24
Red point
Red point
Vänlige Werner Direct
6A+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Nice hand-jam :)
6a+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-04-24
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
6C Boulder at Rian
Climbs really well. Technical!
6c Rian Boulder 2016-04-23
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Rian
The mantle was interesting. Nice problem :)
7a Rian Boulder 2016-04-23
Red point
Red point
Soft Boys
7A+ Boulder at Rian
Stretched my back last year on this one, better luck this year! Beautiful line
7a+ Rian Boulder 2016-04-23
Red point
Red point
Kapten Hälkrok
6C Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
6c Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-04-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Powerful startmove onto two small crimps. Felt harder than the grade for some time but once i got the beta right it went down easier.
6b+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-04-11
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Bananer i Pyjamas
7A Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
This one is really beautiful with a lot of moves. You traverse under the roof with crimps and heelhooks.
7a Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2016-04-11
Red point
Red point
6a+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
6a+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Moon Base Alpha
6a+ (5+) Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter
6b (6a) Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Lunar Leopard
6b+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Teenage Mutant
4+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
5+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
6a Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
6a Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Fire Bug Pete
5+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Turtle Power
6b+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Ro Shambo
5+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Total Energy
6b Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Power Pack
6a+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Al Fresco
5 (4+) Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Bonne Anne
6a+ (5+) Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Safe Playing
6b (6a+) Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Sun Strike
6c (6b+) Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Red point
Red point
6a+ Froggatt Edge, New Zealand Sport 2016-02-25
Fearless Vampire Killers
6b Sport at Paynes Ford
3 bolts, 18m. Fearless vampire killers dont need bolts i suppose
6b Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-25
The Bell Ringer
4 Sport at Paynes Ford
4 Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Mind the Hebes
4 Sport at Paynes Ford
4 Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Wobbly Bits
4 Sport at Paynes Ford
4 Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Lucy in the Sky with Prismatic Raindrops
4+ Sport at Paynes Ford
4+ Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
The Wrong Trousers
5 Sport at Paynes Ford
5 Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Ecological Itch
5 Sport at Paynes Ford
5 Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
5+ Sport at Paynes Ford
5+ Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Lost Soul
6c Sport at Paynes Ford
6c Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Red point
Red point
Candy Man
6a Sport at Paynes Ford
6a+ (6a) Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Jerry Garcia
5+ Sport at Paynes Ford
5+ Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Space Invaders
6b Sport at Paynes Ford
6b Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Bilbo's Great Adventure
6b+ Sport at Paynes Ford
6c (6b+) Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Temples of Stone
6a Sport at Paynes Ford
6a+ (6a) Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Elvis lives in Takaka
6a Sport at Paynes Ford
6a+ (6a) Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Golden Years
5 Sport at Paynes Ford
5 Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Good Bye Cream-Poofters
6a Sport at Paynes Ford
6a Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
5 Sport at Paynes Ford
5+ (5) Paynes Ford Sport 2016-02-10
Rusty pins
6a+ Sport at Wanaka
6a+ Wanaka Sport 2016-02-01
Lincoln Blondes Have More Fun
5+ Sport at Wanaka
5+ Wanaka Sport 2016-02-01
Girl Trouble
6a Sport at Wanaka
6a Wanaka Sport 2016-02-01
Jock the Frotterer
6a Sport at Wanaka
6a Wanaka Sport 2016-02-01
Practicing Arms
6b Partially... at Wanaka
6b Wanaka Partially... 2016-02-01
5+ Boulder at Wanaka
5+ Wanaka Boulder 2016-02-01
The colonel's secret
6c Sport at Wanaka
6c Wanaka Sport 2016-02-01
Red point
Red point
Kitty porn L:1
7b+ Sport at Tonsai
Ten or fifteen goes or something. Cool dyno in the middle and some fingery balancy moves at the crux traverse where i pumped out several times due to the powerful sustained moves.
7b+ Tonsai Sport 2016-01-01
Red point
Red point
Aer Und schteil
7a Sport at Tonsai
Hard crux move with dynamic move from sloper and tiny pocket, rest is easier.
7a Tonsai Sport 2016-01-01
Red point
Red point
April Fools
7b Sport at Tonsai
Long overhanging route, awesome. Really liked it, didnt feel that hard to me but it is totally my style of climbing
7a+ (7b) Tonsai Sport 2016-01-01
Red point
Red point
Space Head Gone Ape
6b Sport at Railay
6b in guidebook, fun tufaclimb
6b Railay Sport 2015-12-30
Tongue Thaid L:1
7a+ Sport at Railay
2nd go, was very close on the onsight, really liked the climbing!
7a (7a+) Railay Sport 2015-12-30
Red point
Red point
Gengis Bond
6b Sport at Railay
Never ending sustained 6b! Awesome
6b Railay Sport 2015-12-30
Trade Winds
7a+ Sport at Tonsai
Nice moves between big polished pockets, fun!
7a (7a+) Tonsai Sport 2015-12-29
Red point
Red point
New Line
6b Sport at Tonsai
Hard cruxmove for the grade
6b Tonsai Sport 2015-12-29
Made In Spain
6a+ Sport at Tonsai
Very fun climbing , one of the best for the grade!
6b (6a+) Tonsai Sport 2015-12-29
5D Mak Mak
6c Sport at Tonsai
Hard onsight. Fun climbing!
6c+ (6c) Tonsai Sport 2015-12-29
Big Wave L:2
6b Sport at Tonsai
Great sustained route. Every pitch is great except for first one.
6b Tonsai Sport 2015-12-27
On The Terrace
6b+ Sport at Tonsai
Technical and exposed. Liked it.
6c (6b+) Tonsai Sport 2015-12-26
Good Medicine
6c+ Sport at Tonsai
Hard to onsight since the crux is hard to read from below the bulge. Like a 6a+ route with a 6A boulder in the middle
6c (6c+) Tonsai Sport 2015-12-26
Red point
Red point
Mutual Of Omaha
6c Sport at Tonsai
Pumpfest even tough it is jugs alll the way.
6c Tonsai Sport 2015-12-25
Devil Cat
6b Sport at Tonsai
6b Tonsai Sport 2015-12-25
The Cat And The Cobra
6b Sport at Tonsai
6b Tonsai Sport 2015-12-25
Freedom Safari
7a Sport at Tonsai
2nd go, "crux" right by the anchor after 20m juggsafari on overhang, great fun
7a Tonsai Sport 2015-12-21
Red point
Red point
No Name 🚫
6b Sport at Railay
Soft but still some nice climbing
6a (6b) Railay Sport 2015-12-20
Best Route In Minnesota
6c Sport at Railay
Beautiful, long, varied and esthetic. 13 boltd snd not 10 like the guidebook suggests...
6c Railay Sport 2015-12-20
Don't Grab The Krabi
7a+ Sport at Railay
One move wonder at the top that feels a bit commiting with bolt at your feet that you step up very high and do a dynamic move. Still a cool move that is very rewarding to catch. When you know how to perform the move the grade feels soft in my opinion
6c+ (7a+) Railay Sport 2015-12-20
Red point
Red point
Missing Snow
6b+ Sport at Tonsai
Beautiful line with some good holds and polished feet, definitely a 6b+ to me
6b+ Tonsai Sport 2015-12-19
Babes In Thailand
7a Sport at Tonsai
2nd go, niice one!
7a Tonsai Sport 2015-12-15
Red point
Red point
Bottom Feeder L:1
6b Sport at Railay
Not any easier than the 6cs i think, bolt line bit to the left och the climb but still a pretty good route overall
6b+ (6b) Railay Sport 2015-12-13
Monkey's Bum
6b Sport at Railay
Crux not harder than its neighbour i think
6b Railay Sport 2015-12-13
Babo Does Thailand
6c Sport at Railay
Wonderful route, completely varied and long jugswings at top!
6b+ (6c) Railay Sport 2015-12-13
Medusas's Lover
6c Sport at Railay
Soft but very very fun!
6b (6c) Railay Sport 2015-12-13
6c Sport at Railay
6c Railay Sport 2015-12-13
Nut Crakcer
6c Sport at Railay
Balancy traverse, thin holds at the top
6c Railay Sport 2015-12-13
Lom Mon (Cyclone)
7a Sport at Railay
Awesome long route, hard crux but the rest is a pleasure
7a Railay Sport 2015-12-13
Red point
Red point
Australian Invasion
6b Sport at Tonsai
6b Tonsai Sport 2015-12-10